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June 26, 2022

How to Improve Gaming Performance on Your Laptop? 5 Easy Steps!

Many people do not like investing in expensive gaming consoles and prefer using their regular PCs or laptops for gaming.

And if you're one of those people, you must realize that using your laptop for gaming puts extra pressure on you to ensure it is optimized to the max for your best performance.

Your laptop already has a lot of files and data to deal with, and as a gamer, you know that every second and frame counts in determining your win or loss in the game.

How to Improve Gaming Performance on Your Laptop? 5 Easy Steps!: eAskme
How to Improve Gaming Performance on Your Laptop? 5 Easy Steps!: eAskme

Therefore, latency and slow-working systems stand no chance in gaming at all. But does that mean you can't play the latest games on your laptop?

Clearly, no. all you need to do is work on boosting your device's performance to enjoy an upgraded gaming experience.

There are a few simple and easy ways to boost your device's speed and performance for gaming.

So without any further ado let's get into it:

How to Improve Gaming Performance on Your Laptop? 5 Easy Steps!

  • Connect to Ethernet Cable.
  • Keep your Drivers updated.
  • Turn on the Windows Game Mode.
  • Close background running processes.
  • Keep Your Computer Clean and Dust-free.

Connect to Ethernet Cable:

How can we talk about gaming and not consider internet connection?

The first thing you need to ensure a top-notch gaming experience is to secure a fiber optic internet connection.

We suggest you go for a reputable company that offers various fiber internet plans.

AT&T internet is worth mentioning here as they offer 100% fiber-fast connectivity to support a lag-free internet experience.

However, getting a good internet connection at your home alone isn't enough.

We all know that anything a gamer can't afford at all is a connection issue.

So make sure you connect your laptop with an Ethernet cable as it's a well-known fact that an Ethernet cable gives a reliable and faster connection compared to a WI-FI network.

And we must make it clear here that we are talking about gaming Ethernet cables that are different from the regular ones.

They offer a better gaming experience because they improve your device's internet connectivity and ensure stability and durability.

Keep your Drivers updated:

Drivers are the applications in your computer that give instructions to the hardware and how to function.

By keeping your drives up-to-date regularly, your device's efficiency is likely to maximize too.

Usually, the drivers are pated by Windows automatically; however, you still have to check to see if any programs need a manual update.

Commonly the issue with driver updates is found among the graphic drivers.

A quick fix to this issue is by setting your GPU (Graphics processing unit) on automatic updates; it mainly processes the pieces of data, making them useful for gaming applications.

Turn on the Windows Game Mode:

Do you know that your laptop is equipped with an Xbox app if you have Windows 10 or above?

Yes, it is, and it includes features like streaming, screen recording, and game mode.

All you need to do is activate the Game mode and Game bar and get started.

Once your game mode is enabled, Windows will automatically run games with capital settings.

For example, it might close some tasks in the background to ensure a better gaming experience.

Close background running processes:

The logic behind this is simple, processes going on in the background slow down the performance of your PC, and closing them will speed up your laptop considerably.

You can use the Task Manager on your device to determine the unnecessary processes running in the background and end them.

It will not only free up more bandwidth for your gaming experience but also not consume excessive data and storage of your device.

Even though today's laptops are much better at multi-tasking, leaving programs running in the background shouldn't seriously impact gaming, but why take a risk?

Keep Your Computer Clean and Dust-free:

A simple yet helpful technique, clean your laptop.

Physical maintenance of your device can boost your performance.

You might not notice, but dust is one of the major reasons to reduce your laptop's airflow, thus getting it heated too quickly.

And heat directly affects the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), processor, and other components of your device and makes it slow down.

The solution to all these problems is simple, keep your laptop dust-free.

We know this is not as easy as it sounds since the laptop is all sealed, and opening it up will invalidate its warranty, but you can try your hands on different cleaning techniques.

Take help from YouTube. You'll surely find a video on removing dust from your laptop.

What you can do at your end is regularly clean your screen and keyboard.

Make sure no food or other particles are sticking around your keys and sneaking into the system from there.

This will improve your laptop performance as well as your gaming experience.


The tips mentioned above are vital to improving the gaming experience and can immensely help boost your laptop's performance in the best way possible, so guess what?

You don't need to spend money on an expensive gaming setup when you can easily enjoy a similar experience on your laptop.

All you need to do is regularly clean your device, upgrade your hardware, close background apps and connect to a reliable internet connection, and you are good to go!

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May 19, 2022

5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning

Usage of the novel frameworks in learning is essential.

The world is getting progressively more complex. Thus, teaching about it is not easy.

Old methods are often showing rather substandard results. They can serve as an impediment to relevant education progress.

5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning: eAskme
5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning: eAskme

Therefore, the goal of any individual who seeks large-scale achievements in terms of education is to invest their time and effort into innovations.

In this regard, a potent option stems from the usage of gamification.

This article will answer the following questions: What is gamification in education? and What are its benefits?

 Using this article, you'll be able to make your judgment on utilizing the methodology.

What is gamification?

Gamification involves the insertion of game elements into learning.

What do we mean by that?

For example, you can add video-game-like achievements to your model of learning. Many other models exist too.

For example, the rather simple decision to add several tiers of assessment for various elements of a task already represents some form of gamification.

You create conditions that, after getting fulfilled, grant the 'players' a positive score.

Gamification doesn't just take up the scoring issues. It also touches upon the ability to implement game-like elements into everyday interactions.

