December 06, 2014

How to install WordPress Plugin from Your Blog Dashboard

WordPress is a full fledge CMS (Content Management System). It`s a bit technical about how to start using WordPress. Installing WordPress plugins is very important for every  hosted WordPress blog. You can easily do WP plugin Installation in two ways. Today we will talk about easy and Different Ways To Install WordPress Plugin.

install WordPress Plugin : eAskme
install WordPress Plugin : eAskme
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 Technically, WordPress offers you two ways to install WordPress plugins:
  • Search and install
  • Upload and instal
  • FTP
WordPress dashboard plugin installation method is a manual installation and FTP method is an auto installation method. In FTP method, you need to upload the plugin, activate and configure it. But in dashboard method, you just need to search, install and activate the plugin, you are looking for.

Search and Install Plugin from WordPress Dashboard:

WordPress dashboard is the easiest way to search and install WordPress plugin. You can directly search with the name of the plugin on WP dashboard and install it.
  • Login to your WP dashboard 
  • Click on Plugins 
  • Click on Add new. 
  • Enter the name of the plugin. 
  • Click on "Install."
  • Click on "Activate."

Install new WordPress plugin

To know more about a plugin, you can click on details of that plugin. Check the compatibility score.Click on Install and activate the plugin. If plugin already installed on your WordPress blog then it will already installed in front of the plugin.

Install WordPress plugin

Go to the setting panel of plugin and make changes. Blogger usually have issue only when they mis-configure any Wordpress Plugin. Always read the documentation before installing a WordPress plugin.

Install WordPress plugin downloaded from 3rd party sites:

  • Dowanlod 3rd party WordPress plugin
  • Upload the .zip file 
  • Install WordPress dashboard.  
  • Click on Add new plugin
  • Click on "upload"  and upload the plugin folder. 
Following are the recommended plugins:
  • EasyWPSEO
  • Analytify
  • WordPress Social Pro
See this also : Make Money With WordPress Blogs Self hosted

FTP method to Install WordPress Plugin:

  • FTP is another method to install WP plugin. 
  • Download the WP plugin and Unzip it 
  • Upload to WordPress plugin library using FTP software or cPanel. 
  • Go to WordPress plugins folder under WP dashboard 
  • Activate the plugin. 
It is very useful if you have server restriction to install plugins or themes from dashboard.

I personally prefer WordPress dashboard to install plugins.  I believe that this guide will help you whenever you want to install WordPress plugin. If you have any question about WordPress plugins, Do let me know via comments.

It is very easy to manage WordPress plugin. Go to plugins folder under WP dashboard. Activate or deactivate the plugin. If you face issue while accessing your dashboard then you should log in to FTP account and disable that plugin. This issues comes because of some conflict or faulty plugin.

If you are to WordPress, you should check out WordPress guide:

    Step  by step guide to install self hosted WordPress blog