Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

December 30, 2024

9 Video Marketing Ideas To Promote Your Business

Video marketing is one of the effective ways to market any brand or business.

However, while web guides and blogs can help reach new people on Google, exploiting video content can make a difference.

9 Video Marketing Ideas To Promote Your Business: eAskme
9 Video Marketing Ideas To Promote Your Business: eAskme

At present, there are many video marketing ideas you can use to improve your brand visibility and promote your business. If you do not have any idea or don't know how to make your idea work, you need video marketing services in Chicago.

Below are some of them:

Post A Short Version Or Teaser:

If your goal is to attract more audiences to your website, a good video marketing idea to consider is posting a teaser of your video content.

Aside from your video, make sure to include a link to the video on your website.

It also works well if you have a series of videos possibly posted as a gallery on your linked page.

To get results with this video marketing idea, never hesitate to work with a reliable video production company.

With its team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, you may guarantee that you’ll be able to produce videos suited to your needs.

Post Informative How-To Guides:

Most people watch videos to get tutorials on everything.

If you can make how-to guides related to your field, you can boost your SEO and reach new customers.

In other cases, you can show off your services or products in these videos.

Depending on what you’re offering, create how-to guides that will highlight how your audience can benefit or use your products.

For instance, you can post makeup tutorials if you’re offering cosmetic products. Just be sure to get creative, as it’s the key to achieving results with your video marketing strategy.

Repurpose Your Video For More Uses:

Videos are versatile, so be creative to get the most out of your production.

If possible, post them on your landing page, add them to relevant web pages, and put the thumbnail in your email signature.

You can even use videos for your follow-up emails.

The bottom line is to reach as many clients as possible.

So, think of the platforms or channels you can take advantage of your videos to promote your business successfully.

Moreover, use effective video marketing tools to produce quality video content.

Use Different Video Marketing Platforms:

One of the things about videos is that they can grab one’s attention on diverse platforms.

In previous years, businesses often used TV ads to boost their brand, but these days, there’s a selection of stages where you can post videos and attract more potential customers instantly.

The most evident platform is YouTube, one of the highly-used websites online.

But, it’s also a good idea to create video content for social media platforms, such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.

It may help you reach your target audience effectively and enable you to build a following.

Combine Videos In Your Email Marketing Efforts:

Emails and videos are a match made in the world of marketing.

Adding the term “video” in your email subject line can increase open rates and click-through rates and lessen the number of people who will unsubscribe to your email.

Adding video thumbnails in your emails can also improve your email’s engagement rate.

Therefore, instead of using a plain image, try using video thumbnails for your emails.

It isn’t only easy and free to include videos in your ongoing email nurture campaigns, but it can also result in better attribution.

You can also pipe video viewing data directly into your workflows or lead scoring, depending on the video marketing platform you’re using.

For example, if your leads view your product demo videos on your website, you may set up a workflow to email that individual or alert your sales team to call that person.

Record Video Testimonials:

There are times that an ideal way to promote your business is to get testimonials from your customers.

You’ll notice that most websites have testimonials or reviews from their customers on the front page.

With this in mind, it’s never a bad idea to record video testimonials.

It’s an efficient and easy way to promote your business.

When you do it right, you can improve your brand visibility and recognition in the industry.

Share Your Videos In Online Communities:

Whether it’s a known online community in your industry or other social media platforms, you must be actively engaged in such realms and spread your video content whenever possible.

For example, if your business offers inbound marketing solutions, participate in communities with people seeking services to resolve their struggles in their inbound efforts.

Then, share your videos to answer their questions and how you can engagingly help them.

Create Top Lists:

Another video marketing idea you can consider to promote your business is to create a top-list video.

It often gets more clicks as people know they’ll get an informative and entertaining breakdown of the best services or products.

Making ranking lists related to your business is also an excellent way to reach people.

To make the most of this video marketing idea, use it to list your popular products.

