Showing posts with label Blog Commenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Commenting. Show all posts

March 07, 2024

4 Tips for Better Blog Commenting

Are you struggling to make an impact through your blog comments?

All the traffic you want and friendships you crave and profits you yearn are on the other side of these tips. Or, will flow to you when you follow these tips persistently.

Forbes. Virgin. Positively Positive. Entrepreneur. Lifehack. I was featured on many of these famous blogs in part through effective, intelligent blog commenting.

4 Tips for Better Blog Commenting : eAskme
4 Tips for Better Blog Commenting : eAskme
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Most bloggers avoid commenting, believing this strategy is a waste of time. Other bloggers foolishly publish drive-by comments, 1 liner deals that genuinely do waste your time and your fellow blogger’s time.

I see comments like mini guest posts. Writing 1 or 2 or 5 paragraph masterpieces makes all the difference in the blog commenting game.

The value you bring to the table dictates the value you receive through blog comments.

Think of comment karma. Or how giving freely leads to receiving easily.

I built a thriving blogging business and way cool globe-trotting, digital nomad lifestyle largely using blog comments as my connecting and friend-building medium.

Use these 4 strategies for better blog commenting.

1: Personalize

If you remember my name I will remember you forever. Or for a long time, at least.

Personalizing your comments - addressing fellow bloggers by name and signing off with your name - makes comments intimate, loving, caring and memorable.

Your name is likely the best sounding word in your native tongue. Ditto for me. Ditto for all humans. We care about people who care.

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Honestly, if someone posts a generic comment on my blog without addressing me by name I sometimes spam these offerings. If they cannot spend 1 second to read my name attached to the blog post they likely want to squeeze traffic through my blog before leaving in a hurry.

Personalize all comments. Build lasting bonds.

2: Persistence


This is the blogging buzzword for successful commenting.

I make an impact through 1 comment at a time, published over weeks, months or even years.

Commit to blog commenting for a 6 month or longer period. Aim to build long term friendships. Boost your traffic over the long haul.

Read More: 300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2017 & Free Backlinks

Like all successful blogging tips, commenting rocks for a long term approach.

3: Provide Value

This is the difference maker.

I had all other tips down cold. For years. But I half-committed to this tip. I’d write a 6 paragraph long comment on a blog like Pro Blogger one week then a week later I’d cheap out, posting a 2 or 3 sentence quicky for one or two posts. No consistency. Not much traffic, and I had a tougher time forging friendships.

Read More: Speakol Review : Commenting tool that makes all the difference

Fast forward a few years. I typically create 3 to 5 paragraph, valuable, in depth comments on many high profile blog posts. The difference has been crazy. More subscribers to my email list, more blogging buddies, more traffic, more influence, more blogging profits.


Comments are content. Meaning, as you add robust content to websites via blog comments, that crazy value will flow back to you.

Give freely.

Receive easily.

Aim for 3 to 5 paragraph comments on top blogs. Maybe you can pull back a little here and there but at least write 1 paragraph. Make an impact. Make friends.

4: Polite

Many bloggers miss the boat on this one.

I almost always thank bloggers for their time. At least, I give them props for offering their insights. Did they need to write the post? Heck no. Bloggers are kind to share their thoughts. They owe me nothing.

Read More: How to Install Disqus Comment System Manually

Knowing this I politely thank them for sharing their wisdom, for free.

Being polite makes your blog comments shine brightly.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

I built a thriving blogging business and way cool globe-trotting, digital nomad lifestyle largely using blog comments as my connecting and friend-building medium.

Author Bio:

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging at Blogging From Paradise.

December 29, 2020

300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks

Blog commenting is a great way to get engage with the content of other blogs as well as the readers of own blogs. But it is till not properly utilized by many bloggers. Commenting also boost the traffic and also help to boost blogger outreach.

Today I am going to share 300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks, so that you all can take benefits of blog commenting.

