November 01, 2015

Free WordPress Theme VS Premium WordPress Theme

There are so many free WordPress theme and premium WordPress theme clubs available online and it is an awesome job to select a wordpress theme. Usually a  newbie blogger get confused between free and premium themes and can`t decide if he should spend money or not.

Free WordPress Theme VS Premium WordPress Theme
Free WordPress Theme VS Premium WordPress Theme : eAskme
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Free WordPress Themes or Premium WordPress Themes

WordPress theme is the first need  to srat a WordPress blog. Usually a new blogger start with free wordpress themes. But I personally recommend to use premium wordpress theme. people already debating about free vs paid wordpress theme.
The only one benefit of free themes is that they are free, But free themes usually lack updates and any kind of good SEO. In beginning I also used free themes but soon I have realized that premium theme has all benefits that I want in a theme.

Why Premium WordPress Templates are better than Free WordPress Theme

Here I should mention that Free themes are not bad. You can also find many free themes in WordPress theme directory. But mostly all free themes are the base version of a paid theme. So rather than wasting time on technical stuff I recommend everyone to purchase a Professional theme.

So lets see some of the the factors, which will make you understand the importance of the premium theme version.

Support and updates:

We always see in few months continuous updates from WordPress. It is necessary that all your plugins and your theme should be compatible with latest version of WordPress.

Paid themes offer farmework which keep updating itself with the latest versions of Wordpress. But free theme lacks this auto update feature or you can hardly get any update for free themes. I recommend you to use premium theme as they always auto-update.

Paid themes also offer free support with membership but in free themes, you can`t get any support. If you use framework like Thesis or Genesis, then you find hundreds of tutorials with Wp themes.


WordPress themes are the major factor of SEO. Free themes ae usually full of structure bugs and hardly any of them have SEO options. It is necessary to have an SEO optimized site with clean code.

Genesis and thesis are best in terms of SEO. they offer lightning fast loading but they are not free. Premium themes also help you to lower down need of plugins.


Developer of premium themes offer latest features and web integration. But free themes has limited of features.

Encrypted links

This is why I hate free wordpress themes. Most of them have encrypted footer links and selling information. which is bad for SEO.  A nice footer always has a great advantage on SEO of your blog.

I recommend everyone to use premium theme to make their blog stand on every good aspect of a website. You should also check:
Do share your opinion of free and paid wordpress themes. If you do have any question, feel free to ask me. Don`t forget to subscribe eAskme Newsletter to get updates.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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