April 23, 2015

Google: Online Video a “Must” For Mobile Marketing

Recent reports from Google shows that online video is now must-have factor for mobile marketing strategy. According to Google : “Mobile viewers are more likely to watch, share, and feel connected to branded video and ads.”

Google: Online Video a “Must” For Mobile Marketing
Google: Online Video a “Must” For Mobile Marketing : eAskme
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Google’s latest report shows that 50% of YouTube views are from mobile devices. Attention spans are also better. This shows that people are more focus to watch videos on mobile devices.

When people watch video ads on their smartphones, they feel more connected. This will grow share of video and will grab more eyeballs.

Research also shows that mobile users consume and share more ads. Smartphone viewers also want to skip ads.

Usually people start their search from videos and 50% businesses use videos to bost their sales.

how-to or Unboxing videos are most essential types of content, it give a good feeling to the consumers.

Mobile viewers are more likely to:
  •     Visit a website
  •     Make purchases
  •     Discuss about company
  •     Change their opinion
  •     Share the content