November 29, 2014

Add Email Subscription Box In Header With Social Icons

We have already talked a list of email subscription widgets and How To Make Money With Email Subscribers List . So now today we are increasing this list forward and talk about email subscription widget with social icons in header. This is one of the best email subscription widget to increase the email subscribers instantly. It shows in header, that means it is visible to everyone and chances are that more people can subscribe. I have also tested this widget in some of my sites. Installing this widget in your blog is not so difficult but before the tutorial let me tell you something about that widget.

Add Email Subscription Box In Header With Social Icons : eAskme
Add Email Subscription Box In Header With Social Icons : eAskme
Other people are reading : Boost Up Email Subscribers Of Your Blog

Header Email Subscription Widget With Social Buttons

This is clean and stylish header email subscription widget. It also includes social buttons for increasing social followers. There is  a subscription form with Name and Email with the subscribe button in left portion. In right portion it has social buttons such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and Feed burner. Header is a great place for any widget and when you place this widget it surely increase your subscribers.

How to Add Email Subscription Box In Header With Social Icons

  •     Go To Blogger 
  •     Go To Layout 
  •     Click on "Add a Gadget".
  •     Select "HTML/JavaScript"
  •     Copy code from HERE and Paste in "HTML/JavaScript" box.
  •     Replace The URLs
  •     Click on "Save"

Final Words

So friends, fans and followers this is a stylish subscription widget for header. I hope you have liked this widget. try this on your blog and do share your experience with us.Any problem, do let me know in comments. Happy Blogging!