Showing posts with label Analytics. Show all posts

July 09, 2022

Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?

Data analytics has undoubtedly been a good thing for the world.

The number of advantages and ease-of-life improvements that data analysis has brought is truly unfathomable, and without it, the world we live in would look entirely different.

Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?: eAskme
Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?: eAskme

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Some people out there believe data analytics has made certain aspects of life worse, and the NFL is chief among them.

However, that's not to say it's all good. In this article, we will be looking at whether or not data analytics has made the NFL worse, as well as talking about a few reasons why data analytics may be able to hurt sports.

The "Magic" Has Diminished:

The NFL is a different game compared to what it used to be.

No longer are unfathomably talented players seen as inexplicable gifts from god or praised as a miracle.

Said players are now seen in a much more logical sense, with their years of rigorous practice factored into their skill.

That's not to say talented players are any less respected.

On the contrary, we now know that practice and dedication play a much larger role than innate skill, make us respect great players, and are still just as cherished as ever.

However, the magic is gone.

Data analytics has made the general population much more data-oriented, and almost everything needs some semblance of proof for it to be true.

Online bets are no longer calculated through mere predictions and theories alone.


Hard data now takes precedence over fiction, and this same point applies to every facet of the NFL.

This is, of course, a good thing.

Not only does this mean that we as a species are no longer blind when it comes to matters that can easily be shown through data/science, but it also gives new players hope that they can be successful in the NFL no matter what their skill level may be.

More Exciting Games & Unbelievably Talented Players:

Data has changed the NFL in various ways, but perhaps the most notable would be increased performance and better training methods.

Through data analysis, coaches can see what works and what doesn't by using the scientific method, allowing them to teach their players only the most effective techniques and strategies.

This has led to a literal explosion in player skill, and if you look at the NFL games of today and compare them to games that occurred much farther into the past, the differences are self-explanatory.

This point isn't only relegated to the NFL.

Every sport in the world has seen an unfathomable increase in player talent, and as we understand data more, this will only continue to be the case in the future to an even greater extent.

So, what do you think about the effect data analytics has had on the NFL?

Do you think data analytics have been a net positive for the NFL, or do you think its introduction has brought along a plethora of overwhelming downsides?

Whatever your opinion may be, data analytics is here to stay.

Progress cannot simply be reversed, and even though it might take a little bit of the magic away from the NFL, the league has drastically benefited as a direct result.

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November 10, 2020

Microsoft Clarity: a Free Visitor Behavior Analytics

Microsoft has launched Clarity. A free visitor behavior analytics tool from Microsoft.

The Clarity visitor behavior analytics tool is a free tool to determine your website's user behavior without interfering with their privacy.

Microsoft Clarity: a Free Visitor Behavior Analytics: eAskme
Microsoft Clarity: a Free Visitor Behavior Analytics: eAskme

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What is Microsoft Clarity Analytics?

What is Microsoft Clarity Analytics: eAskme


Microsoft clarity is a free GDPR complaint tool to track user behavior. This user behavior analytics tool will help bloggers or webmasters to track user behavior.

It will track how users are using the website, report rage clicks, and identify improvement areas.

Microsoft Clarity Analytics Won't Slow Down Websites?

Microsoft Clarity analytics tool is a free tool. It is good to track how visitors use the website or blog to debugging information, engagement metrics, and website performance.

Microsoft Clarity will also explain how you can improve web pages pages' performance.

The best thing about Microsoft Clarity is that it won't slow down your website speed. It is optimized to work without adding additional burden to your page speed.

Microsoft Clarity Analytics comes with Privacy Features:

Microsoft Clarity respects user privacy. This analytics tool helps the publisher track user behavior without collecting privacy information.

