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January 26, 2025

20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid

So you want to become an entrepreneur?

If your answer is positive, you must know that the first mistake of all beginners is to think that you won't make mistakes.

The first lesson for any entrepreneur would be: Don't be afraid to make mistakes!

You will, a lot, and most of them are opportunities to grow and learn.

20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid: eAskme
 20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid: eAskme

Of course, it is always better to learn from other people's failures than from your own, right?

Read carefully and be warned as they can also appear in your business if you are not careful enough!

Here are 20 mistakes that most entrepreneurs make and that you should avoid.

Believing that you know it all:

Why? Basically, because you don't know everything.

That is precisely what entrepreneurship is all about: learning and acquiring new knowledge along the way.

It is a common entrepreneurial mistake to think that you can do everything better than others.

You might know your project better than anyone else, but some areas and departments may still require more profound knowledge and perspective.

This is why you should take advantage of every opportunity to broaden your vision.

Not having money and waiting endlessly:

Many people never get started because they get stuck with no money and struggle to get funding.

They prefer to sit and wait for a Business Angel to come and solve the problem. And this is one of the most typical mistakes when it comes to entrepreneurship.

If you don't have enough money to get started but you don't have any contact with investors, maybe you should choose another business idea that requires fewer investment amounts.

Because what do you prefer, to be dreaming of something super ambitious that will never happen or to select a model that makes sense to you and that you can start without depending on others like most paper writing services and online shops do?

Overthinking everything:

Thinking, thinking, and thinking...

With this strategy of yours, months go by, and you end up with nothing.

You keep passively thinking about the idea because you are afraid of failure, or you wait for everything to come together and what will happen is that you will never start, and your dreams will always remain dreams.

When you have ideas, validate them quickly, study the market, do interviews, etc.

You will have to assume that some ideas will not work, and you will have to rethink them until some of them make sense.

Reinventing the wheel:

The start-up world has done a lot of damage here.

There are thousands of entrepreneurs who, instead of creating sensible projects (and with an acceptable risk), go crazy with too innovative projects!

It seems that everyone has "too crazy" ideas, and maybe it's not even necessary. In the end, they waste their power, illusion, money, etc.

The only recommendation here is that you enter an existing market with some innovation, with a winning value proposition, because the chances of success are much, much higher.

Falling in love with your idea:

When you fall in love, what happens?

You lose objectivity.

It's like when you start to date a toxic person and cannot see it because of your attachment.

It's precisely the same with a project.

No matter how much time and money you put into it, you can never lose objectivity because all you do is cover your eyes.

If it's not going to work, you have to be able to see it and abandon the project right away.

It will be much better than continuing to invest in it.

Choosing the wrong partner:

Going solo is an option valued by many courageous people.

However, if you decide to add one or more partners, be very careful to choose the right co-founder.

Please make sure they are compatible with you, complementary in their knowledge, and able to back up your ideas and challenge them when necessary.

Focusing only on growth:

As an entrepreneur, you need to think about your business's directions when making decisions.

You have to consider the life cycle of your products or services and stop concentrating on growth only.

Think about satisfying your customers, about the quality of what you offer.

This balance is the success of the business.

Forgetting about the competition:

You should not be afraid of your competitors, but a thorough analysis of your competition is essential, as it can make or break your project.

Other players are on the board is good news and can inspire and motivate you to do even better.

Not putting customers at the center of decisions:

If you only focus on increasing your sales and profits, it will be challenging to succeed.

After all, your project exists because of your customers, which is why you must put them at the center of all your strategies.

Your goal must be to provide value and, if you do that, sales will come by themselves.

Creating things that nobody needs:

Closely related to the previous point, entrepreneurs made another mistake to start executing a business idea without validating one of the most important hypotheses: will people want to buy it?

This means that you invest time and money having forgotten the most important thing: whether it fits in with your market.

Not focusing on a specific niche:

Trying to target several segments is one of the most typical mistakes in entrepreneurship. This makes your business idea much more complicated.

The focus is fundamental. You must target a specific niche with a particular proposal and validate that.

If you target many customer segments from the beginning, you are complicating your life because it is as if you were validating many business ideas simultaneously.

You will also have to adapt all messages to each buyer persona.

Not knowing how to communicate your ideas:

Imagine creating a website and not understanding what you are offering.

Sales can't grow.

In the end, selling means convincing, and if your messages do not capture your audience's attention, it won't be easy to do so.

Copywriting has become essential for any business. You can apply these formulas to impact and excite your audience and thus, inevitably, sell.

Underestimating the importance of technology:

We have been hearing about digital transformation for years, and yet we still find many entrepreneurs who make the mistake of overlooking technology.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you must first understand how the world around us works: algorithms, behavioral prediction, cybersecurity, etc.

Not hiring a competent workforce:

Human talent is the greatest asset of any company, and not hiring a competent workforce is one of the worst mistakes you can make when starting a business.

It is worth spending time to attract the best profiles - not just any of them.

Building talent loyalty is fundamental, getting your employees to believe in the project and row together towards the same goals.

Not keeping up with market trends:

In the world we live in, where the only constant thing is change, it is a big mistake not to dedicate almost daily time to monitoring the latest trends.

Thinking in the short term:

Another of the entrepreneurial mistakes that cannot be missing from this compilation is to think only in the short term.

You must make decisions that will affect your project in the long term.

Imagine that you get several thousand dollars selling the rights to your so-called software, and the buyer ends up making millions with what you built.

A long-term vision is fundamental when making any decision.

Stop learning:

When you are an entrepreneur, your training never ends.

We put our hands in the fire because we still have something to learn.

Updating your knowledge is fundamental to remain competitive and to be able to provide value to your clients.

Not working on your soft skills:

Similarly, even if you have brilliant technical skills, starting a business without working on your soft skills is a big mistake.

