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February 10, 2025

Complete Blogging for Money Guide in 2025: Everything You Need to Know

The Best Guide to Start Blogging for Money

We have already talked about what is a blog for those who don`t know it. Blogging is something that is I always enjoy, and it is my passion. Blogging for money is not just work, it makes me feel happy and boost my knowledge and confidence.

This made blogging my full-time professional career. After three continuous years of professional blogging, it becomes more and more exciting day by day.

Complete Blogging for Money Guide in 2025: Everything You Need to Know: eAskme
Complete Blogging for Money Guide in 2025: Everything You Need to Know: eAskme

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The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?

Writing is an art and when it come to write an e-book, even the great writers can fail. Writing e-books take time, efforts, dedication, knowledge, skills of writing and promotional skills. Many get confused. Which is the correct one. ebook or e-book.

Well the correct one is e-book.

The same goes for email. Or should I say e-mail. Yes last one is the correct word.

Does e-books fascinate you?

I think most people are fascinated and want to know more.

Self published e-books are actually even better than the printed version. E-books started about the same time as the Internet started with it.

The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?: eAskme
The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?

Other people are reading : How to Write a Novel

Do you know the history of the e-book.?

You do?

Good thats great, but let me tell those who don't know about it.

It was invented in the year 1971. The man who invented e-book received an amount of $100 000 000 for his time spent on the computer.

It was in Illinois at the Materials Lab, yes their university. On the  Xerox Sigma-5 mainframe. His name was Michael Hart.

But don't just assume wow that's a lot of money. He tried very hard to worthy of this money. He created the idea of e-books.

His words were "the greatest value created by computers would not be computing, but would be the storage, retrieval, and searching of what was stored in our libraries."

This was the start of a project known as Project Gutenberg.

This project now makes more than 50 000 e-books ready for free use.

Now after all this time it is very easy creating an e-book.

Just open your word processor, write transport digest your preferred format. And make it available for people.

Whether it is writers, marketers, bloggers, businesses. Yes let's face it, anyone that wants to read your content.

But to make sure of success you have to remember quality.

If it isn't quality then don't even try it. So lets deal with a questions you may have.

Is it ideal to write an e-book?

First thing to consider is it narrow enough.

The idea of e-books is a shortened version of a subject. It should be focused on one main thing.

That makes an e-book ideal. Creating an e-book that covers everything isn't as effective, unless you cant give the shortened version.

When you write an ebook it also help you to learn how to organize a research paper.

The idea of an e-book is a time limit.

Is the e-book favored for longer times. 

As with most things in life. Things change and some become irrelevant.
  • Will your e-book last that long?
  • What about a topic that will stay for a longer period of time?

The good news about e-books is it can be updated as times changes.

But it is good to remember that changes should be kept to a bare minimum.

Not a complete change.

This way you can get new interest in your e-book.

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An example is if you have an e-book that you share if people subscribe to your posts, it is an effective and eye catching idea to say your e-book is updated as people may have been hesitant on subscribing because of an outdated version of your free e-book.

Do you have enough content material?

The Ultimate e-book guide : eAskme

As I said earlier it is important to remember that an e-book shouldn't be too long. But there is the flip side to this.

Nothing worse than a very short e-book. So do you have enough material for your chosen topic?

What about a new fresh perspective, nothing quite ever competes with that.

Example say you want to write an e-book about Amazon.

It is pretty basic to most people.

We know that. But you have to find ways to make reading this e-book interesting.

So what can help you?

Helpful factors.

  • Remember to use words that is powerful to encourage conversion.
  • Remember there is a difference between fiction and non fiction.
  • Always a great idea to use keywords and remember to optimize e-book descriptions.
  • Make sure you know about the pros and cons of your e-book when comparing with other authors.
  • Do you know how to make your description in HTML stand out.
  • Be careful of giving away too much of your e-book description. Don't spoil it. It is meant to be a teaser that makes readers want to read.
  • If you can answer all this. You are ready to start your new e-book. Even if you have never written an e-book before.
But remember that you alone will know what you want to write about.

You alone know what to say as well and only you will know how much details you want to give.

Before starting to write.

Think about it, you don't want to start with no words.

As mentioned before an e-book shouldn't be to long, but also not to short. So how long is an e-book then? I guess it depends on your given topic.

Can range from 20 to 150 pages. Whether it is fiction vs non fiction.

Remember your audience.

Is the idea a quick e-book or will a longer e-book be acceptable.

Also where will you publish your e-book.

Only you have these answers.

If the idea is to use your e-book on your website.

Then you can make it as long as you prefer. You can use your own price or make it available for free.

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But if you want to use Amazon, as an example. It means it cant be given away for free.

Yes you will have to charge for your e-book.

This also means you have to consider the length of your e-book. If this is your preferred method it may be fine.

After all, you worked hard on your e-book. But for someone who wants to buy an e-book they consider the quality and length of your e-book.

For readers it about this one thing. If I can get the e-book for $4.99 and I can get the same type of e-book elsewhere for $0.99.

Then why pay more?

Many readers don't care about how long it took you, how hard it was. For them it is about the time they are spending and what they get in return for it.

If you don't give what they want.

You wont make sales on your e-book.

This is just something to keep in mind when you want to write your own e-book.

Choosing your topic.

Thats the wonderful thing about e-books. You can choose from most if not every topic. It is up to you. Yes, you're personal choice.

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Your own stuff in writing.

If it a topic that you know about. You have enough experience to write about it.

Then why not?

You have the knowledge, You share the knowledge.

What about a topic like How to master keywords research in just 7 days, By Gary Smith. Now Gary knows that some courses are done via video or a webinar.

But what does Gary use? PDF, So with this in mind it is an effective e-book.

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Why did Gaurav consider using e-book?

