January 21, 2015

Yahoo Beating Google by Gaining 1.6% Search Market Share of Google

Good news for Yahoo and its users. Yahoo seems to giving tough time to Google now. Since Yahoo made a deal with FireFox, it`s desktop search market share has been growing. It shows that Yahoo is now the new default search engine of browser.

Search Market Share Data At End Of Year 2014 : eAskme
Search Market Share Data At End Of Year 2014 : eAskme
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ComScore data shows that this search trend continued in the December month. Yahoo has gained 1.6% search market share and Google lost its 1.6% share of search market. Bing’s share remained the same.

Are you thinking that Google days are gone. Then you should read this and think again. Google is still the leader of the desktop search market. It has 65.4% desktop search market share and 84% mobile search market share. Bing holding second position with 19.7% market share and Yahoo only have 11.8% market share.

It` not sure that how Yahoo gained this share but most likely it is because of FireFox deal which made it browsers default search engine.

Yahoo lost so much in search engine market in past few years. Now it started gaining little share. Google don`t consider it any loss as they are still holding major part of search market. It will be interesting to see how long this trend continues.

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