» How to Use Music Purchased From Amazon on Websites
How to Use Music Purchased From Amazon on Websites
You can create "MP3 Clips Widget" and diplay purchases. This widget shows playlist on yoru website.
How to Use Music Purchased From Amazon on Websites : eAskme |
How to Use Music Purchased From Amazon on Websites ?
- Select free widget design from Amazon for MP3 Clip Widgets such as "My Favorites" or "Search Widget". A pop-up window shows an embedding code. Select the publishing tools such as Wordpress or Google pages, typepad, Vox, Ning, Blogger. Amazon automatically encodes.
- Click "Add gadget". Go to mp3 player site "Yahoo! Media Player". paste the code in HTML/Javascript gadget in Blogger.
- Go to "Edit HTML" on blogger posts. Create MP3 embadding code and paste there.