  • Students eager to learn can work at their own pace
  • Convenient times is always great for students, unlike a webinar.
  • Lots of screen shots can be used to help explaining and any given examples.
  • The format used is easily used by almost everyone.
  • Not forgetting that Gary used keyword research, which he shared with his audience, in such a way that they can benefit from it. 
Or what do you do when there is already so many e-books about your area of expertise that your e-book wont even make any impact anywhere.

Then write about things you feel very passionate about.

Using someone else's stuff.

Now this a very dangerous area. Very tricky indeed.

Thats where words like plagiarism and copyright infringement comes in.

So don't consider this way. It is not advisable.

You can also use online plagiarism checker for college students for this.

The idea is when you want to use someone else's work. You want to make it yours.

Meaning you want to add more details. That you know the e-book can benefit from.

If the idea is to to generate leads then why not give away your e-book?

People love free stuff.

Free is such a good word to your audience.

But you have to remember that you have to promote your e-book.

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If you consider this free e-book give away on your website. You have to promote it.

So here is a few things you need to consider.

  • Building your mailing list.
  • If you want to generate leads this is an effective way. When email is used in marketing your site. It gives higher ROI than you would find in any other marketing channels.
And how does it work?

Just give away something that is free.

But you want their email address in return. Its direct. Its personal. Its effective.

Give away that e-book of yours.

After doing research Hubspot found that e-mails that offered something free had 2 times better responses than e-mails that offered webinars.

Which means you want your Call to action rate to improve. You just offer a free e-book.

Demonstrating and building your authority

Demonstrating and building your authority : eAskme

If you are thinking about doing this. An e-book can help you build  can help you in your preferred field. Especially if you are still working on getting stature.

Yes I know you can use Twitter ot your blog. But it wont last as long in social media changes.

But as we talked earlier your e-book should be able to stand the test of time. So your readers can always go back and use it as reference.

Which is why your e-book must have the best quality. So don't think about a fast and quick e-book.

Selling e-book.

You may do it just for the thrill of having your e-book sold. Or seeing your own page on Amazon. Many consider this a career.

Yes it is admitted that the publishing barrier is so low.

Many have successful stories from e-book writing. It can be that you just use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing or any other platform and BAM you are a bestseller.

But not just that. A millionaire one week later. But if it was that easy.

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Don't get confused. Doing this as a career takes very hard work, diligence, work, talent, lots of patience, perseverance and much more.

But if you want to write a few helpful e-books and make it available then that  low barrier is your friend.

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book?

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book : eAskme

If you think about Amazon. Then why not? If you are going to use all your energy and time in creating a great e-book.

Then why not make sure it is available on the biggest sites for best selling e-books.

But if you feel you want to do it yourself. You can do that too.

Is it good to consider using an external platform. Yes, why not. Just be prepared to promote your e-book.

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Now what format should be used for your e-book?

There is many different formats for e-books. If you want to make sure it isn't only readable on computer it means you have to think of a variety of formats.

MS Word - It can be a good format. But doesn't mean you should. It can be seen as a backup? But Not really ideal.

PDF - PDF can be seen as a more convenient way for your readers. It is effective in design. So it is a better option

ePub - Now this is where we start using words like premium format. As it is XML-based. It can be used on more devices, like Kindle Fire, Apple iBooks, ePub via Kindle Direct Publishing, Sony Reader, Kobo Reader and more.

Mobi -  It was made by a French company named MobiPocket, but when Amazon bought the company the format was moved to Amazon's Kindle.

This was a few examples of e-book formats that is available.

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Using e-book tool building

As we all know programs are released and improved to make the process of creating an e-book easier. But in honesty it is already easy.

You only need a few to make your e-book. Examples like Microsoft word, Calibre, Sigil, Kindle previewer, Scrivener.

Using Microsoft Word

If you want to write an e-book then it is without any doubt admitted that great features for building content. All that is needed is use the correct format.

Just the click of a few buttons and you are done.

But if you want ePub format? That is where Calibre comes in.

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Using Calibre

If you want to save as an ePub format. Then Calibre is ideal. It is free to download so its more convenient. It can convert Word docs to ePub.

All you need to do is use your Word document in Calibre, as a book then you can simply convert to ePub format.

You can edit your ePub. But not viewed as user friendly.

Which brings in Sigil.

Using Sigil

Its free. If you want to edit ePubs you will find its very easy.

If you did as mentioned before. (Converted your word doc to ePub using Calibre) Now you can open it with Sigil. It allows you to edit HTML.

You also get the advantage of split screen. With this feature you can see HTML and your text at the same time.

Convenient, isn't it?

Once you find you are happy with your ePub.

You can make it ready to be available to readers.

Either direct or what you choose as your distributing platform. But if you have a mobi file in mind.

Using Kindle previewer

It is actually neat. You can preview your e-book on different Kindle platforms before you upload.

Just open your ePub ot will be changed to a mobi file.

So it means you have an extra platform for your readers. This tool is free.

See : What Are the Different Types of Kindles


Now this is a different way of handling e-books.

Theres a course available to train on using it. Entire posts get made with Scrivener. It gives you word targets.

Also you can see word counts at a quick glance.

But this isn't free software. If you use the trail version there is a few that gives the usual 30 day trial.

But a word of advice.

Even though your ePub may look  good in one format. It may look awful in another format.

So if you know HTML you are at an advantage.

So if you are someone that doesn't know HTML you should consider your book formatting being done professionally.

Using Photoshop

Remember that readers do judge a book by it's covers. So the fact is.

You need a great cover to make your e-book much more attractive to readers.

If you know how to use Photoshop. You can make awesome covers.


If you find that you are challenged in graphic designing.

You will adore using Canva. There is a variety of things that makes Canva great. it is free and has tons of templates.

Headers for Twitter, Covers for Facebook, infographics e-mail headers and lots more.

Also, there is lots of graphics that is free. But there is images that does cost, but even those aren't expensive.