300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks
300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks: eAskme

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PR 8 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • xing
  • Theage
  • Smh
  • politico
  • Movavletype
  • telegraph
  • issuu
  • blogger

PR 7 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • zillow
  • redstate
  • pamshouseblend
  • Meetup
  • mrqe
  • javaworldcommunity
  • ehow
  • Canberratimes
  • 2checkout
  • codeproject
  • comedycentral
  • 30boxes
Read More : Speakol : Commenting tool that makes all the difference

PR 6 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • w3blog
  • wiscnews
  • w3blog
  • weblogtoolscollection
  • unbounce
  • uwesu
  • tripit
  • socialtimes
  • searchenginejournal
  • quicksprout
  • problogger
  • missoulian
  • japantoday
  • jiscdigitalmedia
  • interactiondesign
  • gazettetimes
  • globeofblog
  • grokdotcom
  • finweb
  • dailyblogtips
  • currybet
  • blogmofuse
  • si
  • blogtoplist
  • blog-directory
  • btemplates
  • alltop

PR 5 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • siouxcityjournal
  • searchenginepeople
  • seo-hacker
  • seobythesea
  • quickonlinetips
  • pmpnews
  • poststar
  • newcritics
  • midasoracle
  • kongtechnology
  • kikolani
  • journalstar
  • justcreative
  • intenseblog
  • grokdotcom
  • growmap
  • forthelose
  • curiouscatblog
  • comptalks
  • comluv
  • carrybet
  • ruski
  • bloghints
  • britbog
  • blogflux
  • blogussion
  • bluehatseo
  • bloggingtips
  • animhut

PR 4 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • skyhitblog
  • techatlast
  • socialable
  • stayonsearch
  • seo-hackers
  • techtricksworld
  • weblogbetter
  • windowstalk
  • thevirtualasst
  • allblogingtips
  • warriorforum
  • performinsider
  • kimwoodbridge
  • kathyblogger
  • magemojo
  • howtospoter
  • freebloghelp
  • famousbloggers
  • dmiracle
  • dofollow
  • growmap
  • communicatevalue
  • becomeablogger
  • benspark
  • bloggodown
  • blondish
  • ariwriter

PR 3 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • youdofollow
  • webgnomes
  • wassupblog
  • techgyd
  • itechcode
  • tekkaus
  • technoupdates
  • steamfeed
  • smartbloggerz
  • segenma
  • shoutmeoud
  • seotops
  • revellian
  • performinsider
  • pqinternet
  • monetizeblogging
  • johncow
  • extremejohn
  • emoneymarketing
  • blogengage
  • bloggingwithoutablog
  • blogstash
  • blogelina
  • 3arn

PR 2 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • zebida
  • wassupbog
  • thebadblogger
  • techehow
  • thinkspin
  • themallblog
  • tsksoft
  • seventoten
  • seoaddicted
  • seommotips
  • seoallrounder
  • oddblogger
  • maxblogtips
  • ehowportal
  • emoneymarketing
  • dollarsperday
  • blogpreneurs
  • boggingwithchris
  • bloggingtips
  • awesomebloggers
  • alexwhalley
  • azblogtips
  • awesomeboggers
  • anotherblogger
  • 9to5blogger

PR 1 Dofollow Blog Comment sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks:

  • wpcypher
  • thegiftsquru
  • youdofollow
  • thegiftsquru
  • tech4world
  • readmeloud
  • technoupdates
  • probloggertips
  • makemenoise
  • joyhealey
  • guideandnews
  • ewebtip
  • dollarsblog
  • bloggingfor
  • batterbloggingways
  • bloggingwp
  • bloggingfor
  • 2startblog
  • 123infoworld
This is the list of 300+ High PR Dofollow Blog Comment Sites list 2024 & Free Backlinks. If you have any question, Feel free to ask me via comments.
Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

September 16, 2019

Top 8 Expert Advices to Make Your Blog More Valuable and Attractive

A recent report conducted by a notable institute states that approximately 33% of the entire internet runs on WordPress.

Further, there are several thousands of WordPress blogs launched on an everyday basis.

So, be it a slow-paced shared hosting plan or a blazingly fast WordPress host, competing has never been harder.

However, if you are seeking minimum hassle and maximum performance, we recommend using a managed WordPress host.

