March 03, 2018

7 Tips How to Attract Organic Traffic to Your Blog

Every website or blog need traffic to survive and grow. There is no limit on tips about how you can drive traffic to your site or blog. We have already discussed about some great methods like buying paid traffic, Blog commenting, Images using Flickr,Guest posting  and today we will discuss about how to increase organic traffic to our blog and Websites.

5 tips How to Attract Organic Traffic to Your Blog : eAskme
How to Attract Organic Traffic to Your Blog : eAskme
Other people are reading : Best Ways to Drive Traffic From Forums to Your Blog

The best way to get traffic if from Organic search results. This means, when people search for something on search engines like Google and they will see your site in search result and by clicking on it they will visit your site page, These type of visitors have more value as they are more likely to be your customer. It also help showing related and targeted ads which increase your earning. Even direct advertisers look for sites or blogs that come in Google search. There are so many search engines available online, but we always prefer to target Google.

Organic Traffic

Getting organic traffic from search engines is always beneficial as advertisements companies and affiliate programs always prefer those site who have good search. The next big reason is that organic traffic bring targeted visitors to our site which help in lowering bounce rate and increasing revenue and conversion rate.

Even social networking websites also drive targeted traffic like Twitter. Below article may help you to get good traffic:

How to increase organic search traffic

There are so many factors that have impact on organic traffic.


SEO means search engine optimization. It is the process of making your site search engine friendly. There are so many factors of SEO including On-page SEO, off page SEO, and on Site SEO.

You should start with On-site SEO. Check in Google Webmaster that all important pages of your site has been crawled and indexed. Quality articles and SEO both play important role to generate traffic from search engines. Always gift utmost care to Titles, Descriptions, Tags, broken links, URL etc.

SEO optimized content:

Content marketing proved to be the best way to get organic traffic. Write high quality content based on what people are looking for. It is not easy to write SEO optimized content which include Keyword research, write keyword rich articles etc.

Link Building

Link building is one of the popular SEO strategy. Your links should be relevant and quality links. Links can be reciprocal links, outbound links, backlinks  connect two or more blogs directly or indirectly, but Always try to get backlink from same niche high PR sites

Never buy backlinks, as it can lead you to mark your site as spam. Guest posting and blog commenting are best way to establish links. Write unique content than can easily attract organic backlinks.

Blog frequency

You need to be a consistent blogger. If you don`t be consistent then you can never get successful in blogging. Search engines like blogs that are frequently updated. You should write articles related to your niche only and also focus on keywords.

Traffic Revisit

When a visitor revisit your blog or site that increase value of your site or blog. If your blog or site is useful, then people come again and again on your site.. Write quality articles consistently.

Social media promotion:

Social recommendation  and social sharing are the best ways to promote a blog and everyone trust that what is recommended by most. Make your content sharable. Add social sharing buttons or social sharing widgets on your blog so that people can easily share your content on their favorite social bookmarking sites.

Avoid Unethical ways

link farms are no more remain for search engine ranks and drive traffic, It can result your site getting blacklisted. Getting good rank in search engine through ethical way take time but give long term results.

It`s just easy to get organic traffic to your blog or website by following the above strategies. If you do have any question, feel free to ask me. If you like this article, Don`t forget to share on twitter and Google Plus.

Man Behind eAskme


Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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