August 01, 2016

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice

Are you a brand addict?


Do you just love to buy branded products?

Why people love to be customer of big brand even if they have to pay huge money?

Because we trust them. We believe that big brands not only for show off, but also shows the user friendliness and trust able customer service.

Branding is the key to be the best. There are various factors which effects a brand, such as quality, popularity, customer service, uniqueness etc.

Today I am going to share about you can turn your own blog into a brand and how it will help you to gain more followers, generate more leads and bring more business.

Also I like to share the expert advice of popular bloggers, let`s see what they do when they have to brand a blog in 2025.

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskme
How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskme
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How to brand a blog? (Jitendra Vaswani)

Jitendra vaswani How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice easkme

Branding is very important for your business if you do in a right way. When I started blogging I was not aware of  branding but as I became more curious about blogging, I started following digital marketing experts like Neil Patel, Pat Flynn, Chris Ducker, Lewis Howes & Gary Vaynerchuk. 

I used to follow their posts & updates on social media. To build your blog a brand be highly active on social media, through social media you can easily build your brand. Share useful content & motivational stuffs to build your authority. 

Add relevant people to your social profiles & engage with them. Build relationship with them by starting meaningful conversation. Instead of wasting your time doing Hi hello, do useful chats & see your social reach start increasing. 

I build my brand by making portfolio very strong like, you can see what kind of call to action buttons I have used there & how my portfolio defines my skillsets. If you have great blog  with powerful call to action buttons trust me you are going to get huge business.

I build my brand & soon I am starting my own training institute for digital marketing in Jaipur Digiexe. 

How to brand a blog? (Ryan Biddulph)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskmeBranding your blog is about getting clear on your topic and building everything on your blog around that topic.

Align your blog top-down around your brand. Everything you see on your blog, from the domain name, to title, to tag line, to posts, to pages, to ads, to widgets, to courses, to eBooks to headers to footers to anything, all must align 100% with the blogging brand you are building.

Patiently prune any content or blog elements not aligned with your brand. Trash the excess or trim the fat to create a one of a kind experience.

Your blog should make people FEEL something. This is good branding. Solve problems, serve your readers, help them with their problems, and add a strong emotional component to your images, words and overall presentation to build a renowned blogging brand.

How to brand a blog? (Anil Aggarwal)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskmeBranding your blog is extremely important especially if you want to make more sales from your sites.

You should always remember one fact: "people don't buy from those they don't know you. They buy from the people whom they like and trust". Here's where branding comes into play.

If you are simply writing and promoting your contents without actually building your brand, you will hate yourself later. You need to spend quality time on improving your personal brand online to boost your reputation and sales.

That being said, I highly recommend you to focus on developing your own writing style and use your images everywhere on the net (while creating posts, making videos, social media profiles etc). Also connect with the influencers and try to get their attention by writing guest posts, offering them help and tweeting their stuff. Sooner or later, you will start noticing that your personal brand building up online.

How to brand a blog? (Lorraine Reguly)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskme

There are many ways you can brand both your business and blog. Here are just a few examples of things you SHOULD be doing RIGHT NOW:
1. Use the same headshot image on all of your social media platforms so that you are easily recognizable.
2. Use the same name across these same platforms. (For example, I am Lorraine Reguly on Facebook AND Google Plus, @lorrainereguly on Twitter, and Lorraine Reguly on Skype.)
3. Use the same logo everywhere.
4. Use the same colors everywhere.
5. Be consistent in your overall message and voice.
6. Do something to stand out from the crowd. Share something memorable. Do something others won't forget. (Even if it's revealing something super-personal about yourself... like I did when I told the word I was raped, did drugs, and got involved with prostitution.)

Note that when you are branding a successful business, you need to have these four ingredients: 
1. an understanding of your customers/readers
2. friendliness towards your customers/readers
3. honesty in how your company/blog presents itself
4. depth beyond color and typography.

Branding involves being crystal clear in your message, and being clear across all platforms of social media.

There is a lot to learn about branding, I know. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth your time.
You'll become more successful by being memorable and unique!

How to brand a blog? (Manidipa Bhaumik)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskmeMany people think that branding is purely for large businesses as this might include some huge cost. But if you understand the true meaning, it’s not about spending big amount of money on PR companies, rather, building the image of trust & efficiency in the mind of your users. If done correctly, tiny measures can also do wonders for any small start-up.

To make your distinct mark in the internet world, you need to create a strong brand identity. Whether you want the abandoned users to be your subscribers or make them buy any product you might be endorsing, you need to build the trust factor first. And that largely comes from the brand image of your blog.

