November 13, 2014

5 Dynamic Ways To Promote Your Blog for Free

Bloggers should always know the promotional techniques for blog or site promotion and also look for more tips and advices to take it to next level.  Promotion is very important to stand in virtual world. So today we talk about some extra free ways to advertise and promote your blog.

Today I share some crazy stuff that I do to promote blog.  Let`s see the how you promote blog for free and effectively.

Free Ways to Promote Blog : eAskme
5 Dynamic Ways To Promote Your Blog for Free : eAskme

5 Ways for Free Blogg Promotion Which You not Thinking of:

Use Facebook Covers:

Facebook cover picture feature is a great way to place your blog in an eye catching place on profiles. you can use any pic as cover pic to display. So it is good to advertise on that area.

Create a professional cover picture with blog address and add that as cover picture.

  • Use professional facebook Cover pic
  • Share that image with your facebook friends.
  • Use this picture on facebook groups.
See this : 5 Websites to Create a Cartoon Character of Yourself 


When you see some awesome article on any site or blog and you like it, then it is good to comment to appreciate that article and indulge in discussion. You can also see some awesome comments that take your interest.

Always target authority blog, use following features when you make comment on any post:
  • Wish
  • Talk about article
  • Critisize
  • Find something new
  • Congratulae,
  • Say something cool
See : Join eAskme 

Share Music:

Sharing music can be awesome way to promote your blog or website.
  • Before sharing music make some changes in mp3 files. 
  • First add your site name and logo.
  • Create 250*250 image to add on mp3 song.
So every-time someone play that song, the image you have added will show on the screen.

See : Invaluable Blog Writing Tips

Video Watermarking:

Video Watermarking : eAskme
Video Watermarking : eAskme
This work also like sharing songs. You can download any free watermarking software available online. Show your blog address as transparent watermark and do this on all of your videos. This is an awesome way to promote your blog with video files.

Show Your Blog address as transparent watermark at side of the video. This is awesome way to promote your site or blog.

Hit the Public:

We all know that there are whole world out of the virtual world. Use paint and scratch tools to promote your blog.

Advertise on public places. Where hundreds of people walk and it grab their attention.
Scratch walls.
Scratch public Toilets.
Paint in awesome styles.
Scratch Busses.

Always remember that you should Never destroy public property as this can cause to to go behind the bars.

Do share your views about what you like in this article. IF you like this article do share on Twitter and Google Plus.