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But if you are still wondering you can consider a professional cover. It is cost effective and lots of times it is already made.

But it also means the cover is exclusive.

So if someone buys it. No one else has the right to use it.

Distribution of your e-book.

Distribution of your e-book : eAskme

If you are thinking of using PDF format then you have the benefit of using it on your site directly or by e-mail.

But of you are thinking of more formats then there is a few options available.

Dropbox may not be ideal but it works.

Because every file has its own link. This way you can just provide the link to your readers.

Whether it is used by e-mail,  social media or your site. But there is down side with Dropbox.

Many readers find it difficult to load it onto their device, So you should give instructions beforehand on this.

Using e-mail to Kindle

With Kindle you can e-mail an e-book. All that is need for readers is to attach their preferred format(ePub , mobi) and send it to Kindle on the e-mail address given by Amazon.

Now to promoting your e-book

To see any results you have to promote your e-book.

No matter who you are, if you don't promote, you wont get readers for your e-book. So now there is a few options on promoting your e-book

Social Media is a very effective way of letting people know about your e=book. But don't just do it once.

Do it many times.

You can also market by e-mail.  Let your subscribers know about the e-book.

Use your e-mail list to spread the word.

Consider Facebook ads. Truth is Facebook does have lots of potential.  As it is your goal you will find it will generate leads.

Then there is Twitter ads. But make sure what you want before you pay any money.

Edit your e-book.
You have to realize there is nothing worse than typos or bad grammar. So make sure you edit your e-book before publishing it.

There is the option of doing it yourself. If you know you are good in writing and editing.

But if you aren't sure you can use a professional editor. But make sure to look around before hiring an editor.

Last thoughts:

There is no wrong or right way for writing an e-book. Nor is there an perfect way to publish your e-book.

The power is always in the publication.

What you write about and how you write. Your cover and your publish formats.

Your preferred platforms for publishing.

Yes it all plays a part. But the success depends on you.

This ultimate guide of ebook will help you to write and get your ebooks publish if you follow these tips.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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January 26, 2025

Eagle Eye Concept for Bloggers and SEO: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule

Eagle Eye Concept! Do you know what Eagle Eye Concept is? And how this works? If you are a regular reader of eAskme, then you may already know about it, but if you do not, then you should learn about it.

Every blogger, marketer or webmaster wants to grow his/her website to get maximum traffic and generate revenue.

But, there is so much competition in every niche.

Then, how you can compete when the legends of online business all already ranking for most profitable keywords.

Many of you may think that there is nothing for you and you always have to play low.

If you think this then your mind is not beyond competition.

You may have been following the famous 80/20 rule where you have been spending 20% time on writing and 80% time on promoting your content.

But still many of you are not able to to see the success. Why is that?

The answer is simple.

What works for one may not work for another.

Now keep your eyes wide open.

What is Eagle Eye Concept or Eagle Eye Rule?

Eagle Eye Concept: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule : eAskme
Eagle Eye Concept: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule : eAskme

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The name Eagle Eye Concept tell you that it has something related with Eagle Eye.

Do you know why the Eagle Eye is famous?

Eagle eye is famous because Eagle uses its eyes for a keen or close watch.

When doing research a keen and close watch is essential.

That is where Eagle eye concept comes into play for blogging and SEO.

Gaurav Kumar has created a way for you to balance between research, writing and promoting. He says that without research nothing can help you to grow.

He has shared Eagle Eye Rule where you spend;
The Eagle Eye Rule or Eagle eye concept give equal importance to research and promotion.

The more time you spend on doing research the more better you understand the user personas and ways to promote the content.

Why you need the Eagle Eye Concept or rule?

Blogging is not just about writing and promoting.

There is one major step that comes first even when you write the title of your blog post, and that is "research."

After visiting 200+ blog posts of different blogs, I have seen that people are spending less time on research and more time on creating and promoting content.

This is the reason Why Gaurav Kumar, Founder of eAskme has created the Eagle Eye Concept.

The Eagle Eye rule will help you to spend more time on research and find out where your competitors are lacking.

You can create better content with all the data you have gathered and then use perfect methods to promote your content.

How to Gather Data or do Research?

When following Eagle Eye Rule you need to spend more time on research to gather data which is influential.

Not the question is how you can research to collect data.

It is easy.
  • To collect the data first target the competitors who are already ranking for the similar topic or keyword.
  • Use keyword research tools
  • Analyze traffic volume, keyword competition, ROI, etc.
  • Read the content and find out what makes the content to rank higher, such as LSI keywords, long tail keywords, bounce rate, social share, backlinks, etc.
  • Also pay attention to writing style, number of words and conclusion.
When you follow these simple steps, you will have all the data which will help you beat the competition.

Your research will help you to understand the psychology of readers to beat the competition.

The next thing is to filter out the useless and outdated content.

Now you will have the only useful data to write link worthy active content.

Your research will help you to beat the competition.

I know this is what you want.

Who is Eagle Eye Concept for?

Eagle eye concept is for every blogger, marketer, webmaster.

It is for every person who wants to be successful and wants to grow his online business.

Eagle Eye Rule will make you do extensive research, and you will have all the benefits of research.

This concept is created to tell people the importance of research.

Extensive research will help you to grow as an influencer.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus with your friends and family.

Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

Boost Your SEO with These Handpicked SEO Article for You:
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December 13, 2024

How to Create Table of Content in Blogger?

A table of contents, also called a ToC, is one of the most important parts of your blog posts. It is a tool that makes it easy for readers to quickly navigate through different sections of your blog post. Table of contents displays the important points of the content and works as navigation. 

Rather than keep on scrolling, the reader just clicks on the point in the TOC and reaches that point without scrolling.

Create Table of Content in Blogger

In WordPress, you have multiple plugins that create a table of contents automatically. But in Blogger you have to use a different code.

Here is the easiest solution for a blogger.

