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October 15, 2018

List of Social Bookmarking Sites with DA, PA

List of Social Bookmarking sites, Why you need them? You need them to improve visibility of your content. Publishers of new blogs or websites see outstanding positive effects of social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking show your articles to others, drive huge traffic and also give you valuable backlinks.

List of Social Bookmarking Sites with DA, PA, Moz Rank and IP Address: eAskme
 List of Social Bookmarking Sites with DA, PA, Moz Rank and IP Address: eAskme

Search engine not only look for the link that coming to your site from social bookmarking sites but also look for metadata, tags, title, description, categories etc. Social bookmarking also introduce your links to search engines.

Like Stumbleupon and Delicious help search engines in many ways:

  • Faster Indexing Sites: Users bookmark sites launched by their colleagues or friends before a search engine bot can find them.
  • Deeper Indexing : Many bookmarked pages are deep into sites and sometimes not as easily linked to by others.
  • Quality : The users bookmark your page, the more relevance and quality your site have.
  • External Meta Data : People who bookmark sites and tag them with keywords and descriptions.
  • Co Citation : Social bookmarking sites help users to categories sites, so search algorithms can classify sites easily.
  • Votes : Same as number of bookmarks, the more votes a page receives on Digg or Reddit, the more popular that that page goes.
  • Categorization : Categorization help defining the subject of a site.
To help share the wealth of social bookmarking, I have put together a list of 50+ social bookmarking sites, which are very popular.

See this : Best Free Automated Social Bookmarking Software

List of Social Bookmarking Sites

Web Page DA PA
Stumbleupon is dead (Here are alternatives)9476

Do ask if you have any question or suggestion about Social bookmarking site list? feel free to use comments.

If you like this article do share on Social networks and on social bookmarking site.

I will be adding more sites in the list, so keep visiting.
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May 06, 2018

How to Use Flipboard To Get Traffic To Your Blog?

Flipboard started as a magazine style feed reader. But now it is one of the best choices for content discovery and reading feeds. I also like to use Flipboard to gain traffic. Today I will talk about how to drive traffic from Flipboard.
How to Use Flipboard To Get Traffic To Your Blog : eAskme
How to Use Flipboard To Get Traffic To Your Blog : eAskme

In 2013, Flipboard claimed to have 90 million users, which is a considerable number. These people are using Flipboard for content discovery and to read content. Flipboard was started to enhance the reading experience.

I can`t promise you any number of traffic you will drive from Flipboard. But their new apps are quite promising to ease your way.

Drive Traffic From Flipboard

How to market your blog using Flipboard:

Flipboard is taking growth hacking technique to the next level. Now it is known as a more personalised reading app. It allows you to read content from social-media timeline, subscribe feeds, follow any topic and also you can create your own Flipboard magazine. 

It is a simple yet powerful tool. Flipboard integrated app is appreciable. Now, let see the steps to get traffic from Flipboard.

Also See : Best Ultimate Source of Online Traffic You Never Knew

Before that:

Flipboard is not just an app it is available in web-version also. If you are not using a Flipboard app, then you can take advantage of Flipboard website.

Flipboard Magazines are the powerhouse:

If know what content curation is then you can easily start with Flipboard magazine. If you don`t understand content curation than take a look here:

Content curation is the technique to find online content and consolidate at one place like your blog, website or Flipboard magazine.

How To start with Flipboard?

Download Flipboard app as it is available for Windows, Android and iOS phone.

If you want to use it on the desktop, then go to and create your profile.

Perfect Flipboard Profile:

After creating your profile, the next thing is to select the topics which you want to follow. Build time to set up your profile then create magazines. Magazines are the topics where can curate content. Always curate the best content from your niche. If your brand is famous, then you can create a magazine with the brand name.

How to create magazine on Flipboard:

On the mobile app, go to profile and create a Flipboard magazine. On the desktop, go to then produce the magazine. Give it a name. Give it a micro niche name.

Flipboard allow you to create countless magazines. I prefer to develop magazines based on categories. This helps me to create content of one group on a particular magazine.

Curate content:

After creating magazines, the next thing is to curate content on Flipboard magazine. You can use the bookmarklet to curate content from your web-browser. You can also add the bookmarklet to your browser and if using chrome then install this chrome extension.

How to make Flipboard work for you?

Now, the next part is most exciting and challenging, which is curate content regularly. Curate content such way that others like to subscribe to your Magazine. This will help you to drive traffic.

Important tips:

Curate evergreen content: 

Everyone love evergreen content. Evergreen content is fantastic and always drive traffic for you.

Follow topics:

Follow all relevant topics that you are interested in and follow others.

Comment on posts:

Flipboard allow you to comment on any post and this comment will gain more eyes for your Flipboard profile. This way you will learn more followers.

Check your progress:

As I always say, it is essential to analyze the result of your efforts. This helps you to know which magazine or content work best on Flipboard.

Promote your Flipboard Magazine or profile:

You can add Flipboard buttons or Flipboard magazine on your blog and this way you will gain more traffic and followers.


Flipboard is a growing. It is good to be part of something which is multiplying, and it helps you to improve more. So start using Flipboard right and gain followers and traffic for your blog or business.

I recommend everyone to use Flipboard. If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, or Twitter with your friends and family.

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December 03, 2014

How to Submit an Article to Digg?

Every blogger know the importance of social bookmarking sites. Bloggers submit article to social bookmarking sites. For a newbie social bookmarking sites are those sites that allow you to submit your blog post link on their site and they show your blog posts on their sites. As they already have millions of visitors so when someone go to your link that person visit your blog and this way it help to increase traffic for your blog.

How to Submit an Article to Digg : eAskme
How to Submit an Article to Digg : eAskme
Other people are reading : Best Free Automated Social Bookmarking Software

Digg is one of the top social bookmarking sites. It has 7 PageRank. That means if your link get popular there you get quality traffic from it.

How to Submit Articles to Digg

  • First open
  • Click on "Sign In" at top right side of
  • It will show you three options to Signin. 
                   Sign in with Facebook
                   Sign in with Twitter
                   Sign in with Google
  • Once you sign in then you need to go to the end of the page of
  • At bottom you will see "Submit a Link", click on it.
  • Now this will open a submit page.
  • Enter the link or your article in box under "Submit a link to Digg".
  • Click the "Submit" button.
  • It will show "Thanks" that means your articles submitted to Digg.

Digg is awesome social bookmarking site. You can also create your own social bookmarking site.If your article come on first page of Digg then you will get millions of traffic within few hours. However getting on first page of digg is not that easy. It depend upon the popularity of your article.

If you have any issue or query using Digg, Do ask me in comments. If you like this article do Submit it on Digg.
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