For instance, if you’re selling guitars, create a video of your top-selling guitars and the budget-friendly ones.

The good thing about such videos is that you can demonstrate your products and provide direct links to your product pages in your video description.

Optimize Your Video Thumbnail:

Your video thumbnail is a critical component in driving visitors to play your videos.

Remember that most people judge books by their cover.

Therefore, it’s best to dress your videos for the occasion by giving them a play-worthy or compelling thumbnail image.

The best way to ensure that your audience will play your video is by using a smiling person to make direct eye contact.

It’s because people relate to other people. Besides, smiling manifests happiness and helps people connect.

So, optimize your video thumbnail properly to ramp up your video marketing efforts and expect to get a better number of plays.


Never post or publish your video randomly.

If you’ve done your best to produce good video content, make sure to keep the above video marketing ideas to get your desired results in promoting your business.

Just be sure to get professional help to level up your video marketing efforts in the long run.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Share it with your friends and family.

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20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid

So you want to become an entrepreneur?

If your answer is positive, you must know that the first mistake of all beginners is to think that you won't make mistakes.

The first lesson for any entrepreneur would be: Don't be afraid to make mistakes!

You will, a lot, and most of them are opportunities to grow and learn.

20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid: eAskme
 20 Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make that You Should Avoid: eAskme

Of course, it is always better to learn from other people's failures than from your own, right?

Read carefully and be warned as they can also appear in your business if you are not careful enough!

Here are 20 mistakes that most entrepreneurs make and that you should avoid.

Believing that you know it all:

Why? Basically, because you don't know everything.

That is precisely what entrepreneurship is all about: learning and acquiring new knowledge along the way.

It is a common entrepreneurial mistake to think that you can do everything better than others.

You might know your project better than anyone else, but some areas and departments may still require more profound knowledge and perspective.

This is why you should take advantage of every opportunity to broaden your vision.

Not having money and waiting endlessly:

Many people never get started because they get stuck with no money and struggle to get funding.

They prefer to sit and wait for a Business Angel to come and solve the problem. And this is one of the most typical mistakes when it comes to entrepreneurship.

If you don't have enough money to get started but you don't have any contact with investors, maybe you should choose another business idea that requires fewer investment amounts.

Because what do you prefer, to be dreaming of something super ambitious that will never happen or to select a model that makes sense to you and that you can start without depending on others like most paper writing services and online shops do?

Overthinking everything:

Thinking, thinking, and thinking...

With this strategy of yours, months go by, and you end up with nothing.

You keep passively thinking about the idea because you are afraid of failure, or you wait for everything to come together and what will happen is that you will never start, and your dreams will always remain dreams.

When you have ideas, validate them quickly, study the market, do interviews, etc.

You will have to assume that some ideas will not work, and you will have to rethink them until some of them make sense.

Reinventing the wheel:

The start-up world has done a lot of damage here.

There are thousands of entrepreneurs who, instead of creating sensible projects (and with an acceptable risk), go crazy with too innovative projects!

It seems that everyone has "too crazy" ideas, and maybe it's not even necessary. In the end, they waste their power, illusion, money, etc.

The only recommendation here is that you enter an existing market with some innovation, with a winning value proposition, because the chances of success are much, much higher.

Falling in love with your idea:

When you fall in love, what happens?

You lose objectivity.

It's like when you start to date a toxic person and cannot see it because of your attachment.

It's precisely the same with a project.

No matter how much time and money you put into it, you can never lose objectivity because all you do is cover your eyes.

If it's not going to work, you have to be able to see it and abandon the project right away.

It will be much better than continuing to invest in it.

Choosing the wrong partner:

Going solo is an option valued by many courageous people.

However, if you decide to add one or more partners, be very careful to choose the right co-founder.

Please make sure they are compatible with you, complementary in their knowledge, and able to back up your ideas and challenge them when necessary.

Focusing only on growth:

As an entrepreneur, you need to think about your business's directions when making decisions.

