July 22, 2014

How to Delete Facebook, Twitter and Google Account

Now a days everyone have Facebook, twitter and Google accounts. Most of the time these accounts have personal information of the user. At any point of time you think that you do not want to share your personal information to others or due to any other reason to want to delete your accounts. All you need to do is to follow these steps :

How to Delete Facebook, Twitter and Google Account ?

How to Delete Google Account ?

Not only Gmail, But also a lot of other products of Google you use with your Google account. So if you delete your Google account than you will lose all G Drive files, email, Contacts  etc, So first take the backup and than follow these steps.

1. Login to Gmail.com with your Gmail username and password and Click on this link to delete your Google account.

2. here you will see options like Account Management, Email, Language and Phone number. Click on “Account Management” option and click on “Close account and delete all services and information associated with it”.

How to Delete Facebook, Twitter and Google Account : eAskme

3. Check all options and enter your Google account password, click on “Delete Google Account” button. like shown in the figure below:

How to Delete Facebook Account ?

Deleting Facebook account is very simple hardly take 2 minutes. You will lost all your account details and friend list. But it Start as soft delete, Means when you delete it you should not login to your account for next 14 days. If you do not login your account for next 14 days than it will delete permanently or if you login within 14 days than it will stay active. To delete your Facebook account click here

How to Delete Twitter Account ?

Deleting process of twitter account is same like Facebook. As you delete your twitter account, then you should not login to twitter for next 30 days then your twitter account will be permanently deleted. If you want to reactivate twitter account then login within 30 days.
Click on "Deactivate button".
Click Here to permanently delete your twitter account.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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