July 15, 2014

How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Send Sona Mathews an email at sonamthews40@gmail.com

Linking Google Analytics with Google Adsense to track CPC

To track the Google Adsense from Google Analytics account then login into account and follow these steps one by one.

Step 1:
Login into Google Analytics .

Step 2:
Click on Admin.
How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Step 3:-
Click on Adsense Linking

How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

 Step 4:-
Click on Link Accounts. A new window will open to let you choose primary analytic property.If you are using only analytic property on site then it will be selected automatically.

Step 5:-
Click on Continue.A new window will logged you into Google Analytics account. (Note you should have Administrator access)

Step 6:-
Open the settings by click on the Gear

Step 7:-
Click on the Google Analytics Integration

Step 8:-
Click on the button which Google Analytic property you wish to link
Now you have linked Google analytic with Google Adsense.

Wait for soem time and then open Google Analytics and then click on Adsense in Reporting->Behavior.

 Some issue that you may face while linking.

  • You may not get all the reporting of all the pages on due to not adding the Google analytics code to those pages.
  • Check whether linked with right account or not!

Final Words:

Posts which are getting good CPC, try to increase traffic on those posts.