What is the point of knowing languages, mastering technology, or being a great writer if you are incapable of collaborating, managing your time efficiently, and resolving conflicts?

Not much good.

You may think that you are the way you are and that it is practically impossible to change your personality.

Still, science has shown that soft skills can be developed, enhanced, and improved to perfect professional profiles.

Forgetting about your mental health:

No, you are not a robot.

And, although it is true that when you are an entrepreneur, you will spend sleepless nights, and it will seem as if you are married to your project, this reality can lead to actual mental health problems that make it impossible for you to fulfill your dreams.

Don't make this mistake - take care of yourself and prevent anxiety or depression.

Not evaluating the performance of your business:

How will you know if your project progresses properly if you constantly evaluate what works and what doesn't?

Know where you should focus your efforts and understand the causes of under-performing points. Maybe you are investing your resources in the wrong place.


These are some of the top entrepreneurial mistakes that cause people not to start or fail.

So, you've been warned, and now, hopefully, you won't make them.

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December 04, 2024

Solar Energy Startups: Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector!

Starting your solar startup attracts many aspiring businessmen because this activity opens up many opportunities. That is because, every year, solar systems become more popular, and technologies in this sector are actively improving.

An additional feature is the availability of space for new useful ideas, which is an important factor for startups. Even so, a successful and profitable idea requires a lot of effort. In addition, you need to take into account the competition that currently exists in the niche.

Since the field of activity is quite attractive, dozens of companies are already involved in it and have their leaders. We offer to learn how under such conditions to make the launch of a startup successful and to overcome all the challenges in the renewable energy sector.

Solar Energy Startups, Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector: eAskme
Solar Energy Startups: Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector: eAskme

Why Is It Profitable to Launch Solar Energy Startups?

Every aspiring business person interested in this niche has a logical question about how to benefit from starting a project. To understand whether investing in this idea is worth it, you must study the market situation and prospects in detail.

Currently, several dozen technology providers are already operating in the industry. It is enough to search for 'solar companies near me,' and you can see many names.

However, this should not be alarming, as the demand for solar technology is constantly growing.

This means there is currently enough space for new solar business ideas that benefit society.

If the development will have many more advantages than the presented solutions, then there is a high probability of taking a leadership position even at the country level.

Otherwise, clean energy startups can become on par with existing companies and create healthy competition for them.

In any case, the owner can count on a sufficiently high profit.

Such results must be achieved in the case of a responsible approach, compliance with all the requirements established in the niche, and following a clear project launch algorithm.

How To Create and Launch a Solar Startup?

If you have evaluated all the possibilities and prospects of entering the solar industry, you most likely want to find out how to start a renewable energy company.

In the first stages, it may seem that everything is not so difficult. However, it is worth delving into the details and getting all the necessary information about the peculiarities of the functioning of companies in the chosen niche and other important aspects.

The algorithm you will follow when creating and launching the project is also important.

Consistency is an important requirement because even the most popular renewable energy business ideas will not succeed in the case of chaotic, disorganized actions.

If you are ready for a clear and coherent process, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the general algorithm for starting a project.

Determine the Direction of the Activity:

In the field of solar energy, the range of ideas is limited by the use of appropriate technologies.

That is, the basis of the project should be devices or activities related to solar cells.

For example, you can choose an idea that helps improve the installation of structures, improve the structure of panels, increase their level of performance, or simplify the connection.

This is only a small part of what can become the basis for green energy startups.

It all depends on opportunities, finances, and chosen direction. An important factor to consider at this stage is also the market situation.

To launch a successful solar startup, it is worth determining what the target audience's demands are now.

Based on the received information, looking for solutions to meet these needs is already possible.

If the technology demand is high, the startup is more likely to gain a foothold in the market and make a profit.

If difficulties arise at the analysis stage, you can consult with experienced specialists and professionals of solar companies.

Selection of Equipment for a Solar Startup:

The next important step should be the selection of equipment, devices, and space for the implementation of the idea.

Experts do not recommend saving money at this stage because it is important to lay a stable and reliable foundation to achieve success.

Otherwise, the equipment may simply break down at the most crucial moment, spoiling the project's reputation at the beginning.

It won't be easy to restore it after such a situation. In addition, it will not be possible to do this without increased financial investments.

As for the basic kit for solar startups, it can be different. Everything depends on the specifics of the project.

However, in most cases, the minimum basis is the devices themselves (solar panels or other types of equipment), software, space arrangement, and, if necessary, logistical tools.

Studying the Requirements and Other Features of the Chosen Niche:

Successful solar startups are built solely on deep knowledge of the solar industry and the requirements for startups and companies.

Even if you are well versed in the specifics of the technology you are introducing to the market and all its related aspects, it is worth conducting additional analysis.

This is necessary to avoid missing any important detail that may cause trouble during the project.

It is about various industry standards, requirements in a specific segment, sales features of a certain technology, and other data.

It is better to spend a little more time learning this information in the beginning than to lose weeks and possibly years of downtime because of a small thing.

Obtaining Relevant Certificates and Licenses:

This stage is a logical continuation of the previous point.

Learning about the existing requirements and standards in the industry, it is worth taking care of obtaining documents.

These can be licenses and certificates that confirm the solar startup's compliance with current regulations.


Regions will require equipment quality testing if your idea is based on manufacturing certain devices and techniques.

For this, it is necessary to examine the presented technologies. Quality and functionality testing can only be performed by qualified professionals.

Having ensured the installations' serviceability and reliability, they can be presented to the market with a clear conscience.

What Are the Challenges of Launching a Solar Startup?

Despite the high demand for solar technologies, certain difficulties in this field may have to be faced at the initial stage.

In particular, risks exist in the field of equipment cyber security.

A DNV study indicates that only 31% of energy professionals know exactly what actions to take in the case of a cyber-attack threat.

This is an important aspect to consider when creating a solar startup because it will help launch a reliable project and gain a competitive advantage.

