November 08, 2024

YouTube Launched "Most Relevant" Filter, Data Stories, and Video Linking

YouTube is bringing more ways to control content monetization and comments.

The new "Most Relevant" comment feature helps creators sort comments according to relevance. "Data Stories" is another feature that lets creators monetize their content with advertisers and brand collaborations.

Here, Video Linking is the most important feature as it unlocks brand collaborations. However, the features are available for creators with 4000+ subscribers.

YouTube Launched "Most Relevant" Filter, Data Stories, and Video Linking: eAskme

If you do not have 4000+ subscribers, then follow my tips to boost your YouTube subscribers.

YouTube "Most Relevant" Filter:

YouTube comments are not called Community.

YouTube launched the "Most Relevant" comment filter.

It lets you display comments based on the "Most Relevant" filter.

Most Relevant Filter Features:

  • AI-powered technology to filter relevant comments.
  • Display meaningful comments.
  • Easy to manage comments.

YouTube Data Stories:

YouTube's Data Story feature is available in the YouTube Studio smartphone app.

Creators check the performance metrics to understand the impact of their videos.

It is better than traditional analytics as it offers a quick performance overview.

YouTube Video Linking:

YouTube allows selected creators to send video-linking requests to advertisers.

YouTube Video Linking feature is part of the YouTube Partner Program. It targets short video content.

Before this feature, advertisers were only allowed to send video linking requests.

Now, content creators can also initiate video linking requests to advertisers.If the advertiser accepts your request, then he will be able to view the performance of your video.

Advertisers get request notifications in emails and on YouTube.


YouTube is improving its platform for content creators. The biggest reason behind YouTube's focus on creators is its desire to dominate the social media industry.

YouTube is facing challenges from other video-sharing platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

The company has explained new features in Creator Insider video.

As content creators are the backbone of video-sharing platforms, YouTube prioritizes making the platform best for creators with unique features.

New features are also another step in this direction.

In the coming months, YouTube will launch more features to boost engagement and productivity.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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