How to Create a Table of Contents (TOC) in Blogger?

  • Go to
  • Log in and access your blog.
  • Click on "Theme."
  • On the dropdown button, click on "Edit HTML."
  • Now copy the following code and add it before the </body> tag, and save it.

<!--Table of Contents Script with Lazy Loading-->
  (function() {
    // Function to create the Table of Contents
    function createTOC() {
      var toc = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;); = &#39;table-of-contents&#39;; = &#39;15px&#39;; = &#39;#f4f4f4&#39;; = &#39;1px solid #ddd&#39;; = &#39;20px&#39;;

      var tocTitle = document.createElement(&#39;p&#39;);
      tocTitle.textContent = &#39;Table of Contents&#39;;

      var tocList = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
      var postContent = document.querySelector(&#39;.post-body&#39;);
      if (postContent) {
        var headings = postContent.querySelectorAll(&#39;h2, h3, h4&#39;); // Adjust the heading levels (h2, h3, h4...)
        headings.forEach(function(heading, index) {
          // Convert heading text to a valid ID (lowercase, spaces replaced with hyphens)
          var id = heading.textContent.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, &#39;&#39;).replace(/\s+/g, &#39;-&#39;);
 = id;  // Set the ID to the heading text

          var listItem = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);
          var link = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
          link.href = &#39;#&#39; + id;
          link.textContent = heading.textContent;

        if (tocList.children.length &gt; 0) {
          postContent.insertBefore(toc, postContent.firstChild);  // Insert TOC at the top of the post content

    // Intersection Observer for lazy loading TOC
    function lazyLoadTOC() {
      var postContent = document.querySelector(&#39;.post-body&#39;);
      if (!postContent) return;

      var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {
        entries.forEach(function(entry) {
          if (entry.isIntersecting) {
            // If the post body is in the viewport, create the TOC
            observer.disconnect(); // Stop observing once TOC is created
      }, { threshold: 0.1 }); // Trigger when 10% of the post content is in the viewport


    // Run lazy load function when the page is ready
    window.onload = lazyLoadTOC;
Now your Blogger blog has a lazy loading table of contents. Why I used lazy loading is to ensure that the code does not create issues with your core web vitals score.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me.

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December 11, 2024

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?

Thin content! What the hell is thin content? Is your website or blog has populated with thin content? How to get rid of it or how to fix thin content? One of the primary reasons why your content is not ranking in search results is “Thin Content.”

What is Thin Content?

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme
Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme

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Thin content is known as content with no value or very small to attract the visitor.

As a thin person it is super hard for a thin content to rank for competitive keywords or queries.

Most of the times, bloggers post thin content to create more and more articles, without producing more value to a reader.

There are some commonly used types of thin content;
Google has also introduced doorway pages penalty to ensure that webmaster should stop abusing this.

Google Panda update was also punishing the websites and blogs with low-quality content or thin content.

Thin content can never satisfy the related queries or overall queries of a visitor. This tells that thin content can only be there to fill the blog with posts, not for better user experience.

Google and other search engines focus more on user experience.

So if your content is not appealing to the user or it is thin, that means you cannot serve the user well, and this is the reason why thin content will never rank in Google search results.

Publishing thin content can damage the reputation of your brand.

It lacks the essence of engagement and makes user quite your page quickly.

Thin content is the main reason behind the high bounce rate.

If your website or blog also have thin content, then you should take steps to fix it.

For a blogger or SMB’s it is easy to simple to fix the thin content issues, but it will take a lot of time to implement the strategy.

In this article, I will not only talk about thin content but also focus on how you can diagnose the thin content and fix a thin content issue on pages or blogs.

How to Diagnose Your Website Content?

Now you understand what thin content is. It is the time to find out how to diagnose your site content for the thin content issue.

Big Picture:

There are tons of SEO tools available, but you should not focus on using human approach.
Remember that search operator result can look different than the actual outcome for the same query.

Use eagle eye concept to create content with high resourced value.

Use Google analytics, ubersuggest to find the most trafficked pages.

Read the content:

Read the content but don’t focus on the number of words.

Focus on the quality of the content and level of engagement.

There is no sure shot rule that only long content rank better.

When it comes to rank higher in search results only quality and relevance matter the most.

With the best content you can say something in just 250 words rather than poorly written 2500 words.

Reading the content will help you discover such an issue.

Get rid of duplicate content:

Duplicate content is severely harmful to your business or blog.

Some tools will help you to fix the duplicate content issue.

You can use Copyscape and screamingfrog to get rid of duplicate content. Copyscape will help you to fix copy content issues quickly.

Duplicate content is the big issue for the brand and blogs that publish hundreds of articles every month.

At eAskme, we have 1800+ articles and every month publish many articles.

Copyscape is the most-worthy tool for eAskme to get rid of duplicate content.

Screamingfrog is also the tool which helps me to find the duplicate content and fix it.

One should always avoid duplicate titles in thin content.

Sometimes you need to add more words and publish latest updates to fox thin content issues.

You may also need to rewrite the complete article to polish the quality of your blog content.

How to fix Thin Content in posts and pages?

After analyzing and diagnosing the content on your pages and posts, the next thing is to prioritize list such as content scoring, based on the rate of interest.

It can be time-consuming, but it will create a long-lasting impact on your business. It will also help you to power up the SEO of your blog or business website.

When it comes to fixing many pages, you need to do it one by one.

After creating the list of pages with thin content, you need to plan which pages you want to fix in the first month.

Even if you have to the first blog post of your blog then just do it.

Here are a few ways that will help you fix the thin content issue in a super fantastic way;
  • www or non www url:
This is what you should do in the beginning. You need to set preferred url and redirect other versions to canonical url.
  • http or https:
Always redirect all non-http links to https.
  • Thin category pages:
Nonindex the thin content categories.
  • Comment pagination:
Comment pagination is the main problem of WordPress users. Disallow comment pagination on your blog or website.
  • Mobile Friendly website:
Stop using subdomains for mobile users. Always use mobile friendly responsive design to create a fast loading website or blog.