In addition, there is a problem with skilled labor in the solar industry.

Now it is not easy to find real professionals who understand all the features of solar technology.


Solar startups can be a great solution for launching a successful business, the relevance of which will only grow over time.

Currently, the market has all the necessary conditions for this.

In particular, there is a high demand for green technologies, the availability of space for the launch of new ideas, the possibility of continuous improvement, and increased profits.

However, choosing this path, you should not forget about detailed market analysis, a study of niche requirements, and the requests of potential customers.

All this will help turn the idea into a stable and successful business.

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May 17, 2023

Does Blogging Still Make Sense for Businesses in 2025?

With the advent of digital technology, blogging has become an essential tool for companies looking to increase their online visibility.

Blogging can help companies build customer relationships, generate website traffic, and improve overall performance.

In this article, we will examine the usefulness of blogging for businesses, examining how it can help them achieve their goals and improve their online presence.

What is Blogging, and How has it Changed Over the Years?

Does Blogging Still Make Sense for Businesses in 2025?: eAskme
Does Blogging Still Make Sense for Businesses in 2025?: eAskme

Blogging is a form of online communication that relies on writing and sharing content. This activity became popular in the 1990s when the first blogs arrived online.

Later, blogging evolved into an online marketing platform offering numerous opportunities to communicate with customers, create content of interest, and generate online visibility.

Over the years, many travel, food, and fashion bloggers have sprung up.

They each use their person as a figurehead to advise people on different niches by offering unique experiences.

For example, bloggers can recommend their favorite restaurants in Paris that appear on The Fork App to travelers and food lovers, what color shoes to use while wearing a brown jacket to women who want to follow fashion, what the best online pokies offered at Joe Fortune are to fans of online casinos, the best luxury hotels in New York to book on Booking or Airbnb to Managers and Directors, and so on.

People often buy products or services just because a blogger tells them to. And not only individuals but also businesses started using blogging as a technique to promote their products or services.

Companies' marketing strategies very often include creating a blog by a specific professional called a content manager responsible for blog strategy and article writing.

Why Start a Corporate Blog?

Corporate blogs can be an excellent online marketing tool.

A corporate blog can help a company achieve several goals, such as creating an online presence, generating traffic, acquiring new customers, and increasing sales.

Still, it can be used as a branding tool to raise awareness of companies and their products and services.

Through a corporate blog, one can interact with customers and create a small community.

In addition, you can also write valuable content, such as guides, tips, and helpful information, everything through a corporate blog.

The benefits of blogging for businesses:

A corporate blog can have many advantages.

First, it can help a company gain online visibility and make it more accessible to customers.

In addition, it can help generate quality content that can attract new customers, improve sales and increase customer loyalty.  

Corporate blogs can also serve as a means of interacting with customers, listening to their feedback and opinions, and making targeted business decisions to please their audience.

Corporate blogging is also helpful on the SEO side to increase the quality of one's web portal.

In summary, the benefits of corporate blogging are:

  • Gain more visibility online.
  • Attract new customers and improve sales.
  • Interact with customers and get useful feedback.
  • Create quality content that increases authority and branding.
  • Improve one's corporate site from an SEO perspective.

The key elements of a corporate blog:

You must have a well-defined strategy and several key elements to create an influential corporate blog.

One of the most important things is to choose a reliable blogging platform and the correct web hosting.

In addition, you need to select a theme and design structure that reflects the company's identity.

For this reason, it is crucial to draft an editorial plan and develop the topics you want to highlight.

Finally, it is essential to create high-quality content that is interesting and practical for readers and can help the company achieve its goals.

Usually, WordPress is the best and easiest self-hosted to use, especially when you are about to start a blog for the first time.

Best WordPress Hosting 2025:

For many new aspiring site managers, the WordPress CMS is often the first choice.

Still, as a content platform, it is also chosen by those who already have a website and are looking for a reliable and straightforward solution to speed up creating and uploading the latest content.

Those planning to use WordPress for their project should purchase appropriate hosting to have all the power they need to manage their website.

So, to start publishing quality content on your business's site, we recommend targeting the best WordPress hosting available:

There is no absolute best WordPress hosting: each provider offers solutions that may be more or less in line with the needs of the site administrator (e.g., traffic volume, database, accounts, etc.).

Finally, when choosing a good WordPress hosting for your site, we recommend selecting a provider who can combine speed, reliability, resources, performance, and excellent support at an affordable and transparent price from the start (even considering subsequent annual renewals).

Corporate blogging or corporate social media: What are the pros and cons?

Many companies choose to use both corporate blogs and corporate social media to achieve their marketing goals.

Both means can be highly effective, but there are also some differences.

  1. Corporate blogs help create content and interact with customers, while corporate social media can be a great way to disseminate content quickly and increase online visibility.
  2. Both mediums are great for achieving your goals, but it is important to consider both pros and cons before evaluating which is best for your needs and your specific business.

So, does blogging still make sense for businesses?

Ultimately, business blogs can offer many benefits for companies, including online visibility, generation of quality content, and customer interaction.

Also, remember that creating quality content that interests' readers and following a precise editorial plan is important to take full advantage of the benefits of blogging.

Finally, blogging is a potent business tool for visibility and customer relations.

If companies take full advantage of the potential of blogging, they can significantly impact their business and online presence.

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October 19, 2022

These 5 Business Leaders Turned to Charity — Here’s How It’s Working for Them

When is enough, enough?

Few are fortunate enough to know the answer to this question. And once you’ve answered it to your satisfaction, many other questions pop up.

Like, “what do I do with my ‘enough’?”

For these five entrepreneurs, executives, and business leaders, the answer is some variation of “give it back.”

These 5 Business Leaders Turned to Charity — Here’s How It’s Working for Them: eAskme
These 5 Business Leaders Turned to Charity — Here’s How It’s Working for Them: eAskme

Of course, not all of it, and not all at once (with one notable exception). But all have decided to share a considerable portion of their wealth, time, and talent with the less fortunate.