You have to consider the life cycle of your products or services and stop concentrating on growth only.

Think about satisfying your customers, about the quality of what you offer.

This balance is the success of the business.

Forgetting about the competition:

You should not be afraid of your competitors, but a thorough analysis of your competition is essential, as it can make or break your project.

Other players are on the board is good news and can inspire and motivate you to do even better.

Not putting customers at the center of decisions:

If you only focus on increasing your sales and profits, it will be challenging to succeed.

After all, your project exists because of your customers, which is why you must put them at the center of all your strategies.

Your goal must be to provide value and, if you do that, sales will come by themselves.

Creating things that nobody needs:

Closely related to the previous point, entrepreneurs made another mistake to start executing a business idea without validating one of the most important hypotheses: will people want to buy it?

This means that you invest time and money having forgotten the most important thing: whether it fits in with your market.

Not focusing on a specific niche:

Trying to target several segments is one of the most typical mistakes in entrepreneurship. This makes your business idea much more complicated.

The focus is fundamental. You must target a specific niche with a particular proposal and validate that.

If you target many customer segments from the beginning, you are complicating your life because it is as if you were validating many business ideas simultaneously.

You will also have to adapt all messages to each buyer persona.

Not knowing how to communicate your ideas:

Imagine creating a website and not understanding what you are offering.

Sales can't grow.

In the end, selling means convincing, and if your messages do not capture your audience's attention, it won't be easy to do so.

Copywriting has become essential for any business. You can apply these formulas to impact and excite your audience and thus, inevitably, sell.

Underestimating the importance of technology:

We have been hearing about digital transformation for years, and yet we still find many entrepreneurs who make the mistake of overlooking technology.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you must first understand how the world around us works: algorithms, behavioral prediction, cybersecurity, etc.

Not hiring a competent workforce:

Human talent is the greatest asset of any company, and not hiring a competent workforce is one of the worst mistakes you can make when starting a business.

It is worth spending time to attract the best profiles - not just any of them.

Building talent loyalty is fundamental, getting your employees to believe in the project and row together towards the same goals.

Not keeping up with market trends:

In the world we live in, where the only constant thing is change, it is a big mistake not to dedicate almost daily time to monitoring the latest trends.

Thinking in the short term:

Another of the entrepreneurial mistakes that cannot be missing from this compilation is to think only in the short term.

You must make decisions that will affect your project in the long term.

Imagine that you get several thousand dollars selling the rights to your so-called software, and the buyer ends up making millions with what you built.

A long-term vision is fundamental when making any decision.

Stop learning:

When you are an entrepreneur, your training never ends.

We put our hands in the fire because we still have something to learn.

Updating your knowledge is fundamental to remain competitive and to be able to provide value to your clients.

Not working on your soft skills:

Similarly, even if you have brilliant technical skills, starting a business without working on your soft skills is a big mistake.

What is the point of knowing languages, mastering technology, or being a great writer if you are incapable of collaborating, managing your time efficiently, and resolving conflicts?

Not much good.

You may think that you are the way you are and that it is practically impossible to change your personality.

Still, science has shown that soft skills can be developed, enhanced, and improved to perfect professional profiles.

Forgetting about your mental health:

No, you are not a robot.

And, although it is true that when you are an entrepreneur, you will spend sleepless nights, and it will seem as if you are married to your project, this reality can lead to actual mental health problems that make it impossible for you to fulfill your dreams.

Don't make this mistake - take care of yourself and prevent anxiety or depression.

Not evaluating the performance of your business:

How will you know if your project progresses properly if you constantly evaluate what works and what doesn't?

Know where you should focus your efforts and understand the causes of under-performing points. Maybe you are investing your resources in the wrong place.


These are some of the top entrepreneurial mistakes that cause people not to start or fail.

So, you've been warned, and now, hopefully, you won't make them.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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The Software Your Small Business Needs in 2025

When running a small business, having the right tools can make a significant impact – the goal is to work smarter, not harder, right?

