January 16, 2016

How to Revive Your Social Media Campaign?

People always loose hope when they see their business dying, but they forget that with some improvements they can save their business.  We already know that pulling a dying business is not easy but when we pull it off, it`s actually feel fantastic. It is wonderful feeling to turn a dying business into profitable one.

Revive Your Social Media Campaign
Revive Your Social Media Campaign : eAskme
Other people are reading : 5 Ways to Prepare Your Web Content to Succeed

So today we will see how to revive social media presence of a dying business.

How to Revive Your Social Media Campaign:

Where You Stand:

You should clearly know where you are standing? What assets you have available? What have you tried before? what has worked for you?  and what has failed?

Find out where you lack in social media. Do you have accounts on all popular social networks, more importantly if you are managing you accounts regularly or not. I have seen many sites which have all social media profiles but they do not manage it properly.

Fix Previous Mistakes

Make a list of all necessary social media profiles and take down the others. Like you may not need Myspace or Photobucket account but you need Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,  LinkedIn and Google+. While I pruned this down, I also pruned down their social sharing buttons on their site. Remove useless social sharing buttons.
Give your prime focus to facebook. make necessary changes and update your Facebook page. Remove bad posts share updated posts and do this for all social accounts.

Establish Better Off-Social Habits

Manage your topics and use tools to share and schedule posts. Write posts with quality and updated content. Find out Keyword Stuffing and duplicate content issue and fix them.Update your most popular content and share it on your social profiles. Find out evergreen content and share them on need again.

Tools to Manage Social Media

You can use tools to manage social media profiles. Hootsuite is great tool to manage social profiles. Share content to keep users interested and write for readers. Focus on what your visitors want from your site and work according to that.

Basic Starting Audience

In the beginning social share buttons, word of mouth and friends are the great source to keep getting traffic for your site or blog. Use Google Analytics to understand the behavior of your readers and find out their interest on your blog or website and where they go.

Ramping Up Audience Building Ads

Now you have active social profiles, working blog, social media tools, so now its time to ramp everything up. Share your PPC on Facebook and Twitter to get better results. Be active on yoru campaign. Make people participate in discussions.

Networking with Social Influencer

Engage with industry influencer, you can easily find them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It can bring you some backlinks also for your blog or website and you can get opportunity to guest post on couple of high rating blog or sites.

United Sales Funnel :

Now it`s time for you to see things working for you. Now you can run better PPC campaigns and increase sales and you can focus on traffic for your blog or website with your site`s analytics you will be able to understand the need of new sales funnel.

Always be ready to adapt and change with time. It will not only improve your site but also improve you to be a better person.

Do share if you have ever pulled a site back from the end? What were your toughest challenges? If you do have any question or suggestion, feel free to share with us in comments. Don`t forget to like us on Facebook and subscribe eAskme newsletter to get free updates.

Man Behind eAskme


Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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