Here’s how it’s working out for them.

1. Steve Streit:

Green Dot founder Steve Streit is one of the most important entrepreneurs you’ve (probably) never heard of.

He founded one of the first proper fintech startups — a groundbreaking payments company you’ve probably interacted with in some fashion — and grew it into a multi-billion-dollar company.

Streit left Green Dot a few years back to focus on other pursuits, including charitable work.

His personal charity Patti’s Way, named in honor of his late mother, supports single parents and their families — giving them the means and freedom to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs.

2. Bill Gates:

Steve Streit might be a new name, but you’ve almost certainly heard of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

With former wife Melinda Gates, he launched one of the most impactful foundations of the past 50 years — one that has had a hand in addressing seemingly intractable global challenges.

And along with fellow multi-billionaires like Warren Buffett, Gates and his wife pledged to donate the vast majority of their wealth by the end of their lives, ensuring their billions go to good use.

3. Pierre Omidyar:

As an entrepreneur, Pierre Omidyar had nearly as big an impact as Bill Gates, though you’d never know it by his low-key reputation. (He mostly keeps to himself these days.)

Omidyar founded eBay back in the 1990s, supercharging the nascent ecommerce industry.

After stepping back from day-to-day operations there, he turned his attention to charity.

He founded the Omidyar Network, “a social change venture that reimagines critical systems, and the ideas that govern them, to build more inclusive and equitable societies.”

Just as eBay re-imagined what was possible in retail, the Omidyar Network is re-imagining what’s possible in philanthropy — and applying the same startup mentality to pressing social challenges.

4. Yvon Chinouard:

“Climbing bum”-turned-entrepreneur Yvon Chinourd built Patagonia into a multibillion-dollar apparel brand.

He sat at the helm for years as it became one of the most recognizable labels in outdoor fashion.

He showed the way for countless other lifestyle entrepreneurs.

And then he literally gave away the company.

More accurately, he transferred control of Patagonia to a holding company that would use its profits (some $100 million in 2021) to fight climate change.

In other words, Chinouard was willing to shortchange his family’s future — his kids won’t inherit the company — to make a brighter one for the other seven billion people on the planet.

5. Mackenzie Bezos:

Sometimes, entrepreneurs turn to philanthropy. In other cases, philanthropists turn to entrepreneurship.

Call it entrepreneurial philanthropy. That’s Mackenzie Bezos’ approach to giving.

For years, Mackenzie was a behind-the-scenes mover and shaker content to let her husband (Jeff, of Amazon fame) have the spotlight.

When they separated, she got billions — and promptly gave much of it away.

But passive charity is not the Mackenzie Bezos way. Like the other leaders on this list, she’s closely involved in the details of her philanthropy — bringing the same entrepreneurial mindset that built Amazon to bear on global poverty, disease, and hunger.

Be the Change:

Each of these people has embraced the whole “be the change you want to see in the world” thing. It’s working out well for them.

For those who haven’t enjoyed quite as much material success, “being the change” is still possible.

It just looks a little different, and we might have to be content not to have such an outsize impact on the world (at least on our own).

We can still take inspiration from these entrepreneurs-turned-philanthropists, though.

After all, even if we don’t give away everything, it’s nice to feel like our actions make the world a better place.

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July 25, 2022

7 Steps for Starting a Custom Furniture Business

Online businesses have been on the rise ever since the invention of the internet; there has also been a steady rise in manufacturing industries.

Especially for high-quality custom-made products, in this article, we'll list 7 steps for starting a custom furniture business.

7 Steps for Starting a Custom Furniture Business: eAskme
7 Steps for Starting a Custom Furniture Business: eAskme

7 Steps for Starting a Custom Furniture Business:

1. Develop a business plan:

A business plan is essential for any entrepreneur.

It helps to focus on your goals, target market, and financial needs.

Without a business plan, it can be easy to become sidetracked and miss opportunities.

The first step in developing a business plan is to determine your goals.

  • What do you want to achieve with your business?
  • What are your long-term and short-term goals?

Once you clearly understand your goals, you can begin to identify your target market.

  • Who are your potential customers?
  • What needs do they have that your business can address?

Finally, estimate your financial needs.

  • How much start-up capital will you need?
  • What are your ongoing expenses?

By taking the time to develop a well-rounded business plan, you can increase your chances of success.

2. Choose a location:

One key factor that entrepreneurs should consider when launching their venture is their business location.

Ideally, you want to find a setting that is not only affordable but also conducive to the success of your enterprise.

Factors such as rent, utilities, and other operating expenses are all crucial considerations when deciding where to set up a shop.

To choose the best location for your business, you must carefully evaluate potential options based on your specific needs and goals.

For example, if you are looking for exposure to a large customer base or an easy commute for employees, you might want to consider a location in a central downtown area with high foot traffic.

Alternatively, if you are a small one-person operation focused primarily on cutting costs, you may opt for a more remote location that offers cheaper rents and utilities.

Ultimately, it is up to you as an entrepreneur to weigh the pros and cons of various locations and determine which option will work best for your business.

With careful planning and consideration, however, you can find just the right spot for your company's next big venture!

3. Set up your workshop or factory:

Setting up your workshop or factory is important in starting a successful business.

First, you may need to do some preliminary research into permits and zoning regulations to ensure that your facility meets all requirements.

This is where you will create your products, so you must take the time to plan out the layout and design.

You will need to consider factors such as space requirements, machinery needs, and material storage.

But you are also installing lighting, ordering essential equipment, and choosing the right materials for production.

By taking the time to get all of these details right from the start, you can set yourself up for success as you begin manufacturing your products.

With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a thriving business that produces high-quality goods for years to come.