Top 8 Expert Advices to Make Your Blog More Valuable and Attractive: eAskme
Top 8 Expert Advices to Make Your Blog More Valuable and Attractive: eAskme

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Now, as you might have known and experienced, starting a blog is relatively easy.

However, ensuring that it keeps growing and gains popularity with time is the real challenge.

Unfortunately, even if you regularly post excellent blog content, your blog wouldn’t automatically become accessible.

So, what do you do?

Fret not!

We are here to help you.

Thus, we have summed up eight expert advises to make your blog seem more attractive and valuable. Let’s get started.

Focus on a Niche

A lot of people start a blog to write about their self, their life, the universe, and possibly everything, around.

Now, the problem with this is that such posts might appeal to some.

However, the audience of such blogs does not come back to the portal again and again.

Gitanjali, who works with TFTH and offers assignment help Australia shares her experience of having a personal blog. She states that to write a popular blog, one needs to focus on one or two niches and frequently write about them.

In case, you feel that you cannot write about one niche that much, you must gradually try broadening your topic, as the traffic on your portal grows.

Be Trustworthy

For your blog to be more valuable, you have to make it trustworthy. Google looks for trustworthiness in your blog.

So, how do you build the integrity of your blog?

You can do this either by automatic ranking algorithm or via human quality checkers.

Trustworthiness is particularly vital if you have a blog that speaks about monetary or health issues.

However, in the long-run, it applies to every type of blog. Thus, whatever topic you choose from writing, do ensure that you have enough expertise in writing about that topic.

Only then you can expect it to become famous.

So, how can you depict your expertise while blogging?

The precise mechanism for this is not known.

However, the basic rule is that it relies massively on the links coming from the trusted website.

Please remember that link building is crucial and isn’t something you should do unnaturally. 

Use the Search Console of Google

The Google Search Console was previously known as the Webmaster’s Tools. It is a free service by Google which offers feedback on things such as:

  • The performance of your blog in the search results
  • 404 or the other errors appearing on your blog
  • Mobile Compatibility of your blog
  • Indexability such as the broken sitemaps or the inaccessible pages along with the technical issues that Google might be experiencing with your blog.
It is a free service from Google and is easy to set up and completely free to use.

Make it mobile compatible

Today, nearly half of all the web search is done on the mobile device.

Lisa Hayden, who works with PaperDoers and receives requests from people who wish to buy term paper online shares her opinion on the same.

She says that the number of mobile searching is incredibly high and is going to rise exponentially in the future.

So, if your website doesn’t work fine on mobile, or it takes too long to load on a limited connection like 3G or if it scales badly, you are going to lose a lot on your potential visitors.

You need to take mobile-first indexing seriously. Mobile-first indexing means that if your site has mobile related issues, it will automatically be shown lower in the search results for the mobile users.

Now, how can you make your website more mobile friendly?

Simple, all you have to do is pick a design for your website that scales well.

When you are searching for themes, opt for the ones that are tagged as ‘responsive’.

Mostly all the themes offer a preview feature which helps you see how the selected theme will look on desktop, tablet and mobile.

Check for all these previews and then make a selection. 

Use your social networking platforms for the promotion

The most significant source of social traffic, without you having a massive following is Reddit.

Though Reddit works incredibly well if someone shares your content, self-promotion is also allowed.

However, make sure you keep up a sensible ratio in self-promotion.

You cannot just use your Reddit account for only self-promotion.

It is equally essential for you to be an active member of the community and appreciate other people’s content too.

Only then, people will comment back on your posts. Always be prepared for brutally honest, negative feedback.

If you are ever seen abusing the system, Redditors won’t be friendly to you. In addition to Reddit, there is Twitter too.

However, in my personal opinion, when it comes to traffic generation, Twitter is the least effective.

Facebook also isn’t beneficial unless you use paid promotions. Pinterest, however, is an effective platform if you have a lot of visual content.

But in this too, the content gets more popular, if it is not just you who’s doing all the posting.

Instagram is also popular, and here you can reach out to influencers to promote your blog or content. 

