January 14, 2015

What is Preloaded on Kindle

If you love reading ebooks, then you must know what is Kindle. You can see few preloaded content on kindle but that is not enough. You can add more easily from Amazon on your kindle.

What is Preloaded on Kindle : eAskme
What is Preloaded on Kindle : eAskme
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Preloaded Content

    You can see some preloaded guide on every kindle device. This guide usually not interesting to read but it helps when you to understand how to do something. You can also see welcome letter and two dictionaries on kindle.

Amazon Account

When you connect your kindle with Amazon, you will have an amazon account from where you can collect content for your kindle device. You can select a book and download ebooks. You need not to buy same book again and again.

Amazon Prime Lending Library

Amazon prime allow you to lend book for one month. It has more than 300,000 books, so it be fun to read.

Public Library

There are many libraries which offer Kindle-formatted e-books. According to Amazon tere are more than 11,000 libraries available.

Lending and Borrowing

You can also give your ebook on loan for 14 days, but this feature is not available for all books.

Final Words:

Amazon is one of the best seller of ebooks and Kindle is no doubt the best device to enjoy ebooks online anytime from anywhere. If you like this article, do share on Twitter. 
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Gaurav Kumar

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