June 07, 2016

Interview with Bodynsoil : Interview with Professional Blogger

Today I am going to introduce you with one more power blogger Bodynsoil from bodynsoil Interviews are the great way to know person, his struggle, life journey and achievements. It make all of us strong and also give inspiration to create our own world of happiness.

This is the new edition of powerful, successful and inspirational interviews in the series of Journey of a Professional Blogger, interviews on EASKME.com.
Interview with Bodynsoil : Interview with Professional Blogger : eAskme
Interview with Bodynsoil : Interview with Professional Blogger : eAskme
Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Interview with Bodynsoil.

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Q : Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging?

A : I've blogged, in one capacity or another, almost since the internet began. In 2009, I moved to a wordpress blog with a self hosted domain and love it. After years of hard work and SEO, my ranking was excellent in my arena. As a fitness, nutrition, and gardening blogger; I touch on a lot of things that I feel would help keep people fit and healthy. Currently I manage 3 of my own blog/websites and really enjoy my time blogging my heart out.

Blogging has change a lot in the years since I began the process; there was a time that I could write and not worry about my personal circle of friends knowing. Social media has changed that aspect which has change how and what I write about; I've matured and grown with my content. Not only has my content grown but so has my personal fitness style due to blogging; I was a fitness bunny and now I'm more of a power lifter. After spending over a year testing nutritional protocols, I've settled on one that I feel is the healthiest, builds/maintains muscle, and allows me to enjoy live in a non restrictive way while maintain a lean physique.

I'm an organic gardener, personal trainer and nutrition coach. I go under the name of @Bodynsoil just about everywhere.

Q. How the idea to make your own blog came in your mind? How you found the right people to develop it and what big obstacles you faced? 

Ans: I've been blogging for such a long time that I've designed, written, and developed my own blog(s). I started using my business name when a college course in html required us to create a project around our interest; which needed to be posted online. As a person that was interested in both fitness and gardening; body and soil seemed fitting to represent my personality; Bodynsoil was born.

Over the years, as the blogging landscape changed, I've gone from many platforms with my blog; the biggest hurdle was moving to a selfhosted site utilizing Wordpress. Finding a reputable hosting site and learning wordpress was a bit overwhelming at first; now that I've worked with them I find myself teaching others how to best set themselves up.

The other obstacle I've felt is SEO and getting myself out and read in an effort to build my ranking. As the ranking platforms change their processes, you have to stay on top of the techniques needed to maintain a healthy position and try to make page one of search engine results for your topics.

Saturation has increased as more people enter the blogging arena and trying to find keywords to attract readers in the next hurdle. I find myself spending time with and I'm always looking for the next sensational target word.

Q. Can blogging really change someone`s life?

Ans: Can blogging change someone's life, I believe it can as it has certainly changed mine. The research that has gone into various topics has lead me down a path of discovery. My whole life has evolved from things I've found while researching various topics; from my lifting style to my eating protocols and also how I view the world as a whole.

I, personally, feel that I've grown to be a better person over the years due to blogging and working with other bloggers. Reading stories written by others, you really get a sense for the emotional journeys others are currently going through which helps put your own life into perspective.

Q.  What are your favorite Internet marketing tools?

Ans: I don't know quite how to answer this as I'm not involved in a lot of marketing at the moment. I somewhat use Google's tools, Twitter, and Facebook to put my blog out into the public. I think I need to learn more about marketing and perhaps my blog will start to pay for itself.

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Q. What is your daily schedule? And how do you maintain your tasks?

Ans: I grab a cup of coffee and sit down with my blog analytics to see how well everything performed the previous day. I look to see what words brought people to me and read as much as I can as I work to formulate my next post. I'm a pencil and paper person for task lists, otherwise I'm working my to do list in draft format.
Q Blogging have different definition for different person. What is it for you? 

Ans : Over the years the meaning of blogging has changed. Initially it was an resource for articles I wanted to save and/or share with others and also a place for image sharing. Now that I've become a nutrition and fitness consultant, blogging is a means for getting my message out to clients.

Currently I'm utilizing my three blog sites to help clients locate resource that will help them with their fitness and health journey. I'm still sharing articles and pieces of information, except that I'm now writing the majority of the pieces myself instead of sharing what I've read in new articles.

Q. Which are your favorite blogs?

Ans: I'm reading a lot of various blogs that don't always fit into my business model but help me to relax as well. The following are the top 6 sites I often visit, in no particular order. I'd love to say I visited news sites, the good ones have all but disappeared.
  1. bodynsoil
  2. mpoweru2
  3. themetapicture
  4. cakewrecks
  5. thebloggess
  6. blogher.com
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Q.  How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog?

Ans: I only spend the time needed to look up keywords and researching topics when writing articles. On occasion, when there are changes, I'll spend more time reading and doing research. I'll admit that I should do more work learning this aspect of blogging in an effort to become more successful. 

Q. How much time do you spend for blogging daily?

Ans: I'm often reading professional magazines or articles looking for material that will strike a cord and fuel the writing flames. If I had to put a number on it I'd say I spend almost 2 to 3 hours daily looking for topics. When writing an article, I'll invest much more time researching various topics. 

Q.  Finally, I would love to have your message for my readers and any suggestions for newbies?

Ans: I've been a blogger since almost the start of the internet it seems. In the beginning you could write almost anything as the audience was very limited and you didn't have to worry about exposure, remaining anonymous was almost a guarantee. Social media has grown to the point that a blogger has to be very careful with their words, and their intent, as the world is watching. 

Q : What do you like about eAskme and how it can be more helpful for readers?  

Ans : In all honesty, I would need to explore the service more to learn about it. However, I do like the site as a blogger resource whenever I have questions relating to "how to" and blogging. I often find myself there when working on the blog sites and needing to look up topics or to troubleshoot.
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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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