If you adapt a board game to learning, this approach would already be gamification.

Benefits of Gamification In The Classroom:

The benefits of gamification are rather diverse today.

Let's take a look at all of them:

It improves student motivation: many students like novelty and games.

Adding both elements is a great idea as they can grasp their attention.

If you have a class of disinterested people in learning, trying the gamification approaches is a great idea.

This approach also works quite well in case of high motivation. It can raise excitement and improve the learner's loyalty even further.

It improves your motivation, too:

If you're a teacher, gamification can be a powerful way to avoid problems with your motivation.

Constant teaching, just like any work, usually results in problems with the motivation levels.

You feel tired and burnt out.

Changes of the presented kind help to transform something in your life.

You get a chance to move towards something new and, thus, get the necessary boost in terms of endorphins.

It reduces the stress:

Gamification can remove some traditional assessment elements, such as scores, or make everyday actions less tedious.

As a result, a stress reduction becomes more or less inevitable.

Students may feel that the school environment doesn't affect them as negatively as before.

Consequently, productivity rises.

It gives more space for competition:

Games are often about confrontations.

In this way, you can get into a space where individuals would feel that they're interested in going against others.

Usually, such an arrangement is bad for group cohesion.

Games, however, channel aggression and make it productive.

It gives more space for creativity: games are also about finding non-conventional solutions.

For example, an essay competition can push many people to deliver something that truly helps present their true vision.

Thus, gamification is a great way to push students towards presenting something truly valuable.


This information shows that you should try to add gamification elements into your classroom experience as much as possible.

Games often get the attention of humans.

Education, in turn, is far from being popular.

Therefore, if you add the former element to the latter, you get a chance to improve motivation.

If you need any advice on the topic, addressing the specialists is the best option.

We recommend KeenEthcis, a company you can find using the outlined link:

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December 07, 2021

How real is AR gaming: What Next after Metaverse?

Combining game visual and audio elements with the user's environment in real-time is known as augmented reality gaming (AR gaming).

Unlike virtual reality gaming, which frequently necessitates the use of a separate room or constrained space to create an immersive atmosphere, augmented reality gaming makes use of the current environment to create a playing field within it.

How real is AR gaming: What Next after Metaverse?: eAskme
How real is AR gaming: What Next after Metaverse?: eAskme

While virtual reality games necessitate the usage of specialist VR goggles, augmented reality devices do not.

Smartphones, tablets, and portable gaming systems are commonly used to play AR games, and this is considered by many to be the elite in high tech gaming.

A user's actual environment is commonly superimposed on a pre-created scene in an augmented reality game.

The game can be as simple as a tabletop game of virtual checkers. More complex AR games may create an environment based on the user's surroundings.

In-game development, environment building is time-consuming operation.

There is a constant desire for new scenery since once a user has fully explored one setting, they want to move on to another.

AR gaming broadens the playing field by utilizing a variety of real-world environments to keep games fresh.
What Next after Metaverse: eAskme

The world-changing event introducing Niantic's Pokémon GO in the summer of 2016 was a treat for gamers of all ages.

We all awoke in July to the news of a new Pokémon game, but what followed was an incredibly innovative and long-lasting experience that could be shared with anybody, everywhere.

Pokémon that we all know and love would be viewed through our phone's camera using augmented reality, or AR.

This allowed the Pokémon to blend into our everyday lives: Pikachu in the supermarket, Charmander in the park, and Bulbasaur at school.

This was the start of the phenomenon that eventually led us to the metaverse!

Yes, that does sound like something out of He-Man, but stick with me. It may appear to be a more advanced version of Virtual Reality (VR) to the untrained eye.

Some people, however, believe that the metaverse is the internet's future.

You can visit a virtual world that connects multiple digital realms in the metaverse without needing a computer, just by wearing a headset.

Unlike current VR, which is mainly used for gaming, this virtual environment might be used for anything, including work, play, concerts, movie trips, or just hanging out.

When you use it, most people assume you'll have a 3D avatar - a representation of yourself. Unfortunately, there is no commonly accepted definition of the metaverse because it is merely a concept.

Every few years, there's a lot of talk about virtual worlds and augmented reality, but it quickly fades.

If this is the internet's future, no one wants to be left behind.

On the other hand, affluent investors and huge IT companies are highly enthusiastic about the metaverse.

There's a sense that the technology is almost there for the first time, with breakthroughs in virtual reality gaming and networking approaching what's required.

You're probably thinking at this point, we have heard all this before.

However, consider how you would describe the internet to someone from the past before dismissing the metaverse as a rebranded internet.

Instead, you could think of the internet as a network of connected computers that allows you to send mail, make phone calls, buy groceries, and watch movies.

How real is AR gaming What Next after Metaverse: eAskme

Seoul became the first large city to announce ambitions to enter the metaverse this week, with plans to launch a contactless communication network by the end of 2022.

Residents will use virtual reality headgear to access various public services, historic landmarks, and cultural events on the platform.

The city plans to open its "Metaverse 120 Center" by 2023. It will function as a virtual city hall where citizens may meet with local officials (in avatar form) to obtain services or register complaints.

It's all part of the mayor's Five-Year Metaverse Seoul Promotion Master Plan, which is billed as a way to make public services more accessible to everyone by removing barriers like distance — though, as many have correctly pointed out, purchasing the headsets required to enter this metaverse will be costly.

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