July 20, 2015

DuckDuckGo is Blocked in China

According to Tech in Asia DuckDuckGo has been blocked. CEO Gabriel Weinberg also confirmed the reports on Twitter. Since the launch DuckDuckGo worked without any issues in China. But now DuckDuckGo is completely blocked.
DuckDuckGo is Blocked in China : eAskme
DuckDuckGo is Blocked in China : eAskme
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At first Gabriel Weinberg had no idea at what time it actually happened. But since then they confirmed that it happened around the time of 3rd September. If you want to see you can see by searching on Great Fire, the censorship monitoring site . It will confirm the date.

Great fire uses a method of pinging a set of URL's on a regular time basis. That way they know when sites are blocked. At this time DuckDuckGo is still blocked. Now Google and DuckDuckGo has one thing in common. They are both blocked in China. For Google it happened last year.

Also See : DuckDuckGo search engine now exceeds 10 million searches everyday

The only search engines that is from North American search engines that is allowed in China now,  is is Bing and Yahoo. But it s confirmed that they are watched very closely and censored. As they have to deal with Chinese  media laws.

But they are being dominated by China's own search engines. Qihoo and Baidu. It doesn't seem to look like it will be changing in the near future

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Gaurav Kumar

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