January 31, 2018

An Introduction To WordPress Gutenberg Editor In WordPress 6.4.3

You want to fuel up your blogging business, then you need to run your blog on Wordpress. WordPress is the most powerful CMS. WordPress is the best tool to launch a blog. WordPress is not just a content management system but it is the most powerful tool to launch websites. Over 30% websites are running on WordPress CMS.

Today I have a big announcement about this powerful content management system.

WordPress is evolving and going to give you a completely updated editing experience.

It means that the traditional way of writing and editing on WordPress is going to change. WordPress is bringing this massive change to improve structuring and flexibility in writing.

An Introduction To WordPress Gutenberg Editor In WordPress 6.4.3: eAskme
An Introduction To WordPress Gutenberg Editor In WordPress 6.4.3: eAskme
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This massive change is known as the new Wordpress Gutenberg editor.

So it is the time to understand what Gutenberg editor is and how it works as a new editor. You will also learn the details about Gutenberg editor and when you can expect it to be live.

What is the Wordpress Gutenberg Editor?

WordPress has redesigned it’s editor to make editing more fun. WordPress Gutenberg editor is there to replace the traditional WordPress TinyMCE editor.

WordPress Gutenberg editor is there to make is more accessible and easier for a common user to write content creating unique content structures by using Gutenberg blocks.

According to Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress:

An Introduction To The New WordPress Gutenberg Editor Coming In WordPress 5.0

TinyMCE Editor:
In case, if you are not aware about what Wordpress TinyMCE editor is, just look at the image below.

 TinyMCE Editor

 Now let's check how Wordpress Gutenberg editor looks;
 Wordpress Gutenberg editor

In case, if you are not aware about what Wordpress TinyMCE editor is, just look at the image below.
If you think the change is only about the interface styling then you are wrong. The big change that WordPress Gutenberg is bringing to WordPress is the new block based editing approach.

How Does The WordPress Gutenberg Editor Work?

If you are running a blog or website on WordPress then you are already familiar with how traditional editor works. You have a single box to edit or write content add videos and images etc.

Gutenberg is making you write content in multiple blocks.

You can add anything in a block, such as;
  •     Paragraph

  •     Image

  •     Video

  •     Button

  •     Quotes
Now let me give you a clear picture about how these Gutenberg blocks will work.

In this image you will see different blocks, such as;
  •     2 Paragraphs

  •     1 Image block

  •     1 Video block
WordPress Gutenberg Editor blocks

To give each block a different identity you can add different color to the background of the block.

WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Do you know, what is so cool about these blocks?

If you are a developer then you can write your own blocks. That means you can get rid of embed codes and short codes.

For example; To add an image gallery to your post you need not to add any gallery shortcode. All you need is to simply use gallery block.

Are you thinking that Gutenberg if going to eliminate the more powerful page builders?

I don’t think so. Gutenberg editor is advance than the TinyMCE editor but it is not advanced enough that it can replace the powerful editors.

Yet, Gutenberg editor is there to make things easy for you.

The best thing about Gutenberg editor is that it will save you from using unnecessary shotcodes and you can easily create attractive pages. You can enjoy a number of functionalities of this blocks strategy.

Now take a look at WordPress Gutenberg Blocks and Embeds:

The below image tells what you can use in blocks and embeds.
WordPress Gutenberg Blocks and Embeds: eAskme

Wordpress Gutenberg Editor 17.6.5:

Gutenberg editor as a plugin 17.6.5 is here.

Are you forced to use WordPress Gutenberg editor in Wordpress 6.4.3?

There is no doubt that Gutenberg is more easy to use and flexible editor for WordPress. But you may not like it in the first go. It can take time before you become habitual of using Gutenberg editor.

There is no second thought that Gutenberg had replaced the TinyMCE editor in WordPress 6.4.3. But you can still use classic editor plugin.
  • Replaced WordPress Gutenberg editor with TinyMCE editor
  • Add alternate links to pages and posts, so you can access both TinyMCE editor and Gutenberg Editor.

How to try the new Wordpress Gutenberg Editor now?

I have already said that Gutenberg editor is accessible with WordPress 6.4.3.
You can try Gutenberg editor by installing Gutenberg WordPress plugin.

Right now Gutenberg is in beta phase, so I recommend you not to install it on your main site.

You can create a local WordPress site and install Gutenberg using WAMP or XAMPP.

This will help you to become familiar with Gutenberg editor before it is officially launched.

Once you are comfortable with Gutenberg plugin, and then install it on your site.

After installing Gutenberg plugin, it will become the default editor of your site. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot use the classic editor. You can access classic editor from drop down under “Add New” button.

Gutenberg might create headache in the beginning but it will be great in long run.

People get habitual of using Gutenberg Editor and WordPress 6.4.3 is here.

Human mind takes time to learn and adapt new things. Your job is to learn and understand Gutenberg. The new editing interface will help you in long run.

Now share your thoughts with me.

What do you think about the WordPress Gutenberg editor? Do you still prefer TinyMCE editor or you want to switch to Gutenberg editor?

Do share your thoughts via comments.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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