March 17, 2015

Google Makes it Easier for You to Fill Out Forms on Mobile Devices

Do you feel it hard to fill forms on mobile devices? Don`t worry, Google is here to help you. Google has announced an improvement to autocomplete attribute in Chrome. This will make form filling easy and faster for mobile phone users.

Google Makes it Easier for You to Fill Out Forms on Mobile Devices : eAskme
Google Makes it Easier for You to Fill Out Forms on Mobile Devices : eAskme
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It is not a default feature of Google Chrome that applies to all sites. To use this feature on a site, webmaster have to mark up their forms with the autocomplete attribute.

If your site has forms to drive users to do something, like free offers or sign up then it is good idea to use autocomplete attribute. Google also encouraging autocomplete markup for forms.

Google Makes it Easier for You to Fill Out Forms on Mobile Devices : eAskme
Autocomplete attribution allows you to label input elements with common data types without changing anything else on your site.

Using Autocomplete, you can mark up according to the type of data. Google Chrome know what to auto-fill-in when you taps on mobile device. Google has also said that autocomplete attributes has increased the rate of completions.

Do you like this new autocomplete feature for forms? Do share how you improve your forms?