4. Purchase the necessary equipment and supplies for your business:

When starting a woodworking business, it's important to have the right equipment. This includes saws, sanders, and other power tools to help you create your products.

You'll also need a good selection of stains and finishes so that you can customize each piece to your customer's specifications.

With the right supplies, you'll be able to produce high-quality work that will leave your customers happy.

5. Choose the right software:

Once you have the equipment ready to go, it's time to set up the software. There are a few different programs that you can use to help with the design and creation of your products.

AutoCAD is one option that many woodworkers use, as it provides a wide range of features and flexibility.

Another popular program is SketchUp, which offers an easy-to-use interface and a variety of tools to help you create detailed designs.

Whichever program you choose, make sure you take the time to learn how to use it effectively to create quality products.

Whether you're running a large furniture manufacturing plant or managing a smaller operation, effective management of your inventory, production process, and supply chain is critical for ensuring the success of your business.

To do this effectively, you need to have a reliable ERP system that can help automate these important processes.

You'll be able to find specialized furniture manufacturing software to automate most of these processes.

With that, you can easily monitor and manage your stock levels in real time, optimize production schedules to meet customer demands, and identify opportunities to reduce costs and streamline supply chains.

6. Market your business:

Marketing is essential for any business, but it's especially important when starting.

You need to create a brand identity and generate interest in your products.

There are several different marketing channels that you can use to reach your target market. Traditional methods such as print advertising, direct mail, and television commercials can be effective.

However, with the advent of the internet, many more options are available to you.

Social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization are all great ways to reach out to potential customers and promote your business.

7. Start making sales:

The final step in starting your custom furniture business is to start making sales. This is where all of your planning and preparation will come together.

First, you'll need to create a sales process that converts leads into customers.

Once you have a few customers, you can begin to scale up your operation and start making larger sales.

With a well-executed sales plan, you can quickly grow your business and start generating significant revenue.


By following these seven steps, you can set up your own custom furniture business and start generating income as quickly as possible.

Then, with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a thriving business that produces high-quality goods for years to come.

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October 22, 2021

Why You Should Contemplate Purchasing Roofing Software?

There is simply an activity in this world that cannot benefit from technology, and roofing is no exemption.

If you haven't thought about obtaining roofing business software for your company because you don't believe it will benefit you, you must consider your situation.

Why You Should Contemplate Purchasing Roofing Software?: eAskme
Why You Should Contemplate Purchasing Roofing Software?: eAskme

Here are some causes why.

Easily save and obtain data.

One of the quickest and simplest means to strongly balance your business is to get organized, and roofing software may help you with this.

You no extended must attempt to store client and account data in spreadsheets or document records.

With a centralized way, you can quickly obtain this data.

However, it will be obvious to discover more than only client data.

You may additionally save:

  • records;
  • grades;
  • real requests.

Remaining capable of reaching it fast and efficiently is cause enough to contemplate combining this software.

However, the reward is that anyone in the organization can also reach this data, assuring everyone is on the corresponding side.

Updated information and collaboration

One of the most critical difficulties in most businesses, including roofing, is that various areas frequently don't communicate.

It grows even more challenging when you have somebody in the department and at a job.

When you have roofing software, it performs communication and collaboration easy.

By saving emails and writing papers, you will understand what one character said to the customer and comprehend precisely how much trade was made.

Possessing this data ensures that everyone, whether on-site or in the department, knows what's happening.

If you have any problems, this will improve your help answer them with certainty.

They can also communicate with the person who has the solution and understand it because it will be saved in the software.

This is an excellent method to give excellent customer service, increase worker confidence, and generate growth possibilities.

Increase in earnings

One of the most reliable means to grow your roofing company business is for information on sound.

People take their relatives, colleagues, and acquaintances, so when studying for a roofer, they will inquire about information from those nearby.

In addition, if you've prepared an exceptional job and did someone smiling, they may be more than prepared to support you to others.

Roofing software can aid you with this by making your data and getting it more comfortable to enter.

In addition, because everyone in your business understands what's going on with a particular design, workers can positively and effectively bring clients, which creates a permanent response.

The best software additionally gives you insight into your processes. This enables you to give clients more detailed views on the point.

Understanding what you are doing right and what requires being replaced can assist you in increasing your company and getting more capital.

Once you own these extra funds, you can re-invest them in your house. This can involve building selling operations that can bring different clients, advancing your bottom edge.

Technology has had a meaningful influence on different activities worldwide, and it may create a variety for your roofing firm.

The software is for you if you are studying for a system to optimize your marketing and perform more established.

It will additionally assist you in giving the most reliable potential help to your clients, so make sure you take your hands on it quickly.

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October 10, 2021

10 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Food Business

Have you received numerous compliments on your cupcakes or have been asked by friends to be their personal chef for special occasions?

Well, in this case, a home-based food business can be a lucrative way to supplement your income while doing something you adore.

10 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Food Business: eAskme
10 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Food Business: eAskme

A home-based food business is nevertheless a business, even if icing cakes or bottling your barbecue sauce appears to be more pleasure than work.

Before picking up your mixer or designing labels for your salad dressing with amazing quotes by guyabouthome, you must plan and research as with any business.

Are you prepared to turn your passion for cooking into a full-fledged business?

This manual will provide you with practical guidance to guarantee that you are compliant with the law.

It will also provide you with the skills to implement best practices on your grounds and help you become more comfortable promoting your products.

Have a look below:

Learn the Legal Rules & Regulations

The first step is to find out the rules in your area for running a home-based food business.

Some states, such as California, have legislation that allows home-based food businesses that meet certain criteria to avoid certification as a commercial kitchen.

There are state and local requirements for operating a business from home, particularly food business.

This includes zoning, business licensing and permitting, and depending on the product, production, and safety requirements.

Failure to do so correctly jeopardizes the company's ability to manufacture and sell the product.