That’s why we’ve come up with a list of the most important types of software you need to get the most out of your workday.

Understanding your business and team is the first and most crucial step in knowing when and how to invest in business software and tools: every business is unique and will have different needs.

Here’s what we think some basic all-rounders are for any company.

The Software Your Small Business Needs in 2025: eAskme
The Software Your Small Business Needs in 2025: eAskme

Business-Focused Operating Systems:

Selecting the right operating system for your company and team to be working off of is essential.

It’s always best if your whole company uses the same systems so that things run smoothly, and you need to make the right choice regarding stability, security, and compatibility with your business functions.

If your company uses a server, then a system like Windows Server will also be essential to get that up and running and keep things accessible and running smoothly.

Research the Windows Server 2025 price to compare it to other options, but ensure you don’t skimp.

CRM Software:

If you’re making any sales or working with clients or customers in any capacity (which we assume you are), you cannot underestimate the power of CRM for your small business.

A CRM system will help you manage your interactions with existing and potential customers, streamline your processes, build relationships, improve customer service, and increase business profitability.

These systems will help ensure you don’t lose track of where you’re in the sales process and remember who to talk to and when. 

Cybersecurity Solutions:

Business security is essential to think about, but in 2025, cybersecurity should be at the forefront of this type of planning.

With so much of our lives and business operations moving online, protecting your data is pivotal.

Making the right choice is important here, too – a free antivirus might have felt like a good security measure in the early 2000s, but it won’t cut it anymore.

Compare cybersecurity software solutions before you commit, and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what risks your particular business needs to be aware of

E-Commerce and POS Systems:

Investing in good sales software will be essential for your customer experience – which you want to pay close attention to.

Your e-commerce store will be a necessary part of your selling process, and a sound POS system will serve various functions, too.

Making sure these systems look good and function well is crucial for user-friendliness.

Make things seamless for your customers, and you’ll also be making things seamless for yourself in the background.

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December 21, 2024

How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads

When creating a bunch of link worthy content giants, it is necessary to focus on the role of impactful link building.

You may have tried many things, but if the results are not according to your expectations, then you have to try something new and more powerful.

How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads: eAskme
How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads: eAskme

Other people are reading: High quality backlinks for your site

Most of the time link building strategy fails because you do not feed what most people need.

In reality, most of the incoming links a website get only because it feeds to the ego of other webmasters.

The most important link building strategy works around human psychology than feeding the search engine with SEO.

I call this strategy “Ego bait: or “Ego baiting.”

Ego baiting plays a vital role in building links to your site.

Ego bait content is a psychological way to attract high-quality one-way links and improve the quality of ranking signals.

It is the time to uncover the link bait content strategy that will help you to build quality links and grab the attention of influencers easily. This strategy also works to boost the social engagement of your content.

What is Ego Bait Content?

Ego bait content follows one simple rule, and that is “boosting the ego” of webmasters and influencers to grab linkback from them.

Most of the link building strategies follow creative content approach, but ego bait follows the personal and more targeted approach.

Ego baiting content is about creating the content around a specific product, website, business, group or person.

How does Ego Bait Content Strategy Works?

Ego bait content is the perfect example of how marketing strategies and human psychology can bring excellent results.

Every human in this world want to be famous and want people to follow him.

Recognition for skills, accomplishments, and products always work as the most significant achievement of human life. It brings satisfaction.

When you create content to boost the ego of a webmaster, or his products or services then you can easily influence them to share your content with their audience and even get the link back from their websites.

Here are the few examples/types of link bait content;

  • “Best of”
  • Interviews
  • Expert roundups
  • “You are Awesome, Here are Why?”  style posts.
When building links using ego bait content, you should have a clear goal that what you want to achieve such as leads, backlinks, etc.

Types of Ego Bait Content:

When creating Ego bait content, you should focus on the influencer, product or service not just for the sake of link building.