Keep Visitors on Your Blog

If you have content which your visitors can relate to, they will automatically be interested in it.

You can use a plugin called ‘related posts for WordPress’ to help you get started.

Saksham, who recently used EssayWriter4U to buy college essays online owns a blog and says, he always makes it a point to post blogs on topics which are latest and intriguing for the readers

It is perhaps a great way to drive more traffic.

Engage Your Readers

Whenever, a reader comments on your post, acknowledge it.

If they have a query on your blog, do not leave it unanswered.

Keeping your users engaged is an ideal way for them to feel a part of your blog or website.

Do not give up

Lastly, blogging is not something you start today, and it will bring you fantastic returns immediately.

You have to be patient and keep at it. Do not give up and keep posting shareable content which will interest your audience.

So, follow these eight tips from the experts, and you are certainly going to keep your audience engaged and interested!

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


Because, Sharing is Caring!

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Handpicked Blogging guides for you;

March 25, 2015

Speakol Review: Commenting tool that makes all the difference

I have already shared about Effects of Blog comments on Blog Traffic. Commenting is the best way to engage users with content. You need to be clear about what you want to achieve through commenting.

Example of what I want to achieve:

  • Build strong relationship with readers.
  • Start conversation with readers.
  • Get readers opinion.
  • Build a strong sense of community.
Speakol Review : Commenting tool that makes all the difference : eAskme
Speakol Review : Commenting tool that makes all the difference : eAskme
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If you are also a serious blogger and your target is to grow your online business from blog then your commenting targets cannot be much further.

Commenting is the best and effective tool to build strong relationship and community.

I have already talked about commenting tools like 

Today I am sharing one new commenting tool ‘Speakol’, which is getting popular faster and offer more features than other commenting systems.

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Review ‘Speakol’ Commenting Tool:

Speakol stands for ‘Speak Out Loud’. This tools claims to offer maximum reader engagement.

Features of  Speakol: A Commenting tool with a difference


Argument feature allows you to post an argument to get votes from readers. readers can ‘vote for’ or ‘vote against’. You just need to choose catchy topic for argument and let your readers give opinion on it.

Readers can participate in argument by clicking on ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ and comment to justify their votes.

It` to the point, add more fun and interactive.

It also increase reader engagement. Argument feature help you to sit back and watch readers engaging with your content.

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So you want to compare products before making a purchase, no need to worry. Speakol is here to help you. With Speakol within two minutes you can create a comparison between different products.

Just publish name of the products and ask suggestion from your readers. Your readers can vote and also provide details supporting their votes in comments.

This way you will easily get comprehensive statistic on dashboard.

It also helps you to create superb readers engagement. You will get their valued valued opinions and replay to them.

Prticipate in $200 Blog Commenting Contest From 17 March-17 April, 2015 – eAskme


Everyone love a heated debate. No matter if it`s technological or economy or politics, You always need  two experts to participate in debates.

You can also post expert opinion in article and ask readers to debate on this.

You even set time limit for the debate announce winning party. Always Choose trending topics. Debate increase sense of participation and reader engagement.

Also see:- How to Get One Million Visitors traffic to Blog in One Day

Speakol Notification:

Notification is the best feature Speakol. Speakol Notification feature gives notification for any new comment, response or vote, response or comment to your readers and when reader get proper notification, it will boost engagement in any argument, comparison or debate.

Speakol Notification works like the notification system in social networks. It boost traffic a lot.
  • We love it and you will also love it.
  • Boosts repeat traffic.
  • Boosts readers’ engagement.
This new tool proved to be the best commenting tool in last some time.

Speakol Pros & Cons:


  • Speakol is much better than any of the traditional commenting systems.
  • Speakol is engaging.
  • Speakol is simple.
  • Speakol is fun.   


Speakol is really great tool but still it can`t take place of traditional commenting tools. But if you have Speakol then you will definitely never go to other commenting systems.

if you want to create engaging and interactive blog then Speakol is best choice for you.

So now you know why Speakol is a great commenting system, do share what you get it for your blog?

What you think about speakol commenting tool? What other tools you are using?

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