Find the Right Market

You could have the best cupcakes on the planet or the most delicious dry rub ever invented.

But if there is no market for your product, you will not profit from it.

Experts advise conducting focus groups, producing small batches with low-cost packaging, and selling your products to a few retail locations before investing fully in the business.

Conduct Your Business as a Legal Entity

As we know, home-based food businesses are often started as a hobby.

Many industry entrepreneurs make the mistake of continuing to run their business casually.

Whether as an LLC or a corporation, the business owner should create an entity and run the company as that entity rather than individually.

If properly managed, the legal entity will keep the company's liabilities separate from the assets of the individual owners.

Many experts recommend carrying insurance, maintaining business and personal accounts separate, and registering all products as trademarks in the company name.

Hire Professionals

While you may have designed a website for your homeowner's association or taken an accounting class in college, you should think twice about hiring professionals for tasks that are outside of your area of expertise.

Although you could do these tasks yourself, your time is often better spent growing the business, and the result is usually of higher quality when professionals are involved.

Put Everything in Writing

You must document all relationships and work-for-hire provisions to protect yourself and your company in the future.

This is especially true if friends and family contribute to the capital investment required to get your business off the ground.

If people other than the business's owner are involved in creating or preparing the product, the company must assign any ownership rights they may have in their work to the company.

Provisions should also be made for vendors, including website designers.

Having a Professional Image Goes a Long Way

Even if you bake your goods in your pj's while your kids do their homework in the next room, you want to appear to be a well-established and polished business person.

Make an effort to create a professional-looking website, brochure, and business cards.

Make certain that all of your product packaging reflects your company's image and is professional.

No Business Phone Magically Ring with Orders

Many food-based entrepreneurs believe that because everyone loves their products, people will flock to buy them.

According to Steve Brodsky (owner of personal chef company 3 Star Chefs), the most common mistake that he sees in home-based food businesses is the wrong expectation.

It is critical to get the word out about your company. Our advice is to invest as much money as you can afford in marketing/PR/advertising right away.

Pricing is the Difference Between Success and Failure

Before you set prices, spend time researching comparable products and calculating your costs.

You will not make a profit if you charge $20 for a baking job that takes you four hours to complete, in addition to the cost of the ingredients.

However, if you overprice your products, you risk alienating your customer base.

Before pricing any baking job, learn to consider all factors carefully.

Most top chefs warn against pricing too low, claiming that it will set a difficult precedent to break.

You may get clients, but you will not make a reasonable profit.

This can be frustrating and make you feel as if you have squandered your time.

Realize the Price Fluctuation

Prices for items you will use daily, such as flour, butter, eggs, are not fixed and will fluctuate in response to economic and industry events.

It is critical that when pricing your products, you (allow) for price fluctuations so that you can weather the increases and only revisit it on a semiannual basis.

Buying in Bulk to Save Money

An expert home-based business owner was trying to save money on expenses when she first started. The plan was only to buy what she needed for the week's orders.

However, while the initial financial outlay was higher, she quickly realized that she saved significantly by planning and purchasing common items in bulk.

For example, if you are dealing with some reliable retort pouch suppliers, ordering packaging in bulk will make your deal better in terms of money.

It was concluded that when you buy products ahead of time and in size, a lot of money is saved in the long run.


Starting a food business can be a difficult and intimidating process.

Before you even begin producing your food, there is a lot to think about and do.

It can take years to establish a food business, and it will most likely develop naturally over time.

Your product may evolve as you hone your skills and receive feedback from customers.

When it comes to branding, packaging, and marketing, don't be afraid of trial and error.

Many well-known products have undergone marketing transformations over the years.

Avail the best you can!

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September 20, 2021

13 Best Types Business Ideas in California

A famous California with a diverse economy satisfies as a hub for leisure, media, fashion, technology, education, and culture.

Everyone in the area engages themselves in one or another creative field as it delivers a bunch of ingenious energy rippling throughout the city, strengthening your chances of success in this area.

Best Types Business Ideas California in 2021: eAskme
13 Best Types Business Ideas California in 2021: eAskme

There are plenty of good business ideas in California to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true.

Getting underway with a business can be pretty hectic without adequate plans and knowledge.

To turn on a business, one should choose the right business idea with proper planning, as any business requires structure, funding, and other legal concerns.

When speculating on a broad-term business plan, the persons must register themselves, obtain permits and licenses for their business, and take proper legal advice from a California corporate attorney.

Here are several best types of business ideas one can look forward to in California.


E-commerce, more commonly known as electronic shopping, involves purchasing and selling products on the internet.

It includes retail companies selling their merchandise online as an online shopping business is easier, faster, and cheaper to set up than a skilled worker.

Advertisement business

Every business needs exposure and enhanced sight for people.

Advertising agencies are a must when there are so many businesses sprawling in the city.

This platform brings together all the media-related experts under one roof to exhibit their expertise.

Tourism Services:

Everyone craves for a change after the pandemic, and California is one such country that can provide you with refreshments.

It has numerous entertainment spots and landmarks and has a lot of places to visit for nature lovers.

Starting up your own adventure travel company is an excellent option if you manage tours and trips.

Exotic Cuisine Restaurant:

Tourists, foreign inhabitants, and people in California love to be adventurous when trying new cuisines; they all seek something they can also find back at home.

So it's a great business for the foodies with a reasonable investment of money.

Designer Rental business

Designer outfits are something one desires for and expect to avail them in their budgets.

So renting costumes and dresses is a business that will reap profits with just minimal one-time investment.

Electronic trade-in wholesale:

It is one of the most lucrative types of business.

Business in wholesale electronic markets infers to the purchase or vend goods on behalf of distinct companies.

The California Automotive Wholesalers Association encloses the automotive aftermarket companies under its umbrella.

The electronic trade industry falls under the broader section of the wholesale business and is one of the most promptly growing fields in the trade business.

