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Why Your Blog`s Alexa Ranking is Not Improving even though your Traffic is IncreasingHere we are going to discuss, How to increase the Alexa rank of your blog?Lets see what other bloggers are suggesting how you can get rank below 30,000?
Use Alexa Widget and Create Superb Content (Doyan Wilfred)
Use Alexa widgets=18pxI have tried this long back when I started my blog. However stopped using it because I was not looking to make money out of advertisements.=18px. The first and foremost thing: Alexa only counts traffic from visitors who have Alexa toolbar, or websites with Alexa widget. You cannot make visitors install the toolbar, but rather you can install the Alexa toolbar on your site or blog. Alexa has two types of widgets:Also See : How to create Alexa widget for a website
Alexa Reviews widget: prompts visitors for reviews
Alexa Rank widget: Displays your rank. I recommend that if your blog is new, you wait till you reach a decent rank and then use the Rank widget.
Moral of the story: It all comes down to how useful your content is to the users. So create superb quality content. You can forget Alexa or any other sort of ranks if you don't have content.
Alexa (Philip Turner)
Alexa rank depends on how many users have the Alexa toolbar installed. Install it yourself and on all your family's computers. Encourage all your users to install Alexa.Log on to your site frequently and give your users plenty of reasons to log on frequently.
I believe that everyone should submit website to alexa and verify it.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me.