October 24, 2018

How to Make Money with Porn in 2025?

As an entrepreneur, I get asked a lot about how to turn peoples desire to watch porn into money. well, there are many ways to click the link if you are interested to learn the 3 easiest ways to make money with porn in 2025.

How to Make Money with Porn in 2025?
How to Make Money with Porn in 2025?

So in this article on eAskme i'm going to show you how to start a porn tube website using WordPress.

We already have a tutorial about how to install WordPress here and after you have successfully installed WordPress its time to turn it into a porn tube. you can download the theme from Orders Section in My-Account Page on wpcashtube.com. see the image below:

and I'm happy to announce that you can get 15% off all the orders regardless of the amount by using the code:

note: make sure you copy/paste the code in order to prevent any misspellings.

Installation and activation of the WP CASH TUBE THEME is really easy, after logging in to your WordPress dashboard by adding wp-admin to the end of your domain name for example
and then 
  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Themes > Add New.

  2. From there you'll see an option for “Upload” at the top of the screen. Click the “Browse” button, navigate your computer files and select WPCASHTUBE.ZIP file and upload and click on activate to activate the new theme you have just uploaded.

  3. again from the dashboard go to Appearance > WPCASHTUBE Theme Options

  4. enter your email address and the order id that you have received like the image above.

  5. your porn website is now ready, but it doesn't have any videos yet
NO PROBLEM, just click on MONSTER XVIDEOS IMPORTER  and type in whatever video you want it could be a category like anal or a pornstar name like Alexis Texas, who the fuck is Alexis Texas? (see the image below)

 and after a few seconds :

Now you are running a porn tube website and just watching the views go up and slowly but surely increasing and as a result, you make an easy passive income online using porn.

Good News Is you can run up to 10 websites at the same time for life (All the licenses on wpcashtube.com are lifetime access). I Get a lot of questions about this but there are genealy 2 things that most people want to know

Question:So How Much Views Will I Get?

It really depends on many things like what type of domains you are using I would recommend using .com, they just grow faster and also to things like backlinks. The more backlinks to your website the more traffic you will end up getting from search engines like google and bing and Yandex.

Here is an example of a website that is 6 months old and is getting an avrage of 30,000 Visitors per month running 10 porn tube sites can get you about 300,000 visitors per month.
let's say you are running 10 tube sites and have been updating and generally speaking taking care of your websites by doing things like adding backlinks or answering comments - takes less than an hour per day - for about six month now its time to make some juicy money lolz

Personally I go with CPA Offers, if you don't know what CPA is it stands for Cost Per Action.
keep in mind that CPA marketing Is Not Affiliate Marketing. affiliate marketing is when you sell a product and get a share of the product its usually between 10% to 60%.

But CPA marketing is when you convince a user to do something online and it is not necessarily buying a product sometimes the companies pay you to collect emails for them.

Now in the image below you can see that there are two ads every time someone clicks on those images and enters their email address you will be paid 1-4$. Now if only 0.66% of your visitors to click on the banners and enter their email addresses you will earn 300,000 % 0.66 = 1980. 

Offers you have converted and it could be between 900$ to 2000$ based on what niche you are using and how well the ads convert.again its assuming you are running 10 websites at the same time

below is an image sample of Porn Tubes Sample ADS:

Boost Your Advertising Income By Using WP CASH TUBE AD REPLACER

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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