October 11, 2024

What is Fanum Tax? Meaning of The Gen Alpha Slang

Gen Alpha has originated a new slang term, "Fanum Tax." But what is its meaning? And when to use it?
Let's find out everything.

A famous Twitch streamer, Fanum, originated the "Fanum Tax." It all started in 2022 when he was streaming online on Twitch. He started collecting meals from his members and called it "Fanum Tax."

History of Fanum Tax:

What is Fanum Tax? Meaning of The Gen Alpha Slang: eAskme

In simple words, Fanum Tax means taking the little piece of what your friends have. In other words, you are taking taxes from your friends.

While it originated in 2022 by Kia Cenat, it gained popularity in 2023. Gen Alpha has made it popular on TikTok and Twitch.

Fanum Tax Meaning:

If you are new to slang or have never heard of "Fanum Tax," you may find the meaning confusing.
Social media is full of slang, and the most popular slang these days is Fanum Tax.

Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, Instagram, and even YouTube streamers are using this word when taking something from their followers.

Fanum Tax has nothing to do with your regular tax. It refers to stealing something from your friends but not behind their backs.

You grab their piece of meal like you own it.

Fanum Tax is a funny way to take 5% or 10% off your friend's meal. But Gen Alpha has taken it to the next level. They are asking for up to 50% of what their friends have.

While it is all about having fun, there is nothing serious about it.

Most popular examples of Fanum Tax:

  • Asley Fanum taxed my lunch.
  • I had McDonald's, but no one Fanum Taxed me.
  • Is your shake Fanum taxed?
  • Please don't Fanom tax my meal.

These examples explain that the Fanum Tax is mostly related to meals.

How and When to Use Fanum Tax?

When you eat your friend's meal, you can call it Fanum Tax. But don't tax everything that your friend has, or it will cause trouble.

The slang is best to use when you want to have fun with your friends.

But do not overuse it. You surely do not want to offend your friends.

Fanum Tax is only 5% of their meal. But also let them Fanum Tax your meals.

Is Fanum Tax a Compliment?

Fanum Tax is about engaging or messing with your friends in funny ways.

You can tax anything that your friend does as if he is not getting angry about your behavior.


Use Fanum Tax only when you are taking a portion of your friend's meal.

Do not put Fanum Tax everything your friends is having something. Use slang wisely on social media and even while streaming.

Fanum Tax FAQs:

Who originated the Fanum Tax?
In 2022, Kai Cenat introduced Fanom Tax slang while streaming.

What is the meaning of the Fanum Tax slang term?
Fanum Tax is the way to tax your friend's meal or food items.

How to use Fanum Tax?
When you steal or eat your friend's food, then you can call it tax.

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