October 19, 2016

How to Make Money from Bog Without Advertisements

Most of the bloggers just limit their earning potential by using easy to use limited Ad-networks like Chitika or Google AdSense. You can be one of those boggers who do not want to place ads but still want to make money. Everyone want to know How to Monetize your blog Without Advertisements.

We already know that pacing ads is awesome way to make money onlne. But if you want to avoid ads to give better user experience then it will great to find other ideas. But still you need to make money online.

So today we will discuss about some best working methods to earn money without placing ads.
How to Make Money from Bog Without Advertisements : eAskme
How to Make Money from Bog Without Advertisements : eAskme
Other people are reading : Make Money with Affiliate Program

How to Make money without Advertisements:

Write an Book:

You can write ebook on any topic, in which you have expertise. You can also sell your copyrights to companies. Write a book on any topic which can set long term as that will hep you making money. You can sell your ebook on Kindle or blog. This will help you stat making long term income cycle.

You can write ebook on the existing content of your blog. You can also convert your series of posts on a particular topic into ebook.  If you are not good in selling ebooks even then you can use your ebook as giveaway to those who subscribe to your email list.

Native Advertising:

The biggest publishers are making easy money with native advertising. In this you will write editors post and include affiliate links in your post.  It`s your choice if you want to choose this option or not.

Expert Freelance Writer:

If you are a niche bogger then you can earn more by freelance writing. If you are great in writing and write unique content then you can tell bloggers in your network. You will find that there are so many people who want to hire you as article writer. You can earn easily  between $5 to $500 per article. You can also create a landing page with title “Hire me” or You can also write it as landing page to hire writer.

Sponsored reviews:

You can make money by writing sponsored reviews for any product or service. There are many sponsored review sites available. You can also start your own sponsored review site on gadgets and start making money online. Write and publish sponsored reviews only related to your blog niche.

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Sell A product or Service

You can sell product or services to readers. This is not a new concept, already there are many bloggers who are offering their services and products to their readers. A good example is Gaurav Kumar who offers personal blog coaching and earns $200/Student.

Ideas to Make Money Online

Prove Yourself as a Professional Blogger

Write compelling articles that help your visitors to turn into subscribers and also establish you as a mater in your niche. When you establish authority in your niche than you can can write paid reviews. You can ear easily from network publishers.

Start Premium Blog

If you have huge follower-ship on your blog then you can start offering premium content to your visitors. There are many boggers who are already offering premium content. You just need to get good reputation in your niche. People will ready to pay you when you get high authority in your blogging niche.

You can easily set charge and membership options. You have to create premium content for this purpose.

Start Consulting

Start your own counseling program according to your own niche. For example if you are relationship advertisement, you can start relationship consulting.

You just need to be master in your topic to start counseling programs. There are many bloggers already providing counseling services.

Final Words:

There are so many ways to monetize your blog without using advertisements on your blog. Making money from blog other than advertisements, depends totally upon your own efforts. Do share your own ideas to make money our of your blog without using advertisements.
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