Whether a college student or a writer, possessing good memory skills is one of the vital skills besides having a good hold on language and grammar skills.
Mnemonic devices are one of the wonderful memorization techniques that can be used to memorize the vocabulary of a language, grammar rules, and writing techniques.
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Types of Essays, Examples, and Challenges: eAskme |
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DRANCE (Pronounced like Trance--a type of electronic dance music) is one such mnemonic device to recall different types of essays in writing especially for those who can ask to write my essay or do it by themselves, for example, college students, writers, and business professionals.
To write a good essay, one must first understand how to classify an essay so that the tone and style of writing are consistently maintained all through the article.
Though, there are many types of college essays, some of the basic kinds are summarized using a simple mnemonic, DRANCE.
DRANCE talks about eight different types of essays that are commonly seen in college examinations and business writing:
- Descriptive
- Reflective
- Argumentative
- Authoritative/persuasive
- Narrative
- Compare and contrast
- Expository
How to Write Descriptive Essays
Almost all tests and exams will have a descriptive essay as a part of their curriculum.
As the name suggests, while writing descriptive essays students are expected to describe, depict, and illustrate the topic of discussion.
Writers can express an idea by describing motion, smell, space, sight, taste, and touch. (It can be recalled using MoST mnemonic) while drafting a descriptive essay outline.
Some of the examples of descriptive essay topics include:
- How did my dad win the tennis tournament?
- My trip to Germany.
- My beautiful new house on a hill station.
- My outperforming business team.
- My role as a Team manager.
- Descriptive essays are also quite commonly seen as part of job interviews.
Reflective Essays Portrays Personal Reflection
Reflective essays usually have words, phrases, and statements that have "I", "Me" or "You". It tries to bring out the self of a person.
Reflective essays are common in both college and the corporate world and it outlines the personality, nature or character of a person.
Some sample reflective essay topics include:
- Tell something about yourself.
- What are your hobbies and why are you passionate about them?
- What is your favorite tourist destination and why?
- Why should our organization hire you?
Argumentative Essay Examples
Argumentative essays are so common that even school children would be prompted to write this kind of essay.
Any essay that is controversial, opinionated, belief-based, and quarrelsome would fall into this type of writing.
Some examples of argumentative essay topics include:
- The chicken came first or the egg.
- God exists or not.
- Managers play a key role in the development of any business organization than the team members.
- Love marriage versus arranged marriage.
Authoritative or Persuasive Essay Samples
Most business letters are either authoritative or persuasive or both. This type of writing convinces a person to buy, agree, or accept a product, belief, or feeling.
Samples of authoritative or persuasive essay topics include:
- Switzerland is the tourist best spot for new married couples.
- Influencing salespeople are also great thinkers.
- Seat belt laws.
- Save the environment, save nature.
- Rainwater harvesting is one of the best ways to save water.
What is a Narrative Essay?
Almost all storytellers are narrators.
Narrative essays classify the topic in the past, present, and future.
It relates the topic using chronological order of importance, describes the history, illustrates ancient time, and connects it with present time and future predictions.
Examples of narrative essay topics:
- Biography of Charles Dickens.
- History of Roman Empire.
- Evolution of architecture.
- Business project updates.
How to Write Compare and Contrast Essays
Yet another common type of essay where both the similarities and the differences are put side by side for evaluation, or judgment.
Writers and students bring compare and contrast essays in two forms.
One, listing all the similarities first and then showing the differences, or two, take one similarity and one difference at a time for explanation.
Example of compare and contrast essay topics include:
- Elucidate the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
- Compare and contrast the present business policies with the last year.
- Show some of the similarities between a corporate business presentation and a college speech.
- Explain the similarities and differences between child learning and adult learning.
Expository Essay Examples
Almost all technical documents are expository.
Expository is a kind of writing that defines, classifies, and labels a concept or an idea.
Sample expository essay topics include:
- Define electromagnetic radiation.
- Explain the principles of management.
- Classify different types of writing and define each type of writing using examples.
- Explain how business project management works.
The Challenges of Writing Essays
An essay is often one of the more personal types of writing that a writer can be tasked with, which is what makes them such a challenge when they’re given as assignments and not worked on as a matter of personal creativity or preference.
There are a lot of challenges that come with all types of writing, of course.
A short story must be swift and deft in its execution — it must build a mood and create a feeling which is inescapably understood by the reader in a relatively short period.
The essay is, of course, a pretty broad type of writing, depending on your tendency to split hairs, but it fits a decently wide range of different types of writing. One of the characteristics of an essay, however — especially when they’re assigned to you as part of a job — is that they tend to require some objectivity.
It can be tough to discuss an object, topic, or individual in a thoughtful and critical light while maintaining a standpoint of pure objectivity, but sometimes this is what’s required of us to fulfill our assignment.
As a writer, you likely deal in the spectrum of human emotions.
We all want to record the truth, as we see it — which is why it can be tough to keep a lid on this when we’ve got an assignment to take care of an essay that presents an issue or a topic with which we might not be so thoroughly excited.
It’s tough to take our own emotions, experience, and context out of what it is we write, but the true challenge to any writer is the ability to fit just about any assignment and speak in just about any voice.
It’s one thing to let your personal opinions dictate the way you write down your thoughts on life, but when you’re working on an essay it can often be important to stay objective, especially in the academic world.
The best solution? Rely on facts. Don’t say what you think. If you do — don’t present it as something that you think.
Always speak in the third person (never use pronouns like “I” or “you”) and when you present your opinion, present it as a fact that is backed up by the supporting points of your essay.
Removing your emotions from the equation is easier than you think, and the key to most objective essay-writing is relying primarily on the facts, and little else.
About the author: Erica R. Gibson is a technological writer at writemyessaycheap. She is highly interested in keeping up with advancing technologies. In this case, she spends her spare time reading various blogs to obtain new knowledge and improve her professional skills.
If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.
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