» How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy
How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy
If you want to receive emails of Your Domain registered on GoDaddy in a email client like Outlook Express or some other than you need to enter outgoing and incoming email port number in port number boxes.
How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy: eAskme |
How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy ?
- Open email server port settings of your email client.
- See if "This sever requires a secure connection" is enabled or not.
- If you have secure connection enable then add port no "143" into incoming port if using IMAP, or "110" into incoming port if using POP and if you have secure connection enable then for IMAP port no is "993" and for POP port no is "995".
- For outgoing port if you have secure connection then use port no "465" or if you do not have secure connection enable then use "25," "80," "787" or "3535".
- Click on "Apply" then click on "OK"