April 01, 2015

Best Free Responsive Blogger Template

There are lots of questions coming from people around the world about the best blogger template, and which template they should use. So I have decided to write about a series on template from which you can choose which suits you best. We start today with Siril responsive blogger template. Siril has clean design. The very best thing is that it is faster, as it scored 90/100 in Google Pagespeed Insights test. It also has custom author widgets under main menu than only displays on pages.

Siril Responsive Blogger Template : eAskme
Siril Responsive Blogger Template : eAskme

DEMO or Download Now!!!

Features of Siril : Responsive Blogger Template

  • Responsive Theme Layout    
  • Elegant Minimal look
  • Nice and Clean Design
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fast loading Theme (90/100 in Google PageSpeed Insights)
  • Responsive Navigation Menu
  • Custom Author Info with social icons
  • Stunning Threaded Comments Section
  • Page navigation Widget
  • Custom Label Cloud Widget
  • Custom Blogger Contact form
  • Customized heading tags (h1 to h6)
  • Custom Search form
Other people are reading : Best Quality Blogs that Accept Guest Posts

How to Upload Siril a Responsive Blogger Template

  •     Go to Blogger Dashboard 
  •     Go to Template
  •     Click on Backup/Restore 
  •     First take backup by clicking on Click on Download Full Template
  •     Click on Browse button
  •     Select Siril Responsive blogger template.
  •     Click on Upload.

How to Customize Siril a Responsive Blogger Template

  • Go to Template
  • Click on Edit HTML.
  • Customize the Navigation Menu
  • Search for the Following Code

<!-- Main Menu -->

Customize the link list below that.
Customize the Author info
Search for <!-- Author Info --> 
Under "Meet The Author" Change Blogger description and Social profiles.

See : Dynamic Ways To Promote Your Blog for Free

<!-- Author Info --> 

After that you will see a code similar to the following code, In the following code replace the highlighted orange color with your author info and replace the blue links with your profile links.

<h5>Meet The Author</h5>
<p>I'am Gaurav Kumar, An 28 years old professional blogger. I'm a Skilled Blogger, web Developer and Loves to play with Codes And Creating new things as a web Designer.</p>
<ul class="author-social">
<li class="facebook"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087069622138">Facebook</a></li>
<li class="twitter"><a href="https://www.x.com/vhowtodo">Twitter</a></li>

After changing the profile links, Search for the following link and replace it with your image link.


Click on "Save".

Siril is the very best Responsive Blogger Template. If you have any question do ask us comments. f you like this, don`t forget to share on Google Plus and twitter.

We use blogs for various purposes from self-realization to business? So today we have decided to cover a huge number of templates in various popular categories, lets see fresh and Free

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