You may think that I am talking some old school thing here, but there is more in that. One can easily find out that the content you are creating is to help or promote the influencer or just for building links.

Successful ego bait content always intentional, personal and focused.

To choose the right type of ego bait content, you should decide your target.

Here are the popular types of ego bait content:

  • Awards
  • Directories
  • Expert Roundups
  • Listicles
  • Interviews
Let’s dig deep into the types of ego bait content to find out more about your ego bait strategy.

Featured Interviews:

A featured Interview is one of the most influential types of ego bait content.

By featuring expert interviews on your blog or website you make them share your content again and again on social networks. The social signals, traffic, followers and even bring the link back to your site.
Many sites have featured my interviews, and I share such posts again and again on my social networks to boost their social signals.
This is an easy way for me to show gratitude and also increase their social signals.

When interviewing an influencer on your blog, you can highlight their forte, ask them questions and share the whole story with your readers.

This way you can try to build a strong relationship with influencers and encourage them to comment on your blog and share your blog posts.

This is the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship. Influencers love to share their interviews on social networks and sometimes you can even earn a link back.

Featured interviews are easy to arrange and publish. You need to connect with the brand owner, webmaster or influencer to share the opportunity with them.

If they are ready for the interview, then send them questions. Once you receive the answer, publish and share the link with an influencer and ask them to share it on social networks.

The beauty of the ego bait interview content is that you need not spend hours or days to do research or spend long hours writing content.

This type of ego bait will create unique quality content and boost social shares, traffic and backlinks also.

Round-up Posts:

Roundup post is one of the widely used types of link bait content.

It is similar to an interview, but in the round-up post you will be featuring more than one expert or influencers in one post.

It gives the influencers opportunity to get themselves counted among the list of other influencers.

All the participants share the content, and this type of content also receive a lot of shares and traffic.

The beauty of expert roundup is that you need not to create separate posts to feature different influencers.

To create an impressive expert roundup, you need a topic which is according to the interest of your audience.

For example; if you are running a health blog, then you can call health enthusiast, brand in the health industry and expert advisors to participate in your expert roundup.

Now you have an idea.

The next thing is to arrange the expert roundup invitation to invite participants and allow them to share their expert advice.

Here are the examples of the expert roundups;

After publishing the post, the next thing you should do is to reach out to all the participants and boost their ego to share the posts and get a link back.


A listicle is a list article. You can find most of the listicles articles starting with “Best of” or “top 10” of a specific topic.

This is also a type of ego bait content where you create a massive list of valuable influencers, resources, and products which can be helpful for your readers.

Here are some examples of listicle content;

Listicles are highly beneficial and informative for visitors.

The best example of ego bait listicle article is where you include multiple products, businesses or influencers in one article to boost their egos.

This is an easy way to engage them with your content.

Make your content irresistible to make others feel honored.

Choose a topic which not only attracts backlinks but also complements to your niche.

Outreach to webmasters and encourage them to share your listicle content on their social profiles.


Establishing a directory can be a creative type of ego bait content. Directories are helpful for users to feature their business. One can also use popular directories for lead generation.

When creating a directory, you should focus on featuring those who are beneficial and related to your business. You can earn referral commission also to feature them on your site.

You can also create a resource page of businesses that help you to grow your business.


Awards are the most lucrative type of link bait content. There are already many organizations in your niche that are organizing award shows to recognize the leaders and influencers in your industry.

To boost the effectiveness of your link building strategy you need to do a lot of research and invest time in outreach influencers. Awards always talk about the experience, expertise, and effectiveness of the influencers in your industry.

You can start on a small scale. Start an award by featuring a post on your site. Make sure that when running an award strategy you should not lose control over values and benefits.

Remember: Do not use the award for the sake of link building, but use them to build strong relationships with brands and experts.

With the right strategy, awards can be the ultimate linkbait weapon to drive an immense amount of traffic to your blog or website. This will also help you earn some links.

How to use Ego Bait strategy to generate leads and attract links?

