January 06, 2015

Top Tech Trends of Google for 2018

We always look for top tech trends, as people love to read about the. Google has introduced a list of top tech trends for 2018. These are based on information gathered by analyzing search data of users. So let`s see what Google say about these top tech trends for 2018.

Top Tech Trends of Google for 2017 : eAskme
Top Tech Trends of Google for 2018 : eAskme

Top Tech Trends of Google for 2018 :

“Connected Life Platforms” :

Google has created this phrase "Connected life platforms" for devices which represent “Internet of things”, and these devices connect to each other.
  •     Internet of Things searches grew 2.5 times.
  •     Wearable tech searches grew 3 times.
  •     Smart light-bulbs searches are up 36%.
  •     Prediction is that 4.9 billions "connected things" will be in use worldwide in 2018.

What is here for marketers:

Connected devices will create more data, which is better for user experience, according to Google. You can also use data-driven insights.

Mobile Is everything

Smartphones are growing every second and they become the hub for all connected devices. Smarphones use data about you and create more personalized experiences.

Google has a good word for this “The Internet of Me”:
  •     1.3B smartphones have shipped worldwide
  •     An average usage of smartphone is 151 minutes per day
  •     1 in 5 searches are related to location
  •     “Nearby” searches have grown 5x since 2011
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What is here for marketers:

With this Google has made it clear that to give better user experience brands should focus on their presence on smartphones. Add location do local SEO.

Increased Access To Information

With Internet everyone has easy access to information, services and entertainment whenever they want.

Google shows following data:
  •     Drones are becoming popular.
  •     Drones searches grew up 2.6 times
  •     “Same day delivery” searches grew up 2 times.
  •     Google app getting 30 times more queries by voice.

What is here for marketers:

Everyone want to get what they want whenever they want it. Improve your service with 24/7 customer support or any other services.

So these are the top tech trends for 2018 according to Google. Not only marketers but bloggers should also focus on these things. This will help you to grow your business in 2018.

If you do have any question or suggestion, feel free to ask in comments.
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