August 27, 2014

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook

On Facebook anyone can see your profile, where you work, relationship status, your last company, about your friends, where you located etc. The Privacy feature of your Facebook account allow you to hide most of these. But if you wish to hide your Birth of date in Facebook, then there is no option in Facebook privacy setting page. Here you will see how to hide yoru date of Birth on facebook.

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
Because of any reason if you do not want to show your age of facebook then you should follow below steps:

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook ?
  • Open

  • Login with your email id or username and password.

  • Go to facebook.

  • "About Page" will open.

  • Click on "Contact and Basic info".

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
  • Here you will see your date of Birth.

  • Click on Edit in Front of Basic info.

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
  • Click on the lock button to set privacy to "me only" if you do not want to show your date of birth to anyone of Facebook.

  • Click on "Save Changes".