Once you understand the different types of ego bait content, it will be better for you to find out which link bait strategy work best for you. This will also help to target a specific set of influencers.

Now you may want to start writing.

But, Stop!

First, create a list of contacts you want to ego boost or bait. Work on a strategy on how you will generate backlinks, leads, and shares.

Create a List:

You must create a list to target niche specific, high-quality sites for link building.

It is not a good practice to reach out to webmasters and influencers who have not interest in participation or generating zero value.

You must choose the sites with strong SEO ranking signals such as ranking, authority, niche, etc.  Also, make sure that they have the influence on the audience and have a creative social media presence.

You can use favorite SEO tools, such as SEMRush and Ahrefs to find sites good for ego bait content.

You can also look for the keywords they rank for, how relevant the site is? How much authority site have? And how much traffic they are getting?

Create a list of reliable websites and start reaching out.

Next thing you need is to choose the topic of your content and the type of ego bait content you are going to use.

Choose Your Topic:

No matter you are writing the first blog post or writing the 100th blog post when creating content with link bait strategy you need to focus on popular websites. This will help you find out the type of content bait strategy you will be using.

For example; if the list is full of influencers then you may consider creating a roundup post or expert interview series.

If massive numbers of sites are from the business side, then you may want to create a directory or listicle.

When choosing a topic for creating link bait posts, focus on your niche. Make sure that the topics you choose make sense to your visitors and your target.

The topic you choose should be according to what the visitors are expecting from your blog or website. This will help to boost the engagement, get link backs and boost social share.

You can also use your keyword research skills to find the topic to target organic traffic.

Now you have it;
  • The impressive list of websites
  • Mindblowing topic
Once you are ready with the topic, the next thing is to start reaching out to the influencers and experts.


Once you are ready with the topic, the next step is to reach out to the webmasters or influencers to find out if they are interested or not. This is a great way to get a link back from them.

To publish an interview, first, contact the influencer to make sure that he is interested. If he/she is interested only then send the questions and get replies.

To create listicles, directories and roundup-posts you need to collect more information from your participants.

You can reach out to them to receive the expert tips about your topic, their photo, contact information, etc.

Share the brief intro about the topic and find out when you can complete the post. Appreciate them for giving their precious time for your post.

Once the article is published reach out to them with this, “”

Create Ego Bait Content:

Ego bait content is an influential part of the content marketing strategy. It does make sense when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and create some of the impressive, valuable content.

It is super easy to create an expert roundup post and an interview post.

All you need is to collect the details and arrange them in the format according to your blog publishing style.

You should include high-quality images, summary, and introduction.

To create a directory, awards or listicles, you need to put efforts and gather data on your own. It can take some time, but for better results, you should do the research.

You can hire a professional content writer or content marketer complete this ego bait content for you. You can hire a freelancer.

Follow Up:

This is the final step of your content bait strategy. You need to follow up after publishing the content. You should ask for a social share or link back.

Also, follow up with the brands which have joined your directory listing to find out if they can bring referral traffic.

Bonus Tip:

Ego bait content is an impactful strategy to build strong social connections and create a network of professionals.

Even if you do not get a link back, still you will get social shares, traffic and sometimes mentions.

You can also ask for the collaborations or partnerships.

Final Words:

Ego bait content is not just there to boost the ego of businesses or brand, but it serves the more significant purpose. It is the perfect tool to build a mutually beneficial relationship and target a specific market or community.

When creating ego bait content focus on the participants and their expertise. Showcase their skills, and achievements with the help of narrative writing.

Ego bait content not only suits your audience but it also boosts the level of engagements by including influencers in your content.

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December 11, 2024

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?

Thin content! What the hell is thin content? Is your website or blog has populated with thin content? How to get rid of it or how to fix thin content? One of the primary reasons why your content is not ranking in search results is “Thin Content.”

What is Thin Content?

