April 19, 2016

How to Make Your Nation Follow You

No matter you are a student, businessman, artist, designer or a Blogger, if you are a good man who loves your country then you must have a feeling somewhere in your heart to be followed by your own nation. Who don`t love that people of his country follow him? Everyone want the love and appreciation of people around the world and especially care about what people of his country say about him.
How to Make Your Nation Follow You : eAskme
How to Make Your Nation Follow You : eAskme
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There is one thing which is definitely clear to make your nation follow you is that you have to be good, very very good, or I can say Excellent in something that you grab attention of everyone and everything will turn in your favor.

When you do something which represent you as the leader of nation in something then you should know that your efforts are grabbing thousands or billions of followers in real time.

How to Make Your Nation Follow You

1) Extraordinary:

extraordinary : eAskme

Noone like to follow a person who lives an ordinary life. Start treating yourself as special and start treating others the same way. Do things which people call extraordinary. This helps you grab the attention of print and social media and make you viral in no time.

2) Innovation:

Innovation : eAskme

Innovation is a key to be extraordinary and make people follow you. When you event something which is going to be really helpful for the world or mankind, you will grab attention of the world and it can even help you win Nobel prize.

3) Celebrity/Sportman/Politician

How to Make Your Nation Follow You

If you are a famous celebrity or sportsman or politician that means you are able to make your nation follow you for long time. People love to follow who are already famous, so try and try again to grab attention of media and this will help you to gain millions of followers in no time.

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Secret to Make Your Nation Follow You:

There are many ways you can make your nation follow you. But the very secret key to make your nation follow you is that you need to be hot in media talks.The more media attention you can grab the more people will follow you and you will be on the way to become a role model or icon of your nation.

Man Behind eAskme


Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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