Oh so you do have a blog. or Do you want to start a blog in
Success in blogging comes to those who know
how to learn,
improve and excel their
blogging career. A bloggers success in blogging totally
depends upon
how passionate you are. It also counts how much time and efforts
you put into your blogging house.
Did I say blogging house? Oh Yes.
Didn`t you get it? I mean your blog, lol.
2023 is going out of the window as 2024 is driving its way
to know at your door. Improving your blog is the real thing which you going to
work in 2024.
There is no doubt that in 2024 every blogger will be facing more
challenges, competition and many improvements also. As a professional blogger
you should be ready for all.
Today I am going to count all the best ways to improve your
blog in 2024.
Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024 : Complete Guide: Complete Guide: eAskme |
Let`s see how you going to improve your blog in 2024?
Best Ways o improve your blog in 2024:
1) Improve your blog theme in 2024:
Do you what a visitor notice on your blog in very first
It is the design or you can say theme of your blog.
Every year you see new trends in blog or
web designing. In
2024 you will see more user friendly deigns as it is the need of the time.
You should
colors, navigation,
sidebars and ads should be relevant
according to the color combination of your blog or
blogging niche.
For example: if you running a health blog, you should use
green color in theme and if running technology blog, blue is the color that you
should choose.
2) Quality Quality Quality:
You be bored reading and hearing about
quality content and
again quality content.
So what you should do which don`t make you bore?
Not just write content like a machine but add images,
videos, infographic to improve your blog in real good ways.
Also make your blog user friendly by improving site speed,
as the sites which load faster give better experience to the user.
3) Clean your blog:
It is common that with the time you will find many spammy
links associated with your site or blog. You should get rid of those links
before Google algorithms going to beat your blog. You can also ask Google to
help you fixing spammy links.
Also analyze the ad networks and
affiliate ads you use on
your blog. With time some may go down and you may need to change those links
with the active ones.
Also keep an eye on changing rules and policies of Google to
know the best ways which can help to improve your blog according to search
engine and boost it`s ranking.
When you find any spammy link, you should tell the resource
to remove the link instantly.
4) Blog Accessibility:
I know you want to
increase traffic and followers of your
blog. But how can you do that?
Simple improve the chances for readers to access your blog
in 2024.
These days you cannot rely on only one method such as
webpage only.
You should target readers which are regular users of
netbooks, laptops, notebooks, phablets, tablets, balckerry and symbian users
There are chances that you may not know which reader is coming
on your blog from which device. It is also not easy to find the exact number of
readers visiting your blog and the number of readers which are not able to see your
blog just because your blog is not compatible with all browsers and operating
So keep all the doors open for readers to come and come
You can even use whatsapp, wechat etc to improve the reach
of your blog content.
5) Understand your readers:
This is one of the huge improvements in 2024 for your blog,
if you understand why readers are coming on your blog, what they want from your
blog and how can you give them something extra every time they visit on your
If you can answer these questions in best ways that means
you understand your readers in real time.
Focus on from where and how your blog is getting traffic?
How long readers are staying on your blog? What is attracting the most of the
readers on your blog?
6) Dates are good in 2024:
If you are running a blog, then why don`t you show the post
publishing dates?
Showing publishing dates help readers to know if the content
is new, updated or something which still have some value in 2024. You may have
seen many blogs which are not showing dates.
Why not? If you think you can fool the readers by not showing
dates that content is new then you are wrong. Not only search engines but readers
also very intelligent. They know what they are looking for and what is
Posts without date are a big lack of improvement for your
blog in 2024. These type of posts do not perform good in
Google SearchAnalytics.
Even if I visit a blog and do not see a date or time of the
post, I usually assume that the blog is not updated from long time and quit
visiting that blog again.
Same happens in every case.
Publish dates and make your blog look fresh and exciting.
7) Use High quality images:
Not just the attractive tiles but high quality images play a
great role to make the user stick with your blog post and visit more posts.
Usually when you download or edit and image it changes the
pixels of that image.
You can use the help of some best photo editors to edit your
photos without actually pixelating your images. There are plugins available for
WordPress which helps you to keep the images resolution at it`s best.
In 2024, you should focus more on improving image quality
and give your readers a more entertaining experience.
8) Improve your blog with latest technologies:
It is really simple to start a blog. This makes more people
start their own blogs every day. That means competition is also increasing.
So it is your job as a blogger to make your blog look
Not just the WordPress scripts but you can also use the
Gif`s, vlogging etc.
You should also ready to invest to make your blog look
exciting in real time. Work with latest technologies and use
best tools forblogging.
9) Improve your blog security:
Improve your blog security : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024 : eAskme |
When it comes to blogging, it is a high trend that bloggers
usually ignore security of their blogs and many times falls in the hands of
You should understand that even if a hacker can take down
your blog for few minutes or hours, it will bring an excessive damage to your
blog. Your readers may turn off from your blog as they see security threats.
You should keep checking your blog and take backup regularly.
10) Dominate social media:
When it comes to work on social media most of the bloggers
waste time just chatting on Facebook and forget the real motto why they have a
social media profile.
No matter you are a tech blogger or fashion blogger or
science blogger,
Social media is for all.
Social media is the biggest crowd which can bring you not
just the traffic but you can generate leads and make sales to boost your
earning. There are so many social media networks available online.
Only Facebook is covering over 20 million small online
business worldwide. You should also use Twitter, interest etc to create strongsocial media presence.
Make the year 2024 the best year of your blogging career:
To improve your blog in 2024 you may even need to redesign
your blog theme or add more pub gins and get rid of unwanted plugging from your
blog. Follow these tips and improve your blog in 2024.
Don`t forget to share what you like here!
Do share your own strategy to improve your blog in 2024.
Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.
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