May 08, 2019

Tips on How To Do SEO Campaign For Educational Websites

The advent of internet technology has revolutionized education. More people now depend on online programs to attain new skills and earn certification. Online education is not only cheaper but also more convenient and easily accessible.

The demand for online education has seen more institutions launching websites and the competition today is stiff.

This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in handy.

Tips on How To Do SEO Campaign For Educational Websites: eAskme
Tips on How To Do SEO Campaign For Educational Websites: eAskme

Other people are reading: Stop wasting money on SEO

You have to promote your educational website to get the best ranking on search engines which in turn boosts traffic.

Educational websites target students and SEO is crucial to achieving their objectives

An SEO campaign is crucial to;
  • Boost site traffic
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Reduce bounce rate
  • Boost brand visibility
  • Build trust in your niche market.
Here, you will find important tips to improve your program’s search engine ranking through an SEO campaign. Keep reading.

1. Keyword Research

Keywords are the holy grail of any SEO campaign.

If you have an educational website, you have to identify the best keywords to target to attract more traffic.

However beautiful your website looks, you will not attract relevant visitors if you don’t know the best keywords to use in your content.

You can use keyword research tools such as;
If you target the right keywords, everything else falls into place.

2. On-site SEO

On-site SEO entails those important elements for search engine optimization that must happen on your educational website.

On-site SEO is highly effective,but you should never overuse it.

This strategy includes using;
On all these, features, you should include the target keyword to make it easier for site visitors to find what they want.

3. Off-Site Optimization

You can do a lot out of your website to promote it and increase ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Off-site SEO includes;

The idea here it to attract organic traffic to your website and in turn boost conversion rates.

4. Mobile First

More people today connect to the internet using their mobile phones and this is an imprint point to remember in your SEO campaign.

According to data from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), there are over 5.112 billion unique mobile phone users.

There are 3.26 billion people use social media on mobile devices in January 2019.

These numbers emphasize the importance of mobile internet users and you have to design your website and web content with mobile in mind.

By using responsive web design, you increase your market reach as anyone on a small screen can still access your educational website.

5. Create Fresh Content and Update it

You must give your readers quality content which you should frequently update. The content must add value to the reader’s lives and must help them solve problems.

It is also important to;
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Other helpful designing guides for you:
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Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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