September 22, 2015

Twitter Going HTTPS on October 1st For New Links Only

Twitter Going HTTPS on October 1st For New Links Only : eAskme
Twitter Going HTTPS on October 1st For New Links Only : eAskme
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In past few months everyone has noticed a growing number of website who are moving to HTTPs. Now Twitter is also going to join the HTTPs club. This is the latest biggest website to go to HTTPS, but it may take a different approach.

An associate of Twitter’s development team has recently published a new thread on Twitter Community forum about Twitter’s plans for HTTPS.

According to that twitter is only going to use HTTPs for new outbound links only, where other sites such as wikipedia and Reddit and Wikipedia have gone HTTPS site-wide.

Twitter Going HTTPS on October 1st For New Links Only : eAskme

So if you will share any link on twitter after 1st October then it will go like This help you and Twitter both to send visitors securely to the desired destination, even if your link do not have HTTPS.

See : Google and Twitter Reportedly Working Together

There is no doubt that this one character will cost you another one character in your tweet. This also means that non-HTTPS sites will notice a decrease in referral traffic from twitter.

Twitter also cautions that as people who update the latest browser will see the decrease in number of referral traffic.

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Gaurav Kumar

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