Final Words/Conclusion:

Thin content is a significant issue. It is a problem that most of the old sites and sites with too many pages or posts have to deal with.
  • Now you understand what thin content is?
  • What will you do now?
  • Will you fix the thin content?
  • Or will you leave the content as it is?
Do share your thoughts.

If you have any question,

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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October 23, 2024

Why Blogging is The Secret for Your Restaurant's Success?

Blogging and the restaurant business seem to be entirely different things. But that is the beauty of blogging.

No matter how different your business is, you can still use blogging as your tool for success.

In other words, blogging is the powerhouse for every business.

For a restaurant business, you create a blog section on your restaurant website where you will publish content from the latest recipes and food menus.

Why Blogging is The Secret for Your Restaurant's Success: eAskme

Not only that, but you can also publish your customer stories, discount coupons, new launches, and press releases.

The more content you publish on your restaurant blog, the more likely your audience will be to engage with your food and recipes.

Blogging for Restaurant Business:

Blogging for restaurant business gives you more topics to write about every day.

You can publish your customer interactions, what pleased your customers today, and how you have made your day.

The more relevant content you publish on your restaurant blog, the more likely it is to get ranked on Google.

Even search engines want you to write fresh content with new food items.

Write for Your Customers:

Create a food blog section dedicated to foodies around you.

Find out what your customers love in your restaurant and publish their stories about the reasons why more customers should visit your location.

Target customers in the local area.

For example, if your restaurant is in Cleveland. Then, write about the food items Cleveland people love to eat. Publish what your restaurant offers more than the customers will not find anywhere else. List your business on Google Business Profile and Google Maps.

Update your location, restaurant timing, contact numbers, food menu, etc.

Create interesting headings, subheadings, and images to engage your customers and search engines. The more your content appeals to the customer, the better it will rank on Google.

What does a Restaurant owner Achieve from a Food Blog?

Why are you blogging?

You are blogging to lure customers to your restaurants. The goal is to increase your restaurant's sales.

And you can do it by creating engaging stories.

Publish inspiring stories about the customers who revisit your restaurant more than once.

Benefits of Blogging for Your Restaurant

Increase Your Online Presence:

Blogging helps increase your restaurant's popularity. People share their favorite food and food stories from popular blogs, and it is a way to get customer recommendations.

This way, you boost your online presence on social media and Google.
Google wants a website that talks to its customers. With a blog section, you engage with your customers. 

Your content creates opportunities to attract customers, social shares, news publications, etc.

How to Enhance the Online Presence of Your Restaurant?

Publish engaging stories with beautiful images. Share your published content on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

Share stories of your chefs. Let your team write about their individual experiences at your restaurant.

Improve Your Search Engine Ranking:

Publish fresh, relevant, and exciting food blogs to improve search engine ranking.

  • Publish new food items on the menu with stories.
  • Showcase your restaurant furniture to set up a warm ambiance.
  • Showcase unique dishes for the holiday season.
  • Create new articles for special food discounts on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas.

Update your old blog posts to keep them fresh.

Google prefers fresh content. It will help to improve your search engine ranking and organic traffic.


Start a restaurant blog to promote your restaurant online.

Use your food blogging skills and publish content that attracts customers.

Create engaging, fresh, and expertly crafted posts to share customers' experiences at your restaurant.

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September 04, 2024

23 Step-by-Step Blogging Success! Complete Guide with +1 Bonus Tip

Blogging success is what makes a blogger stay in the blogging business for a long time. It is the push that a blogger needs during the hard times to stay strong and improve the blogging journey.

A blogger's life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, it is because of decisions such as niche change, change in audience interest, domain change, or URL change. It can also happen because of algorithm updates, website errors, development issues, or even SEO mistakes.

Step-by-Step Blogging Success: eAskme
Step-by-Step Blogging Success: eAskme

Every time you get stuck at any point or face some issue, you only have one thing to do, and that is to solve that issue.

To ensure that you are on the right way to becoming a successful blogger, you need to have a plan or follow the 23-step-by-step process.

Here is what you must do and follow to achieve blogging success.

23 Step-by-Step Blogging Success:

Do you want to become an A-list blogger?

If yes, then you need to understand the connection between blogging and money. How does blogging for money work? How does a blog attract money and clients? What you should do to attract more clients?
These are a few of the questions that you must answer before or during your blogging journey.
As a full-time blogger, I know that I need to make more money and invest more resources to be successful.

And, to make more money, the blog should appeal not only to my audience but also to my clients.

The blog that attracts the maximum target audience can easily attract a maximum number of clients and money.

For this purpose, you must think of an excellent blogging that is profitable for you and your clients.

You need a complete blog business plan for success.

Step 2. History of blogging

To earn blogging success, you need to understand its origin. I have compiled all the Blogging historical events in this infographic. Click the image to open the full infographic.

History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme
History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme

Blogging was born in 1990. Till now, blogging has seen many changes. From a personal journal, it became a full-time career option.

Step 3. Understand Cost to Start a Blog

What is the cost of launching a blog?

Every business has a cost. Blogging is also an online business. Where you spend money to launch a blog and promote it. You also invest a lot of time.

But for many, money is always the topic to talk about.

The cost to launch a blog depends upon many factors, such as:

  • Type of domain name (General/Premium)
  • Type of web hosting (Free/Paid)
  • Type of Blog Template (free/paid)

You can launch a blog for free with free domain and hosting. But you have to face the limitations of that platform. Blogger is the best example of a free web hosting platform.

Those who would like to invest in blogging should start a blog on the WordPress Platform. WordPress is the best platform to launch a blog because of the customization, control, and plugins. But you have to spend money to buy a custom domain, web hosting, premium WordPress theme, etc.

