September 09, 2015

Google Will Give Instant Details on More Than 900 Health Issues

We live in a very technical and informative time where we can do research on just about anything. So why should health not be given much needed attention. Google also saw an opportunity.
Now Google Will Give Instant Details on More Than 900 Health Issues : eAskme
Now Google Will Give Instant Details on More Than 900 Health Issues : eAskme
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Now with the latest developments Google added support for over 900 health issues to it's knowledge base.  If you are searching for an illness Google will give you snippet of the detailed information. As Google is currently working with doctors they teamed up with to curate any given information. Doctors at Google and the well known Mayo Clinic is checking for the accuracy of health posts.

Google has  also added visual designs to the given information. Just to make it much more effective for Google users. Also it is available as pdf to download the given information.

As Google has been pointing out the given information that they added neglected and almost forgotten infections that is affecting 1.5 billion people. Also more than 500 million people that is affected by poor conditions.

See : Why Health Blogs Earn More than Technology Blogs

At this time it is unfortunately just for English speaking people  that is based in the US that is researching health related issues.  But as Google confirmed they plan on expanding the more languages and other regions too.

What do you think about this news? Think it will be good? It seems Google is expanding in many different regions and ways. Have you used it? What is your opinion of this? I will like to hear what our readers think about this. I think that if Google gets it successfully up and running It will be good. As I have researched from may clinic a few times. It may be interesting to watch and see how they deal with it.

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Gaurav Kumar

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