What is CTR in Google Adsense : eAskme |
What is CTR ?
CTR (Click Through Rate), means Number of click on ads deivided by number of pageviews.
It is % of number of clicks on advertisement and number of impressions.
CTR = Number of clicks/Number of Impressions.
CTR%=Number of clicks/# of Impressions.
What is CTR in Google Adsense ?
To make it simple, if ad on your blog or website seen by 100 visitors abd got 4 clicks then your CTR is 4% that shows CTR is percentage of better advertisement. So I advice that you place ad where it is easy to view and click.
Bloggers usually ask what is good CTR and getting good clicks but low revenue. Always remember that too many clicks never guarantee good income, but the targeted ads that give good PPC. Blog articles and posts with high CPC generate more revenue even wil less clicks.
You can also refer this topic on problogger to know what is good CTR.
I will be showing more details on Adsense to make adsense experience better.