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme
Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme

Other people are reading: 7 Copywriting Formulas to drive engagement

Thin content is known as content with no value or very small to attract the visitor.

As a thin person it is super hard for a thin content to rank for competitive keywords or queries.

Most of the times, bloggers post thin content to create more and more articles, without producing more value to a reader.

There are some commonly used types of thin content;
Google has also introduced doorway pages penalty to ensure that webmaster should stop abusing this.

Google Panda update was also punishing the websites and blogs with low-quality content or thin content.

Thin content can never satisfy the related queries or overall queries of a visitor. This tells that thin content can only be there to fill the blog with posts, not for better user experience.

Google and other search engines focus more on user experience.

So if your content is not appealing to the user or it is thin, that means you cannot serve the user well, and this is the reason why thin content will never rank in Google search results.

Publishing thin content can damage the reputation of your brand.

It lacks the essence of engagement and makes user quite your page quickly.

Thin content is the main reason behind the high bounce rate.

If your website or blog also have thin content, then you should take steps to fix it.

For a blogger or SMB’s it is easy to simple to fix the thin content issues, but it will take a lot of time to implement the strategy.

In this article, I will not only talk about thin content but also focus on how you can diagnose the thin content and fix a thin content issue on pages or blogs.

How to Diagnose Your Website Content?

Now you understand what thin content is. It is the time to find out how to diagnose your site content for the thin content issue.

Big Picture:

There are tons of SEO tools available, but you should not focus on using human approach.
Remember that search operator result can look different than the actual outcome for the same query.

Use eagle eye concept to create content with high resourced value.

Use Google analytics, ubersuggest to find the most trafficked pages.

Read the content:

Read the content but don’t focus on the number of words.

Focus on the quality of the content and level of engagement.

There is no sure shot rule that only long content rank better.

When it comes to rank higher in search results only quality and relevance matter the most.

With the best content you can say something in just 250 words rather than poorly written 2500 words.

Reading the content will help you discover such an issue.

Get rid of duplicate content:

Duplicate content is severely harmful to your business or blog.

Some tools will help you to fix the duplicate content issue.

You can use Copyscape and screamingfrog to get rid of duplicate content. Copyscape will help you to fix copy content issues quickly.

Duplicate content is the big issue for the brand and blogs that publish hundreds of articles every month.

At eAskme, we have 1800+ articles and every month publish many articles.

Copyscape is the most-worthy tool for eAskme to get rid of duplicate content.

Screamingfrog is also the tool which helps me to find the duplicate content and fix it.

One should always avoid duplicate titles in thin content.

Sometimes you need to add more words and publish latest updates to fox thin content issues.

You may also need to rewrite the complete article to polish the quality of your blog content.

How to fix Thin Content in posts and pages?

After analyzing and diagnosing the content on your pages and posts, the next thing is to prioritize list such as content scoring, based on the rate of interest.

It can be time-consuming, but it will create a long-lasting impact on your business. It will also help you to power up the SEO of your blog or business website.

When it comes to fixing many pages, you need to do it one by one.

After creating the list of pages with thin content, you need to plan which pages you want to fix in the first month.

Even if you have to the first blog post of your blog then just do it.

Here are a few ways that will help you fix the thin content issue in a super fantastic way;
  • www or non www url:
This is what you should do in the beginning. You need to set preferred url and redirect other versions to canonical url.
  • http or https:
Always redirect all non-http links to https.
  • Thin category pages:
Nonindex the thin content categories.
  • Comment pagination:
Comment pagination is the main problem of WordPress users. Disallow comment pagination on your blog or website.
  • Mobile Friendly website:
Stop using subdomains for mobile users. Always use mobile friendly responsive design to create a fast loading website or blog.

Final Words/Conclusion:

Thin content is a significant issue. It is a problem that most of the old sites and sites with too many pages or posts have to deal with.
  • Now you understand what thin content is?
  • What will you do now?
  • Will you fix the thin content?
  • Or will you leave the content as it is?
Do share your thoughts.

