November 13, 2014

3 Most Common Ways to drive Traffic to your blog

Well, you need traffic, that's obvious but how you can drive good amount of traffic, that the question? However, I will be sharing some most used ways to drive traffic to your blog. The more traffic you will be gaining, the more you will be expanding your business. Without traffic, your blog is nothing, it's just limited to you. For instance, you work too hard on your blog looks,bring up good content, do some SEO, and so on but these all work done by you is useless if there is no one to see the great work of yours. There is nothing like comes easy in this world. Traffic is something that really takes hard work to get. But if you work hard and follow some simple tips, then it's neither a tough job. However, I will be sharing some useful traffic Generation tips with you which you will find really helpful.

3 Most Common Ways to drive Traffic to your blog : eAskme
3 Most Common Ways to drive Traffic to your blog : eAskme
Other People are reading: How We Got Ten Thousand Pageviews in One day on eAskme 

Useful & Latest Content:

Apart from doing something normal like others do, try your best to bring out the best content. The content is something that guarantees you the opinion of your visitors and let's your visitors ease to stay at your blog. The content brought up by you should be something good to that extent that it should impress your readers. It's the content only which will decide what amount of traffic you will be getting. However, your Writing skills i.e. the way you write should always reach the minds of the people. Do not always bring up copied content. Post something that readers really want and they would be excited to read it. By latest content, I mean that you should be the first to post about something in your niche. It's the one & only best way to suppress other bloggers in your niche.

Social Media:

The most effective strategy after content that can bring you really great traffic is Social Media.   Social Media is the best,popular and working strategy to bring heavy traffic to your blog. For instance, Facebook has over 1 million users online. Creating a bonding with them via Social Networking is an awesome way to obtain more loyal readers as they have been always having a contact with you. Even Social Media will boost your blog traffic. It is the best way for your blog promotion. try posting your post links in all your Facebook groups and you will see a boost in your traffic and there  are many other ways to use Social Media to bring good amount of traffic. Tweeting your posts at twitter,Digg,Stumbleupon,etc. and so on are very good ways to get traffic and get your posts indexed in search engines quickly.

See : How to Submit an Article to Digg 

 Blog Commenting/Guest Posting:

Blog Commenting and Guest Posting are very popular nowadays. Blog commenting shows your activeness towards other blogs and is one of the best methods to gain one way backlinks and traffic too. Guest Posting helps to build authority for your blog which helps to create high impact in the blogosphere. Guest Posting is one of the best source to one way traffic and exposure which even helps to create high impact in the Internet World. Always give at least one hour for link building which includes blog commenting and guest posting. This will also help to create a binding and build friendly relations with fellow bloggers.

So many blogs are growing nowadays and the competition is even high. Visitors are many but what's the factor that affect the traffic of a blog. However, if looking forward to drive traffic to your blog but how to do so? 

Man Behind eAskme


Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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