Features of Microsoft Clarity:

Here are the three top-level features of Microsoft Clarity;

  • Heatmaps
  • Insights Dashboard
  • Session Playbacks

Microsoft Clarity Heatmap:

Microsoft Clarity Heatmaps: eAskme


Similar to Google heatmap, Microsoft Clarity heatmap also tracks where the blog or website visitor has clicked. Heatmaps are essential as it shows how far the users have visited the page or blog post.

For example, if most users are clicking only at the top of the blog post, you will understand what makes them visit that part of the page and why they are leaving your blog page.

Microsoft Clarity Heatmap will also introduce a scroll feature in heatmaps for mobile users.

Microsoft Clarity Insight Dashboard:

In the Clarity Insight Dashboard, you will see user behavior and performance.

Sessions Playbacks:

If you want to know where the user has moved his cursor, you need the sessions playbacks. You will also find out where the visitor has clicked, paused, and scrolled.

Sessions Playbacks: Microsoft Clarity: a Free Visitor Behavior Analytics: eAskme

In the middle section of the session timeline, you will see visited web pages and engaging elements.

You can also filter the data.

You can also check the individual sessions. Here I am sharing both sides of filters.

Microsoft Clarity Filters: eAskme

Microsoft Clarity Filters: eAskme


Microsoft Clarity is the most important SEO tool from Microsoft to track user behavior without asking for privacy information.


Official Bing Announcement Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity Signup Page

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March 04, 2015

Google Brings Safe Browsing Protections to Google Analytics Users

If you are a website owner than you know the importance of Google Webmaster Tools. If you have used Google Webmaster Tools than you may have seen Safe Browsing notifications earlier.

Google Brings Safe Browsing Protections to Google Analytics Users : eAskme
Google Brings Safe Browsing Protections to Google Analytics Users : eAskme
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Safe Browsing is a built-in feature of Webmaster Tools. It alerts when Google detects some problem on your site that could cause bad user experience, like if your site began infecting visitors with malware or has been hacked.

Now Google has announced extended safe browsing protections to Google Analytics users also.  So if you have Google Analytics set up but not Webmaster Tools, still you will get all notifications regarding content on their site.

Here’s an example of notification:

Google Brings Safe Browsing Protections to Google Analytics Users

This is also Google’s effort to protect Internet users. Google has also announced earlier to start issuing warnings when users visit sites that prompt unwanted downloads. Earlier Google revised documentation on hacked sites with detailed information about how to fix with those issues.

Google is dedicated towards making Internet a safer place. I believe that we can expect further enhancements in near future. If you have received a Safe Browsing notification from Google, then I recommend you to read about Google’s best practices for dealing with website hacks.
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December 07, 2014

How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog

In the beginning of my blogging career, I was thinking that Blogging stats just to check traffic of blog, but soon I realized that these status details help us to grow our blog. No matter you have small or huge traffic, you should always have a status program to analyze the performance of your blog. Google analytics is one of the best and free stats program that is a must have feature for every single blog. Today we will discuss about setting up Google analytics account and adding Google analytics into WordPress blog.

How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog : eAskme
How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog : eAskme
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I have made this article simple so even non-technical guys can understand about Google analytics & WordPress integration.

How to Setup Google Analytics Account

Lets start with Google analytics account for WordPress blog. You can add many websites by repeating same process. If you are using it for the first time then you should go to Google Analytics page and login with your gmail id. You need to add website details and personal details to get started. If you already have Google analytics account then click on admin tab, click on select account and add new property.
Now add website details to get tracking code.
  • Click on "get tracking ID".
  • Not you will see tracking id.
So I believe till nwo you have successfully created Google analytics account and created the tracking ID. Now the next step is to integrate Google analytics tracking ID into WordPress blog.

3 ways to add Google Analytics to WordPress

There are 3 ways to add Google analytics (GA) into Wordpress blog.

Google tag manager:

I am using Google analytics since 2013 and it is the only tag manager for all my sites. It allow you to manage all tags. I personally recommend Google Tag manager to every serious blogger and professional. It hardly takes 2 minutes to setup. You need not to worry about it again.

