June 16, 2021

8 Strategies to Make Learning Smarter and More Engaging Using Technology

Do your students remain inattentive during classes?

This is a common scenario that every other teacher faces today, and you should focus on “why” to find solutions.

While conventional classes must have been successful in the past, today, the young generation is more entertainment-oriented.

8 Strategies to Make Learning Smarter and More Engaging Using Technology: eAskme
8 Strategies to Make Learning Smarter and More Engaging Using Technology: eAskme

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As a teacher, you really need to turn to innovative and interactive methods to grab their attention.

When learning techniques are intriguing, students become enthusiastic about studying.

The integration of technology can ensure student engagement regardless of the learning medium.

Strategies That Will Enhance Learning Experience for Students

Here’re some proven strategies that make the best use of technology.

Educational Freedom and Module Customization

Students often feel overburdened with training modules and syllabus-oriented lessons.

As a teacher, you have the scope to rule out the regulations and provide learners with the freedom to choose their projects based on lessons.

Don’t limit your students by spoon-feeding.

Instead, focus on introducing them to technology to help them learn a great deal of stuff about the topic.

Yet, you should insist that your students come up with diverse information about a lesson and discuss it in class.

This practice will spark their interest and encourage active participation.

Try to make your students comfortable enough to ask you whatever queries they have during classes, be it how to write a college admission essay or where to find more information on the discussed topic.

Structured Training Modules With Different Learning Formats

No one likes staring at textbooks all day. So, an ideal training module should include texts, videos with learning materials, subject-oriented images, presentations, and statistics to engage students.

Images and presentations simplify lessons by highlighting the key takeaways.

Students don’t need to turn over one page after another, searching for argumentative essay format requirements or other specific information pieces.

Smartboards or a projector can be beneficial tools here.

During offline classes, you should let your students go through practical and experimental experiences.

You can also ask them to make presentations related to different topics of a unit.

Various Infographics

There are no alternatives to infographics in terms of creating prompt and to-the-point study materials for students.

Often, complex and boring topics can be demonstrated in engaging ways by utilizing infographics.

Such graphics are highly effective for learning as they provide insights into lessons in a simplified manner.

Most students look for infographics during virtual classes to understand their lessons better and faster.

Relevant Quizzes and Sets of Trivial Questions

Who doesn’t love quizzes?

As an educator, you should prepare sets of interesting questions related to the lessons you teach virtually or in the classroom.

This strategy is beneficial in two ways.

  • First, quiz sessions or trivia sessions help students revisit the chapters they have studied. Such sessions enable them to memorize lessons properly.
  • Second, it facilitates a healthy competitive environment in class. Score-enabled quizzes make learning fun for students in both virtual and conventional classes.

Blog Formats for Assignment Submissions

Students often get bored of submitting one assignment after another, especially in similar formats.

So, you should bring some innovations to assignment formats to offer creative space to learners.

Blogs are ideal options for students to express their perceptions about specific topics.

While writing a gun control essay in the form of a blog post, a person can elaborate their understanding and standpoint on the topic.

This practice will make working on assignments much more exciting.

It is a good idea to allow your students to complete their assignments as journals.

Journals are as effective as blogs in terms of ensuring creative space for each individual.

Interactive Elements

Organize a forum for students’ feedback and queries.

Don’t let them feel that they are bound to follow your instructions blindly.

Instead, experimental and practice-based training modules should be your preference.

Students generally disregard theoretical modules.

Another option is to arrange interactive sessions with students of a different university or even a different country.

There is nothing better than discussions intended to explore new aspects of learning.

Educational Podcasts

Podcasts are gaining immense popularity across the globe.

The scenario is the same in terms of new methods of learning.

Students love to listen to educational podcasts related to their subjects.

Such podcasts help them refresh their minds and let them try an unusual way of learning.

You can create subject-oriented podcasts yourself or guide your students to already available ones.

That’s how you can draw their attention to virtual training efficiently.


It is hard to find a person who wouldn’t prefer watching a movie over attending a class.

You can take advantage of this aspect to teach smartly.

Find a movie or documentary related to your topic and play that in your class.

Once students are all done with the fun, you can ask them interesting questions and add a new outlook through your explanation.

This engaging way of learning will boost their attention to detail.

You can also ask them to work on case studies based on the movie or documentary that they have watched.

Almost everyone loves to explore a concept or an incident that they watch in a reality-based movie.

Final Words

There are no limitations to introducing innovative strategies that make learning interesting and enjoyable for students.

The suggestions mentioned above are undoubtedly functioning and highly efficient.

You can always improve your learning approaches.

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Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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