March 05, 2015

Google Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor Runs In Real-Time & Is On A Page-By-Page Basis

Google has said that the mobile-friendly algorithm going to launch this month. It runs in real-time on a page-by-page basis.

Google Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor Runs In Real-Time & Is On A Page-By-Page Basis : eAskme
Google Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor Runs In Real-Time & Is On A Page-By-Page Basis : eAskme
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Google announced that on April 21, 2015, mobile-friendly ranking factor will be added to mobile search algorithm. Gary Illyes from Google explained that this new ranking factor works on a page-by-page basis and run in real time.

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Real-Time Search Algorithms

Gary said that new algorithm runs in real-time, so you can make necessary changes to your site anytime and let Google pick it, this way your site will start getting benefit from the new mobile-friendly algorithm.

By real-time means Google crawls the page again. It will immediately benefit and immediately be labeled as mobile-friendly. Slow pages will hardly be indexed, so it is important to go mobile friendly.

Still Google did not clarify that here real time means that when Google crawl it or real time means when it hit the search query. So I assume that it is when Google crawls and indexes page. It also depend upon how often Google crawls and indexes your web pages. You need make all your pages mobile friendly before April 21st date.

Runs On A Page-By-Page Basis

Gary said that algorithm runs on a page-by-page basis. That means if half of your pages are mobile friendly and half are not, then only those pages will get benefit which are mobile friendly.

This is important news as now webmasters know how this algorithm going to work on their pages.

Going mobile-friendly for pages also help to increase mobile user of your site.

Also See : Free Responsive Testing Tools To Test Responsiveness

I have already made changes to make my sites mobile friendly. Are you also making your site mobile friendly? How you are doing it?

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Gaurav Kumar

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