July 15, 2014

How To Add & verify Google Analytics on Blogger Blog

Google Analytics

To track all the Traffic Stats to the website it is important to add Google Analytics to the Blogger Blog  .Here, you will know how to use it for the Blogger Blog.To be successful in Blogging, you need to analyse your Blog or Website and make necessary changes in order to reach your goal either it Sales or Traffic.It's easy to add Google Analytics to Blogger Blog by adding Google Analytics Code to your Blog.

How to Add Google Analytics to Blog/Website

  • Sign Up to Google Analytics using your Gmail ID
  • After that setup your account by entering account name, website name, website URL, Category and Time Zone.

  •  Click on Get Tracking ID

How top Install Google Analytics In Blogger Blog

 There are only two steps to add Google Analytics to Blogger Blog
  1. Adding Google Analytics Tracking Id 
  2. Adding Google Analytics Tracking Code

How to Add Google Analytics Tracking Id

  • Open Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Settings
  • Enter Tracking Id in The Google Analytics Box As shown Below

 How to Add Google Analytics Tracking Code
  • First Backup your template
  • Go to Template
  • Click On Edit Template
  • Press CTRL+F and search </head>, Add Tracking code just above it.