We already know that Stumbeupon is a popular social bookmarking site and to make use of it, first you need to create and Id on Stumbleupon to login. Once you have account on stumbleupon then you can follow these steps:
How to Add Website to Stumbleupon
There are many ways to submit a page to StumbleUpon easily. Many websites offer social sharing buttons which include StumbeUpon button, which anyone can use to stumble that page or you can go to your profile and submit any website or webpage to StumbeUpon. The other way is to install stumbleupon toolbar to submit sites to stumbleupon. Here I show you two toolbars one for Chrome and Other for Mozilla:Chrome StumbleUpon Toolbar
FireFox StumbleUpon Toolbar
StumbleUpon app is also available for Android and iPhones.
How to Submit Websites to StumbleUpon using SU Toolbar:
After installing toolbar, when you find any article or website interesting then you just need to click Like Button as showed in picture below.How to Add Website to Stumbleupon : eAskme |
When you submit a page it count your vote and it help you to increase recommendations for your stumbleupon channel. That is why I submit pages to stumbleupon. If you submit any of the page for the first time then it will ask you to fill few details, like title, tags, description as showed in the image below
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How to Add Websites to StumbleUpon : eAskme |
How to Add Websites to StumbleUpon
- Comments : say what you think about the page.
- Category : Choose appropriate category for the page you are submitting.
- Tag : Tag also help to categories page.
There is one more easy way to stumble pages of your own site or blog is by adding StumbleUpon share button. You may have seen StumbleUpon button on many sites which directly take you to StumbleUpon page.