There are certain elements one must take care of:
  • Have a unique design for your blog & maintain that throughout. Stunning looks are fine, however, keeping it simple & elegant can increase the click through and the average time spent on a blog.
  • Make your blog logo and tagline unique which goes along with your theme design & content. It’s the first thing any use sees in your site. So it must give them the clear message about what they can expect to read throughout the blog.
  • Also, your writing style makes your blog unique. The same type of information may be available throughout the web. What makes it unique is the way you present it. So try to present any content in your own words & style. 

How to brand a blog? (Donna Merrill)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskme
    Branding your blog requires that you stand out in the crowd.

    You see, most bloggers are very good at delivering information.

    But readers aren't really looking for information.

    Face it.

    One of the problems your readers face is probably that they have far too much information already.

    What they don't have, is real, actionable solutions to their problems.

    They want direct, simple solutions so they don't have to buy another course or search Google through dozens more entries.

    If you can be the blogger in your niche that shows clear, demonstrable, working solutions... you'll get branded as blogger worthy of bookmarking.

    The branding magic starts here.

    Identify the biggest problems that your readers have.

    Show them that you can help them solve those problems.

    Then demonstrate a few examples.

    Take one small problem as the subject for your blog post.

    Give a clear and actionable solution.

    Do this repeatedly and consistently.

    Engage freely and immediately with everyone who takes the time to leave you a comment.

    This will quickly brand your blog as a dependable, valuable "go-to" resource in your niche.


    "Every day you make progress.  You know you will never get to the end of the journey.  But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.  -Winston Churchill

How to brand a blog? (Santanu Debnath)

 Branding a blog is something like building the reputation of a blog. In simple words, I would say how people will recognize or remember the blog or the person behind the blog so that they can seek assistance in future whenever they need.

Branding a blog may be difficult in case you don't know what the blog is all about. So the very first thing one needs to check is whether the blog is having any focus niche or not. E.g. we all know about Brian Dean of Backlinko. He is running a blog on SEO tricks and similar topic and that's why he is known for in this market. So, Brian Dean himself has branded his name as an SEO specialist.

As a newbie, I think one can take some necessary actions to brand a blog.
  1. Choose a domain name which represents the niche of the blog and definitely that should be short and memorable.
  2. Have a clean and professional design with a catchy Logo.
  3. Your content should speak up about the main keyword or niche of the blog with authoritative & detailed articles.
  4. Keep your publishing routine fix and respond to your readers' comments regularly. If possible you may include a forum or question answer platform for your readers.
  5. Also, spread about your blog and your expertise in social media, answer people's queries in other forums and help people to get their issues resolved.
This way, one can build a strong authority in that niche and gradually brand their blog and the person behind that.

As you see that every popular blogger knows how to brand a blog. As they have shared their branding tips with you, so now you can also work according to these tips to brand a blog. 

Also check : Brand unawareness infographic

How to brand a blog? (Ali Raza)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice : eAskmeThanks Gaurav for inviting me on such a great roundup. I feel roundups are the perfect ways to discuss multiple people opinion and how do they address a particular subject.

Moving back to the topic, there can be different ways to brand a blog.

First of all you need to work in a particular niche, time has gone when you can be a master of all, but now blogs in a particular niche works much better, not only it helps you in branding but eventually your blog becomes an authority in that niche.

You can also use Social media. It's true that Social media has changed over the time and has made connecting with each other, much more easier. So I believe the best way to brand a blog is using the power of Social media.

I also believe that in branding, consistency and motivation plays an important role, if you are consistent, eventually people will start noticing your blog and then some day they will read it, but if you, yourself lacks motivation, chances are that you will have a hard time in branding your blog.

Lastly I believe roundups, such as what you are doing with this point, also helps in branding. It's a great way to get more traffic as well branding.

Good luck!

How to brand a blog? (Vladimir Gendelman)

How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice

For a blog to stand out, you can’t just copy what other people are doing and hope to replicate their success. You have to create great content that nobody else is offering, whether it’s an underreported topic or a particular aspect of an issue that few other people seem to notice. One good practice is to research the first five pages of Google results related to the topic you’re writing about to ensure that you have the best available answer.

It’s also vital to use engaging images with a distinctive visual style. Stock photos are convenient, but it’s better to create your own. That way, you can be sure that no other blog already has similar visuals.”
If you still have any question about how to brand a blog, feel free to ask me. Don`t forget to share what you like on your social networks.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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