Using your WordPress theme:

Many bloggers might not aware of the fact that most of WordPress themes have an option to add script in header and footer. You can use this to add Google Analytics tracking code into your blog.
  • Copy tracking code
  • Go to theme setting option
  • Go to add footer script 
  • Paste the code. 
  • It`s done.
Also see : How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Using Google Analytics for WordPress plugin

Wordpress also have many plugins to add Google analytics to a WordPress blog. I ppersonality recommend Google Analytics plugin by Yoast. You can install plugin from here. Activated the plugin and a popup ask you to allow or disallow tracking, Select “Do not allow tracking”.
  • Go to settings
  • Google analytics to configure the plugin 
  • Click on "click here to authenticate with Google" Or enter UA Code manually.
  • Click on save settings.
  • It`s done.
You can also check this official guide to configure all options. You can also use Analytify plugin to see Google Analytics data in WordPress Dashborad.

Final Words:

So friends, Followers and fans, these are the 3 options for adding Google Analytics to WordPress.  Do share which method you are using to add Google analytics to blog and if any other program you are using.  Don’t forget to share this on Google plus and Twitter.
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August 05, 2014

How to Create Google Analytics Account ?

Google Analytics is well known for tracking visitors and give you ideas that how your sites and posts are working for you.

How to Create Google Analytics Account ?
  • Go to Google Analytics Website.

  • Click on "Access Google Analytics" and Login.

  • Click on Sign-up.

  • Enter details of Account Name, Website name, Website URL, industry category, reporting time zone.

  • Click on "Get Tracking Id".

  • Click "I Agree" on Google Analytics terms of Service popup.

  • Now it will show you a "Tracking-ID" and HTML Code.
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How to Track Visitors on Blogspot

Blogger or Blogspot both are same thing. You can track visitors of your blog using Google Analytics.

How to Track Visitors on Blogspot : eAskme
How to Track Visitors on Blogspot : eAskme

How to Track Visitors on Blogspot ?

  • Go to Google Analytics Website.

  • Click on "Access Google Analytics" and Login.

  • Click on Sign-up.

  • Enter details of Account Name, Website name, Website URL, industry category, reporting time zone.

  • Click on "Get Tracking Id".

  • Click "I Agree" on Google Analytics terms of Service popup.

  • Now it will show you a "Tracking-ID" and HTML Code.
Read This : How to Create Google Analytics Account

How to Add Google Analytics code in Blogger blog ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "template".

  • Click on "Edit HTML".

  • Paste the copied HTML analytics code  before </head>.

  • Click on "Publish Post".

  • Now go to "Settings"

  • Go to "Google Analytics" and enter your Google Analytics tracking-ID in "Analytics Web Property ID" box.
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July 15, 2014

How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Send Sona Mathews an email at

Linking Google Analytics with Google Adsense to track CPC

To track the Google Adsense from Google Analytics account then login into account and follow these steps one by one.

Step 1:
Login into Google Analytics .

Step 2:
Click on Admin.
How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Step 3:-
Click on Adsense Linking

How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

 Step 4:-
Click on Link Accounts. A new window will open to let you choose primary analytic property.If you are using only analytic property on site then it will be selected automatically.

Step 5:-
Click on Continue.A new window will logged you into Google Analytics account. (Note you should have Administrator access)

Step 6:-
Open the settings by click on the Gear

Step 7:-
Click on the Google Analytics Integration

Step 8:-
Click on the button which Google Analytic property you wish to link
Now you have linked Google analytic with Google Adsense.

Wait for soem time and then open Google Analytics and then click on Adsense in Reporting->Behavior.

 Some issue that you may face while linking.

  • You may not get all the reporting of all the pages on due to not adding the Google analytics code to those pages.
  • Check whether linked with right account or not!

Final Words:

Posts which are getting good CPC, try to increase traffic on those posts.

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