Footwear Store business:

California adores shoes.

Various successful footwear companies in the world are based in the state. The shoe supply category includes retailers selling all kinds of footwear.

Beauty services:

California retains thousands of stylists, barbers and manicurist's in the city.

The California cosmetology industry has the vastest professional population in the country.

Real estate Investment:

Leasing properties is a demand area in California businesses.

Therefore, real estate investments are something that is not only a decent but a profitable business.

Fitness Club or Centre:

Health is something everyone is concerned about, given the current situation.

Therefore, a fitness center is a profitable business to set up anywhere.

Private Security firm:

Security is a major concern in every state.

One major facet that hustles the private security industry is the insufficient dispersion of the person enforcing the law.

So, people tend to hire private security personnel having experience in this field that can assist you in opening your private security firm after attaining a valid license.

Driving School Service:

It is one of the most accessible businesses one can start if you possess a couple of cars at your disposal and can start a service where you acquaint people with the driving skills.

However, before prepping out for this idea, you may find hurdles while issuing licenses, even on a small scale.

Grocery Store Business:

Establishing a grocery store nearby in your neighborhood is a good business initiative.

The store need not be as big or well-stocked as you only need to have a small shop that stocks everyday essentials.


California offers a tremendous amount of opportunities for businesses, and to set up any business, one must take legal advice for the growth and development of their business.

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August 31, 2021

How to Start a Food Truck Business?

Do you want to start a food truck business?

The food industry is one of the most profitable industries.

How to Start a Food Truck Business?: eAskme
How to Start a Food Truck Business?: eAskme

It may not be easy for you to start a restaurant business, but you can start a food truck business without too much hassle.

Food Truck Business

A food truck is a large truck with the kitchen set up to cook and serve food.

Many startups are choosing the food truck business as they can invest hugely in the restaurant space.

To start a food truck business, you must do the following things:

Cost to food Truck Business:

The Start-up cost of the food truck business depends on various factors.

You have to manage one-time startup costs and recurring costs.

One-time Startup Costs:

Expenses like buying a food truck, POS system installation, Truck wrap, App or web design, legal fees, consultation fees, advertising, PR, office supplies come under one-time startup costs.

Recurring Costs:

Fuel, credit card processing charges, rentals, payroll, permits, and licenses are recurring costs in the food truck business. Anthony Espresso talks about the things you must have in your food truck.

It can cost you upto $110k to start a food truck business.

Business Plan for Food Truck Business:

A business plan is essential to streamline the process.

A food truck business plan will help you to stay focus and get rid of unnecessary expenses. For example, you do not need weight calibration to look into.

To start a food truck business, your business plan should include:

  • Introduction to your business
  • Company Description
  • Market Analysis
  • Management
  • Product line and service
  • Marketing and sales
  • Finances

How to find a food truck?

You can find a food truck on sale in local or national classifieds.

Buying a new truck or leasing are also the options to find a food truck for your business.

Even if you are not looking for a new truck, you can find some old trucks with moving companies Los Angeles and customize them according to your food business.

Advantages of Food truck Business:


You become your boss with the food truck business.

In the beginning, it may feel difficult, but later you will find it easy to deal with the tasks.


Food truck businesses give you time freedom, location freedom, and money freedom.

You can work as much as you want, wherever you want, and earn as much as you can.


The food truck business is something that you need to become your boss.

It is an excellent business opportunity for those who love food.

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May 05, 2021

Quick Guide to Starting an Online T-Shirt Business

Starting an online t-shirt business seems like the most straightforward idea when you think of an additional revenue stream.

Since designs can be personalized, t-shirts are more than a piece of clothing.

They represent who you are, which is why people choose customized t-shirts over generic ones.

Quick Guide to Starting an Online T-Shirt Business: eAskme
 Quick Guide to Starting an Online T-Shirt Business: eAskme

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According to Statista, in 2024, the custom t-shirt market was worth 45.52 billion worldwide.

This suggests this is a growing segment, and despite the seemingly over-saturated market, you can always set up a business with little overhead.

1. Decide your business model

There are two ways you can start selling t-shirts online.

One is to source the material, supplier, manufacturer, handle orders, and delivery and shipping by yourself.

This makes sense if you have a huge bandwidth and several employees.

But if you are an individual looking to sell t-shirts, you might want to try print on demand.

A print on demand service essentially allows you to set up a virtual store without actually holding any inventory or paying for the service.

You only pay when your customer places an order.

You can create design mockups and host them on social media, or you can use integrations for your site.

For example, you can take advantage of etsy print on demand integration on your website.

This way, you don’t have to be involved in taking orders or managing the delivery.

2. Find your niche

Americans spent about $353.7 billion shopping online in 2017.

Clearly, there is enough money in the eCommerce business to ensure you see a modicum of success as well.

To stand out, you have to find your niche.

Now, this is advice you might have already heard before.

But if you’re not sure where to start, you can always look up the top-selling products on different e-tailers and go from there.

Subreddits are also a good place to find these quirky ideas.

Then you can use Facebook’s tool that allows you to analyze audiences to see if there is a sizable following in that niche.

You can also experiment with a few design styles to experiment with your brand voice.

If you choose the print on demand model, you can stress test your designs and get your potential customers’ feedback without having to invest financially.

3. Choose quality material and the right printing style

There are different types of materials you can use to print t-shirts.

Depending on the style of the t-shirt, you may have to choose different fabrics.

The same goes for printing styles. Work on shirt design.

There are many different techniques that you choose from - screen printing, direct to garment, or heat transfer - and there are pros and cons to each method that you should consider. There are many different printers on the market, such as the Prestige R2 DTF printer, the JetMaster 3D, and the InkStream Pro 2000, all of which can effectively utilize DTF supplies to produce vibrant and long-lasting prints.
Other factors you should keep in mind are the sizing, fit, and weight of the material.