A premium blog with customization can cost you between $100-$1000.

Now that you have decided to launch a blog, here are the things that you need to choose before launching your theme.

Step 4. Choose a Profitable Niche?

Success of your blog largely depends upon the niche and your interest in that niche.

First, you need to choose a profitable niche to earn money from it.

Second, you must have interest in that niche. If you choose a profitable blog niche, yet you do not have interest in that, then you cannot turn that blog into success.

Here is the list of most profitable blogging niche that you should choose.

After deciding the blog niche, next you need to choose the custom domain name.

Step 5.Choose a Reliable Web Hosting?

Premium or paid web hosting is always more reliable than free web hosting services. Your web hosting is also important for the SEO of your blog.

There are many premium yet cheap web hosting service providers available, such as:
There are different web hosting plans, such as:
  • Shared Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • VPS hosting

In the beginning, you can start with a shared hosting plan and later move to VPS or Dedicated hosting.

Understand the difference between Shared and dedicated hosting.

Most of the times, you get a free domain with web hosting plan. If not then you can buy domain from reliable domain service provider.

Step 6.Choose a Custom Domain Name?

The custom domain name is a domain name that you get when you pay the annual fee.

To choose a domain name, you need to take care of many things.

Here is the complete Domain Name guide that will help you select the best custom domain name for successful blogging.

When choosing a domain name, always take note of these tips:
  • Choose a blog name that is easy to remember.
  • Choose a domain name up to 3 words.
  • Always choose a top-level domain extension. (.com, .net, .org, etc.)
Buy a domain name from reliable domain service providers such as GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc.

You can also get a free domain name with hosting from services like Bluehost, Hostgator, etc.

After getting the domain, you should choose a web hosting.

Once you buy a hosting and domain name, the next job is to connect domain name with hosting. You can do it buy pointing your nameservers to web hosting servers.

Step 7. Choose a Premium WordPress Blog Theme?

Your blog design is an essential factor in making your Blog successful. Buy a premium WordPress theme from a Premium Theme Club.

Your blog theme must have the following elements:

  • Responsive
  • Load Faster
  • Matches Core Web Vital Scores
  • SEO Friendly
  • Easy Navigation

If you want to use Adsense on your Blog, then you should buy an Adsense Optimized WordPress theme.

Now that you have a niche, domain, and hosting, it is time to launch a blog.

Step 8. Launch Your Blog in 5 Minutes

Upload your theme on WordPress hosting to make the design go live.

There are many other important things that you need to cover at this point, such as:

There are thousands of WordPress plugins available for every job. But you do not need all of them. Only install the necessary for your WordPress blog.

AI is making it easy for you to create a WordPress Blog.

Now, you can create a WordPress blog in 60 seconds with Astra Starter Templates With ZipWP AI Website builder.

Step 9. Create About Us Page

Now, you are ready to create important pages such as:

Important pages contain important information about your blog and business. You need to optimize these pages and make them accessible to all.

After creating essential pages, you are close to writing a blog post. But it would help if you did not do that.

First, do some research.

Step 10. Keyword Research

Keyword research is vital in the blogging business. Research blogging topics and keywords.

Make an Excel sheet to note down the list of topics you want to cover on your blog.

On the next sheet, add essential keywords in front of the topic.

To find relevant keywords, you can use many keyword research tools, such as:

When using keywords in your blog post, always avoid Keyword Stuffing and Keyword Cannibalization.

You can also improve your keyword research with geo-targeting.

Now, you have the list of topics and related keywords. It is the time to write your first blog post.

Step 11. Write First Blog Post?

Writing your first blog post is one of the most important jobs of a blogger.

It is your blog post that attracts visitors to your blog and establishes your authority in the niche.

Here are the tips for writing amazing blogs on any niche:

Use keywords in the heading, title, and blog post.

Here is how to avoid keyword stuffing:

After writing the blog post, you should proofread it. If you are not an expert, then you can either hire an expert blog writer or a professional proofreader.

After completing the above steps you are ready to hit the "Publish" button.

Step 12. Create Social Media Profiles

The next thing after publishing the blog post is to attract visitors. In the beginning, when no one knows about your blog, the easiest way to attract visitors is by sharing your articles on social media sites.

Here are the most popular social networks where you should share your blog posts:

  • Facebook
  • X (Formerly Known as Twitter)
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Digg
  • YouTube
  • Medium
  • Reddit
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • Quora

Not only that, but you should also use SEO strategies to promote your blog. In the following steps, you will learn different tips.

Also, add social media buttons on your blog. Make it easy for visitors to share your content.

Step 13. Social Bookmarking Sites with DA/PA

Now, you are ready to share your blog posts on different sites for better exposure.

Social bookmarking sites are the sites where you can easily share your blog posts.

Here are some of the popular sites such as:

You can also use free social bookmarking software to automate the process.

Step 14. Blog Commenting Sites

You should also comment on popular blogs. It will help you build connections with other bloggers.

Write valuable comments on other blogs. It will inspire others to visit your blog and improve your blog traffic. You may also earn backlinks in the process.

Here is the tips to improve your blog comments.

Step 15. Free Blog directories submission

When sharing blog posts in different directories, focus on relevant, and targeted directories. With blog directory submission you will also earn free relevant backlinks.

Step 16. Free Press Release Submission Sites

Submit your press release on relevant press release submission sites to earn backlinks.

Step 17. Submit Sitemap to Search Engines

You should submit a sitemap to search engines to make it easy for them to index your latest blog posts. Crawling and indexing are essential to rank your articles in search results.

Step 18. Search Engine Submission Sites

Check the list of search engine submission sites to submit your blogs easily on websites.

Step 19. Create Android App in one minute

Make an Android App for your blog to make it available for Android users.

