June 11, 2016

Interview with Karen Woodham : Journey of a Professional Bloggers

Today I am going to introduce you with one more power blogger Karen Woodham from blazingminds.co.uk Interviews are the great way to know person, his struggle, life journey and achievements. It make all of us strong and also give inspiration to create our own world of happiness.

This is the new edition of powerful, successful and inspirational interviews in the series of Journey of a Professional Blogger, interviews on EASKME.com.
Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Interview with Karen Woodham.
Interview with Karen Woodham : Interview With Professional Bloggers : eAskme
Interview with Karen Woodham : Interview With Professional Bloggers : eAskme

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Q : Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging?

Ans : I started blogging back in 2008, it was one of those moments when everyone was banging on about blogging and telling me that I should give it a go, so I did. What started off as a something that I wasn't overly sure about soon started to start to get the snowball effect.

After writing a review at my local cinema, the managers asked me to do the reviews of the latest movies being shown, this went on for a while and then this lead to working with the local theater for their reviews, then everything changed.

Event organizers started getting in touch for coverage of their shows, at this point I met up with a photographer and we started working together at the events, I did the words he did the pictures. This gave me the chance to work with some amazing people and to meet some big names in the entertainment industry, interview them and with become friends with the majority of them.

To this day, I'm still writing reviews for film, theater and events, after winning a UK Blog Award in 2015 more work started to come in from many companies and now I'm working alongside some pretty big film companies that allow me to get much more interesting, entertainment, news on to the blog.

Q.  How the idea to make your own blog came in your mind? How you found the right people to develop it and what big obstacles you faced?

Ans.  As I mentioned earlier, the blog was started just to see what all the fuss was about and to see if it would be any fun, and boy is it fun. I've never really looked back since starting Blazing Minds, yes there may have been those moments in the first 12 months (which is usually where people give up) that had me thinking is all this time and effort really worth it, but the answer was always yes.

Since 2008, I've met some amazing fellow bloggers and many of them have always been available when I need to ask some questions, be it for design, tips to promote the blog to the right audience and even for issues that may arise from plugins that may decide to cause that "white screen of death" that a lot of Wordpress bloggers have come across at some point in their blogging life.

Not sure there have been any big obstacles that I have have had to face, sometimes time can be a bit of a problem, trying to do events, several trips a week to the cinema and theatre as well as the check discs for upcoming movies to review, does take up a lot of my time.

Q. Can blogging really change someone`s life?

Ans:  Yes it can, there is more to it than just sitting behind a screen typing something out, there is the time spent away from the blog working on new articles, then there is the side of blogging that the more popular your blog becomes, the more time you have to spend working on it and the more people will start asking for you to do things for them, especially when it comes down to having an entertainment blog. Since winning the award in 2015 my life changed so much, now I rarely have any time to myself.

But the blogging is still, if not more, fun to do.

Q.  What are your favorite Internet marketing tools?

Ans: I've always found Twitter, StumbleUpon and Facebook the perfect tools for promoting the blog. Having a system that spread the word of the new articles and to get feedback, via the social media is a big must to have for any blogger. Paying for ads on site has to be done as well, so having some revenue coming in to work with marketing tools certainly helps.

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Q. What is your daily schedule? And how do you maintain your tasks?

Ans: A lot of the time it's a case of going through the collection of DVDs/Blu-rays that I've been sent and making a note on which ones will need reviewing first. Then I use a calendar app on my blog to schedule them in to know when and what I'll be working on.

Also checking my emails for new press releases etc and let's not forget I have to check the showing times of what's on at the local cinema and theater to book my review tickets.

This is where the calendar comes in very, very, handy.

Q Blogging have different definition for different person. What is it for you? 

Ans : Blogging has become something different for me over the years, at first it was something to try, then as I learnt to love it, it became something that would give me the chance to do more than just watch cat videos on YouTube!

Now blogging is part of my life, it's a chance for me to put out my thoughts on the reviews that I've written and to have the chance to give my close friends the chance to have their say as a few of them have taken time out of their lives to join me on Blazing Minds to show off their writing and what their passions are as well.Blogging has become something different for me over the years, at first it was something to try, then as I learnt to love it, it became something that would give me the chance to do more than just watch cat videos on YouTube!

Now blogging is part of my life, it's a chance for me to put out my thoughts on the reviews that I've written and to have the chance to give my close friends the chance to have their say as a few of them have taken time out of their lives to join me on Blazing Minds to show off their writing and what their passions are as well.

Q. Which are your favorite blogs?

Ans: Wow that's a tough one, I read so many blogs these days via my RSS subscriptions, that it's hard to just pick a few of them to list, but I'll certainly give it a go. Having a wide range of interests gives me the choice of reading so many interesting and informative blogs.


Q. How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog? 

Ans. Social media is something I am passionate about, as soon as an article is posted live, it is shared to Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit and many more sites so that I can get the word out that there is something new on the blog.

The SEO is something that I'm still 100% sure about, but I do the best I can when I'm working on a article and try to make sure that the SEO is set up for the meta tags and the content, without trying to do any damage to the website, you've got to be careful these days. 

Q. How much time do you spend for blogging daily?

Ans. I think most of the day is spent blogging, I'm always on the look out for new material and do have a habit of writing several articles and then setting them on a schedule to go out over a period of time, sometimes their schedules are changed, but there are always plenty of articles to keep going. So to put a timescale on it, maybe around 6-8 hours a day!

Q. Message for Readers?

Ans. Blogging is something not to be scared of, yes those early days/years can be daunting, but never give up, keep blogging. Have your own style of writing, this will make you show out among the others, if someone doesn`t like your style and tells you to confirm to the "standards", just ignore them, being an individual is key.

Q. What do you like about eAskme and how it can be more helpful for readers? 

Ans. I'm exploring eAskme at the moment, there certainly seems a lot of interesting and very informative articles to read and catch up on. Suffice to say that the RSS feed has now been added to my news reader so that I can keep on top of the latest posts and hopefully not miss anything.
Also See : My Journey

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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