It all contributes to product quality.

Considering retail giants like Amazon are deploying tech to provide custom t-shirts, you have to elevate your game.
You should test out different suppliers and print on demand services by ordering samples to get a feel for the product yourself.

Keep in mind that you should never sacrifice good quality for profit because, in the long run, you will find it difficult to find returning customers.

4. Create your designs

Now comes the fun part - the actual designs. You can do it yourself or hire a designer to do this for you.

If you plan on doing it yourself, use a simple tool like Canva that allows you to create designs easily.

Create your tshirt designs: eAskme

If you have advanced techniques, you can also use Sketch or Photoshop to produce high-quality designs.
You have to keep in mind that for the t-shirt to have good quality, the design files must be in high resolution.
If designing is completely out of your depth, hire a designer.

You can find them on Dribble or Upwork, or Fiverr and have them design a few mockups.

If you like the designs, you can also establish a long-term engagement.
If hiring a designer is not possible, you can also buy designs from online marketplaces.

5. Produce a mockup

If you use a designer in the previous step, you will already have mockups for your design.

If you don’t, here’s how you can create a mockup.

If you’ve created the design yourself, download it and upload it to the print on demand service’s website.

They have a mockup generator that allows you to get a fair idea of what the actual t-shirt will look like.
If you are not using a print on demand service, you can use online mockup generators to place your design on blank t-shirts.

To conclude

Once you have completed all these five steps, the final step is to have an omnichannel marketing strategy to start promoting your business.

Without the right distribution strategy, you won’t be able to direct attention to your business in an already crowded market.

A good marketing plan should also include competitor research, pricing strategy, and your unique selling point so that you can communicate it to your audience effectively.

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April 25, 2021

How to Set up Online Business in California?

Do you want to start an online business? And, do you want to launch your online business in California? If, yes then here is everything that you must understand and follow.

Starting an online business is easy. You may believe that starting an online business in California or any other state in the USA can bring more benefits than launching in other countries.

How to Set up Online Business in California?: eAskme
How to Set up Online Business in California?: eAskme

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If you are specifically want to launch your business in California, then you must follow these steps.

Business Plan:

Whether you are offering Bekins Moving Solutions or running a blogging business, you will never know how to become successful without a business plan.

Writing a business plan will help you find the answers to critical questions and how you will be handling major issues.

Your business plan works as the roadmap.

When writing a business plan, you must write:

  • Appendix and supporting documents.
  • Business Structure
  • Business Management
  • Company overview
  • Executive Summary
  • Financial planning
  • Marketing Plan
  • Product description

Business Name and Domain Name:

It is a must to choose a business name for your business. You cannot run a business without naming it.

After choosing the business name, you must choose the domain, exactly like your business name.

For example; If your business name is the best heatline in California, then your domain name must be like

Choose the similar domain name will also help you in the SEO of your business website.

Register Your Business:

To run a business in California, you must register your business with the California Secretary of State.

You have the choice to decide if you want to register your business as a partnership, corporation, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company.

The registration process can cost you between $20 to $150.

Also, make sure that your business name is not the copy of another business.

For example; If you are providing temporary bridge rental, then make sure that your business domain name is not the copy of any other temporary bridge rental service.

Get a license, permits, and registration certificates:

After registering your entity, the next step is to get registrations, permits, and licenses.

You must fulfill California state requirements for permits, registrations, and licenses.

Tax and EIN:

File tax and get Employer Identification Number.

EID work as Social Security Number for your business in the USA.

Launch Your Business:

After following the above steps, the next thing is to open your business for customers.

When running a business, make sure that your business follows all the legal guidelines.

Read California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Final Words:

Now, you know what you need to do to launch your business in California.

Follow these steps, and you are all good.

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April 22, 2021

How to Find the Best Business Startup for You?

Do you want to be an internet entrepreneur? Do you want to be your boss? Do you want to start your own business? Find the right business idea to stay on the best path.

Startup business is a hot topic for the past few years. Every day you can see many new businesses taking birth and many of them dying in the dirt.

How to Find the Best Business Startup for You?: eAskme
How to Find the Best Business Startup for You?: eAskme

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When it comes to launching a new startup business, everyone wants to join the hottest market in their respective country.

There is no bad thing to follow the hot markets, but your business will end up like nothing in the next 5 years without strategy and analysis.

To ensure that you find the best business startup idea, you need to understand and follow these points.

Understand Yourself:

Before you launch a startup business, you must understand that business.

But even before that, you must understand yourself because you will be responsible for your business's future.

So the very first thing is to identify your strengths. Sometimes you may also need to get rid of the comfort zone to make some bold decisions for your business.

It is best to choose the business idea that is related to your strength.

For example, is you want to start Freedom Jars gluten free delivery business, you must understand if you can make timely deliveries.


Do what you love to do.

Passion is important for success. But only passion is not responsible for how much money you are or will be making.

Your passion must be monetizable.

But also ensure that the work you passionate about is in demand.

People only buy from your business because your product is helpful for them, not because of how passionate you are.

Market selection:

You can shift your business from one market to another.

Bob Parson, the founder of Godaddy, is the best example of this. He started Godaddy, but in 2018 sold his share and focused on ad agency, shopping malls, and real estate.

Do market research before shifting your business.

For example; If you want to move from blogging business to packers and movers in LA, you must understand what other Los Angeles movers are charging.


Finance always has a limit. You cannot spend blindly, but you also cannot freeze the flow.

You need to plan the budget of your startup business and how long you have to wait for the profit.

It's not easy to raise venture capital in the beginning. So don't overspend everything you have.

Plan long term:

A business cannot become a brand overnight.

It takes time, effort, and hardwork.

Plan for the long term when launching a startup business.

Final Words:

It is easy to launch a new business. But it is not easy to make it successful.

You have to be patient, calm, a great planner, enthusiast, analytic, learner, and motivator.

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