There are two ways to get an Android app for your blog:

There are sites that help you make a free Android app in just one minute.

Step 20. App Submission Sites

Submit your Android app on multiple websites to increase the number of downloads. The more people download your app, the more visitors you will have on a regular basis.

Step 21. Monetize Your Blog

Now, as you are promoting your blog post and start getting traffic. it is the time to monetize your blog.

There are many ways you can monetize your blog. But to be successful, you should choose a method that does not annoy your readers.

Step 22. Boost Email Subscribers

Building an email list is one of the must-do jobs for a blogger. Email subscribers become your local audience. They share their email id and name.

In return, they get notifications about new and vital posts. Share announcements with your email subscribers.

Step 23. Make Money with eMail Subscribers

You can also make money with your email subscribers. For this purpose, you need to divide your audience based on their interests.

Now, pitch the product, service, or ideas to the relevant audience, and it will generate sales.

Step 24. Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your blog posts to rank them in search results.

How to Improve Blogging SEO:


Follow these 24 steps to turn your blog into a brand. These will help your blog grow its traffic, subscribers, social shares, and revenue.

If you still have any questions, ask me.

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August 06, 2024

Where and How to Add Social Media Sharing Buttons for Maximum Shares?

Do you have social sharing buttons on your blog or website? Or Do you want to know the best place to add social sharing buttons? Or How you should add social sharing widgets or plugins?

Social sharing buttons are essential to boost user engagement, get more social shares and increase traffic.

Who does not want more social shares, likes, and comments?

Where and How to Add Social Media Sharing Buttons for Maximum Shares: eAskme
Where and How to Add Social Media Sharing Buttons for Maximum Shares: eAskme

Social media networks can add up to 12% more traffic to your website.

One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your blog or website from social networks is by allowing visitors to share your posts on their profiles.

And, they can do it with the help of social sharing buttons.

Today, I explain how you should add a social sharing button to your blog or website and increase social media traffic.

First, you should know where to use social media buttons.

Where You Must Add Social Sharing Buttons?

The blog is always the most engaging part of any website.

You place maximum content in your blog to educate users or share knowledge and publish essential information.

Now, people always want to share your content, and social sharing buttons make it possible.
Use social sharing buttons on Call-to-Action pages, and it will increase your website traffic from social networks by 11.9%.

If you are unsure where to place the social sharing buttons, you should follow the A/B test approach.

To find the best place for social media buttons on your website or blog, you first add buttons and analyze engagement.

How are top sites using social sharing buttons?

If you are running a blog or have visited popular new sites or publications, you may have already seen social media buttons.

Here are a few examples of the sites and how they are using social sharing buttons:


Billboard website has placed the social sharing button on the top of the article below the title.

But some people find it not the best place as the visitor can only share the article if he reaches the end of the post.


At the Entrepreneur website, you will see the scrolling social sharing buttons on the top of the page when you scroll down.

Yahoo Sports:

Yahoo Sports have used social sharing buttons on the left side of the article. You will find this approach similar to how we use social media buttons at


At the Medium website, you will see social sharing buttons on both the top and the bottom of the article. Not only that, but when you select the text, social sharing buttons also appear there.

There are a lot of ways how you can use social media buttons on your website.

Not: make sure that your social media buttons are visible.

Now, as you know, how and where to add social sharing buttons.

It is time to know the best social sharing button services available online.

How to Create Official Social Sharing Buttons?

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest offer social media button builders to help you create free social sharing buttons.

How to create Twitter Social Media Sharing Button?

create Twitter Social Media Sharing Button: eAskme
  • Go to
  • Click on the "Twitter Button"
  • Now, "Select the button you'd like to use."
  • Copy the code and paste it into your website.

How to Create Facebook Social Sharing button?

Facebook Share button configurator: eAskme
  • Go to
  • Go to the Facebook Share button configurator.
  • Create a button and click on "Get Code."
  • Copy code and paste it into your blog or website.

How to Create Pinterest Share Button?

Pinterest social share button builder: eAskme

  • Go to
  • Choose the type of button you want to create.
  • Copy the code and paste it into your website or blog.

If you do not want to create social sharing buttons manually, you can use available social media sharing plugins or apps.

Popular Social Sharing Widgets/Plugins/Apps:

Social sharing plugins and apps are pretty popular among bloggers and web admins.

It is the easiest way to create social media buttons for sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

All you need is to go to the social media plugin or app website, create a button and install code or plugin on your website.

Here I am sharing some of the best social media sharing plugins for WordPress:


Sharethis is a free social media sharing plugin. You can use this on WordPress, Shopify, Weebly, Blogger, etc.


AddThis is also a free social media sharing plugin or widget.

You can use this on many platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Weebly, Shopify, etc.

There are different placement and customization options available for you.


AddtoAny is an easy-to-use and fast-loading social media buttons widget for you.

You can also use AddtoAny on any platform such as HTML, Blogger, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.


Shareaholic is also a free-to-use social sharing buttons plugin. You can add this on any platform.


Social sharing buttons play an essential role in increasing the social media presence of your website or blog.

I have been used many social media plugins in recent years. And, they have helped get more than a million shares on different social media platforms.

When creating a social media button, focus only on those social networks where your target audience is available. Run A/B tests to find the best and most engaging place to add social media buttons to your website.

After adding the social sharing button, check the speed of your website, and analyze the traffic change.

Still have any question, do share via comments.

Share it with your friends and family.

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April 08, 2024

Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging is a passion. We are writing this article for newbie blogger, who just dreaming about being a billionaire within matter of days. We all do mistakes when we do things, and we should learn from those mistakes. Same way a newbie blogger also do mistakes but if you can learn from your mistake then your mistakes can be milestones to your success. Here we will see the list of blogging mistakes that newbie bloggers usually make.

