August 13, 2015

Interview with Christopher Jan Benitez (Content Marketer): Journey of a Professional Blogger

Today I am going to introduce you with one more power blogger Christopher Jan Benitez. Interviews are the great way to know person, his struggle, life journey and achievements. It make all of us strong and also give inspiration to create our own world of happiness.

This is the 25nd edition of powerful, successful and inspirational interviews in the series of Journey of a Professional Blogger, interviews on
  1. Interview with Cendrine Marrouat
  2. Interview with Dana Sibilsky
  3. Interview with Rene Rude
  4. Interview with Anum Yoon
  5. Interview with Okiemute Omuta
  6. Interview with Kristin
  7. Interview with Priya Sharma
  8. Interview with Lukasz Zelezny
  9. Interview with Angela Alcorn
  10. Interview with Vinton Samms
  11. Interview with Leticia Perez
  12. Interview with Jennifer Peaslee
  13. Interview with Kari
  14. Interview with Deborah
  15. Interview with David Leonhardt
  16. Interview with Marisa Sanfilippo
  17. Interview with>Sasidhar Kareti
  18. Interview withRomano
  19. Interview withSteve Counsell
  20. Interview withAlex Young
  21. Interview with Paul Manwaring
  22. Interview with Sef
  23. Interview with Maxwell Ivey
  24. Interview with Sarah Taher
Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Christopher Jan Benitez (Content Marketer) of (christopherjanb).

Interview with Christopher Jan Benitez (Content Marketer) : Journey of a Professional Blogger
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Q. Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging?

Ans: I started a personal blog in late 2005. I mostly used the blog to vent out and express feelings and emotions that I wouldn't say out loud. It was only when I started working as a professional content writer that I understood how to blog not only for an audience, but also to earn money.

Back then, I had no experience in marketing. I had no idea how to drive traffic to my posts or promote it using social channels. I was more concerned with how the post reads and feels. That's great and all, but without a readership to tap into, I'm just talking to myself in my blog.

It is through the discover of tactics like SEO and social media in my job did I get the full understanding of what it means to become a blogger. It is not just writing your thoughts and hoping something stumbles on your blog and feels the same way. It is about publishing and content and reach out to fellow bloggers to share your posts with them. It is through engagement and active participation in the community that makes a blogger unique compared to other forms of writing.

It is because of these activities that have made me fall in love with blogger and turned it into a profession.

Q How the idea to make your own blog came in your mind? How you found the right people to develop it and what big obstacles you faced?

Ans : I actually started taking my professional blog serious just recently. I was busy writing for different publications so I can earn money. And that's when it hit me -- I was too busy writing for different blogs every day but I can't write a post on my own blog? I love what I'm doing for my clients, but if I can't show to other clients that I also write on my own blog, then I feel that I'm not exerting effort to become a blogger.

To help me create content for my blog, I enlisted the help of MyBlogU to help me come up with ideas and topics on what to learn. I also read resources from NicheHacks to help me narrow down the topic for my blog. Also, I read the posts from my awesome team members at NicheHacks who have helped me in upgrading my style of writing to make more quality posts for my audience.

Factoring all these things together, I was able to start a blog that focuses on guest blogging and relationship building ( The topic allows me to play with my strengths (guest blogging) while also building up my other skills (improving my ability to build relationships with other bloggers and influiencers).

Q. Can blogging really change someone`s life?

Ans: Yes! In my experience, it is through blogging that I was able to get in touch with my thoughts and reflect on the things I have been doing in general. Blogging allowed me to articulate the muddled feelings an gave light to things I didn't understand before. As a result, I was able to be at peace with myself and learn to appreciate the things around me.

As a professional blogger, I strive to share what blogging has done for me and my live by providing readers with the best possible content with vigour and excitement. Hopefully, the content I produce can also change the live of others just as much as it's changed mine.

Q.  What are your favorite Internet marketing tools?

Ans: I love using BuzzStream as a way to reach out to bloggers and influencer within my niche. It also helps me organize my contacts and nurture my relationship with them. Another tool I love using is Grammarly, which is not an Internet marketing tool in the strictest sense. But since communication is the foundation of all relationships built online, Grammarly helps me shape up my grammar and sentence structure to produce more intelligible content to people.

Also See : How to Improve English Grammar For Bloggers

Q. What is your daily schedule? And how do you maintain your tasks?

Ans: I wake up at 7AM to prepare for work. In between my working hours, I also play with my 11-month old daughter to keep me sane and break the monotony. To get things done faster, I use Toggle to track down my hours and make the most out of the available time during the day.

Q. Blogging have different definition for different person. What is it for you?

Ans: Blogging is the ability to communicate ideas in an effective manner and form relationships with the content you publish. The world has gotten smaller because of the online tools made available so we can share our ideas to others. Blogging is one of these tools that allows us to connect and stay connected, regardless of distance. It is also a tool to meet like-minded people for us to connect and engage with, as well as find new ideas to get excited above. Assuming that ideas and shared correctly and responsibly, blogging provides us the opportunity to constantly share, learn, and live experiences.

Q. Which are your favorite blogs?

Ans: I love reading Neil Patel's blogs (his personal blog, KISSmetrics, QuickSprout). I am also a fan of Kevan Lee's work in Buffer. Digital Marketer and Backlinko are other blogs I've just starting reading recently, both of which are amazing.  Outside the realm of internet marketing, I love reading Grantland's The Masked Man for my dose of pro wrestling insights.

Also See : Best 50 Blogs you should follow
Q.  How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog?

Ans: I follow the 20/80 rule that was fleshed out by Derek Halpern of Social Trigger. 20% of your time should be spent writing the content and the 80% is dedicated for promoting it. I use different promotional tactics such as social media sharing, blogger outreach, email marketing, and online communities to get my post exposed to my intended audience as possible.

Q. How much time do you spend for blogging daily?

Ans: I spend 7-9 hours blogging. As mentioned earlier, I write for different publications and constantly strive to produce high-quality content that is on par with the expectations of my readers. I write for at least 2 blogs a day (not including my own). It's difficult, but I love doing what I'm doing so there's really nothing to complain here.

Q.  Finally, I would love to have your message for my readers and any suggestions for newbies?

Ans: My first prior task is to write not for search engines to increase my website rankings, but for readers to give them interesting and useful content that helps me to drive organic traffic and build up a brand awareness among readers and bloggers. The interaction with readers after posting content is my second task to create a good relation with each one and create all premises to come back them and read more useful content

Don`t forget to share about  Christopher Jan Benitez (Content Marketer)  on your social profiles. If you want me to Publish your  interview, feel free to contact me.

Man Behind eAskme


Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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