Common Blogging Mistakes : eAskme
Common Blogging Mistakes : eAskme
Other people are reading : Why You Should Focus More on Blog Readership Than SEO

Common Blogging Mistakes To Avoid :

There are many mistakes that new bloggers make, some you can avoid but some till happen.

Lack of Knowledge

In 90% of cases a new blogger start blogging without the basic knowledge about blogging and the topic. I always recommend you to first get good knowledge of the topic on which you want to create a blog. If you do not have valuable and specific content then you blog can`t survive longer. Cover each and every single topic related to your niche, so when a visitor come on your blog, he find it useful and never go on anywhere else.

Damn Design

Newbie blogger have habit of adding more and more widgets, plugins and ads, which make your visitor suffer to see your content because it increase page load time of your blog. Blog should have neat and clean design, less ads and quick and awesome navigation. Do not mess up with the design of your blog.

If you want to make money from blog, then you should also be ready to make some investment. Buy premium theme, like Elegant theme for Wordpress.

Copying Content

This is the most common mistake that bloggers do by copying content of other sites without permission or without giving credit. People do not like to read same thing again and again which can be a big failure. It also bring you bad name. So to be a successful blogger, write content in your own way and in your own tone.

Lack Of Patience

Blogging is all bout patience and passion. It take time to create readership, get traffic, become a brand, have lots of fans etc. You want to have success, then you should have patience.

Blogging About Multiple Niche

I always prefer to work on niche blog as they are proved to be most profitable. If you keep lots of different topics like blogging, politics, supports etc together on one blog, then it make your readers confuse as the very next post they will find against their interest.  So always Blog on one niche.
Create a good business plan, choose a niche, create a blog and work extensively on it.

Blogging Without Goal

If you have no goal, you can never get success. When people make goal mostly they decide to make money in millions. But I recommend when you start a new blog your first goal should be getting readership, as it is one of the most important part to get continuous traffic.

Without Basic SEO Knowledge

You want your site on first page of Google, but you don`t have knowledge of search engine optimization, then how will you do it. It help you to get traffic for blog from search engines and search engines help your old posts to get continuous traffic, You should focus on good SEO tips and learn basics which will help you to get your blog rank in Google.

Basic seo includes optimized post titles, search engine friendly posts,  submitting sitemap, keywords, meta tags etc. You should learn how to do keyword research and  How to do Keyword research and how to do On-page optimization of articles.

Lack of Communication

If you can`t communicate with your readers, than you can`t make your blog a brand and also your visitors won`t turn into readers. It is needed that you keep communicating and helping your readers

Frequency of Updates

Many times I have seen new bloggers complain that they are not getting traffic and when i look on their blog I always found that they are not updating their blog regularly. if you don`t update your blog, you don`t give anything new to readers, they will never stick to your blog. We all like to know new things. So focus on writing for your readers. Ans always give them something new to read and discuss.

Bad English

English is the main part of your blog, until you not blogging in some other language. If you write blog in English, chances are that your blog get famous faster than blog of any other language. But when you write you have to focus on proper English, never make mistakes in writing words, create proper sentences and focus on grammar.

Grammatical Errors

Grammatical errors creates bad impression in your blog readers. We all want to give our readers something to remember, don`t make them remember your bad words.

Blogging Alone

"One and one can be Eleven". Same in Blogging if you blog alone you work hard and it took lot of efforts to promote. But when you blog with community, then you have a wide group of bloggers to read, give tips and suggestions, improve your blogging and promote your blog.

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Not Sharing Quality Experiences

People always love to read miracle and extraordinary things that have happened to you. Even I like to read what strange or wonderful happen to other bloggers or in their lives. These real life experiences also motivate people and they keep visiting your blog more. Blog about issues and how you fixed them share your achievements.


"Overconfidence is killer of Great Mind" : Gaurav Kumar

I always love to learn, you never know when your worst friend can teach you best lesson. Always keep your mind open for new ideas and always appreciate everyone. Learn from everyone and it will help you keep improving. When we talk about Blogging, learning is very necessary to be a successful blogger.

Lack of Visual Media Presence

Images on your blog represents the topics of your post and also your blog. Use catchy images that are related to your blog. Never use copyright images and images always show what your post is all about. Also create video channels on Youtube, get more YouTube subscribers, create your own videos and start promoting.

Lack of Social Media Exposure

Social Media Is one of the most important factor of SEO for bloggers. It now only bring you lot of traffic but also help you build a large number of readership effectively. Facebook is the king of social networks, but still there are many other popular that you should use like Google Plus, twitter, etc. Use Social sharing buttons on your sites or blogs, as it will improve sharing of your pages which in turn improve your blog traffic.

Neglecting Backlinks

Backlinks from high authority sites are the best way to improve your blog`s Pagerank. Only focus on Dofollow backlinks from High quality sites. The best way to do it is by Guest posting.

    Read: Importance of backlinks for your blog

Subscription option:

Give your visitors option to subscribe your blog. the more subscribers you have the more traffic you get easily.Use facebook, feedburner,  Email subscription, twitter profile etc to give options to your readers to subscribe your blog in which way they feel comfortable.

Linking out

If you are linking to other sites, make sure that you are linking to authority sites. it will help you in terms of SEO.

Accepting spam comments:

Many new bloggers forget the importance of comments and keep accepting every comment they receive. This is not a good habit. You should avoid spam comments as they are bad for the reputation of your blog.

About page and contact page:

I always love to read about and contact page of every quality blog. An About me page help readers to know about the plot of the blog and contact page give them option to contact you directly. These both pages are necessary for a successful Blog.

Final Words:

So this is the list of common Blogging Mistakes. Blogging is a lifelong process of learning and sharing. Work for your reader, choose the topic of your interest, write with quality information and you will find that people start following you.  I hope these Blogging mistakes help you to find out that what you should avoid doing. Learn from your own mistakes also. If you like this article, don`t forget to share on Twitter and Google plus. Happy Blogging!
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