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December 04, 2024

Solar Energy Startups: Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector!

Starting your solar startup attracts many aspiring businessmen because this activity opens up many opportunities. That is because, every year, solar systems become more popular, and technologies in this sector are actively improving.

An additional feature is the availability of space for new useful ideas, which is an important factor for startups. Even so, a successful and profitable idea requires a lot of effort. In addition, you need to take into account the competition that currently exists in the niche.

Since the field of activity is quite attractive, dozens of companies are already involved in it and have their leaders. We offer to learn how under such conditions to make the launch of a startup successful and to overcome all the challenges in the renewable energy sector.

Solar Energy Startups, Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector: eAskme
Solar Energy Startups: Opportunities and Challenges in the Renewable Energy Sector: eAskme

Why Is It Profitable to Launch Solar Energy Startups?

Every aspiring business person interested in this niche has a logical question about how to benefit from starting a project. To understand whether investing in this idea is worth it, you must study the market situation and prospects in detail.

Currently, several dozen technology providers are already operating in the industry. It is enough to search for 'solar companies near me,' and you can see many names.

However, this should not be alarming, as the demand for solar technology is constantly growing.

This means there is currently enough space for new solar business ideas that benefit society.

If the development will have many more advantages than the presented solutions, then there is a high probability of taking a leadership position even at the country level.

Otherwise, clean energy startups can become on par with existing companies and create healthy competition for them.

In any case, the owner can count on a sufficiently high profit.

Such results must be achieved in the case of a responsible approach, compliance with all the requirements established in the niche, and following a clear project launch algorithm.

How To Create and Launch a Solar Startup?

If you have evaluated all the possibilities and prospects of entering the solar industry, you most likely want to find out how to start a renewable energy company.

In the first stages, it may seem that everything is not so difficult. However, it is worth delving into the details and getting all the necessary information about the peculiarities of the functioning of companies in the chosen niche and other important aspects.

The algorithm you will follow when creating and launching the project is also important.

Consistency is an important requirement because even the most popular renewable energy business ideas will not succeed in the case of chaotic, disorganized actions.

If you are ready for a clear and coherent process, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the general algorithm for starting a project.

Determine the Direction of the Activity:

In the field of solar energy, the range of ideas is limited by the use of appropriate technologies.

That is, the basis of the project should be devices or activities related to solar cells.

For example, you can choose an idea that helps improve the installation of structures, improve the structure of panels, increase their level of performance, or simplify the connection.

This is only a small part of what can become the basis for green energy startups.

It all depends on opportunities, finances, and chosen direction. An important factor to consider at this stage is also the market situation.

To launch a successful solar startup, it is worth determining what the target audience's demands are now.

Based on the received information, looking for solutions to meet these needs is already possible.

If the technology demand is high, the startup is more likely to gain a foothold in the market and make a profit.

If difficulties arise at the analysis stage, you can consult with experienced specialists and professionals of solar companies.

Selection of Equipment for a Solar Startup:

The next important step should be the selection of equipment, devices, and space for the implementation of the idea.

Experts do not recommend saving money at this stage because it is important to lay a stable and reliable foundation to achieve success.

Otherwise, the equipment may simply break down at the most crucial moment, spoiling the project's reputation at the beginning.

It won't be easy to restore it after such a situation. In addition, it will not be possible to do this without increased financial investments.

As for the basic kit for solar startups, it can be different. Everything depends on the specifics of the project.

However, in most cases, the minimum basis is the devices themselves (solar panels or other types of equipment), software, space arrangement, and, if necessary, logistical tools.

Studying the Requirements and Other Features of the Chosen Niche:

Successful solar startups are built solely on deep knowledge of the solar industry and the requirements for startups and companies.

Even if you are well versed in the specifics of the technology you are introducing to the market and all its related aspects, it is worth conducting additional analysis.

This is necessary to avoid missing any important detail that may cause trouble during the project.

It is about various industry standards, requirements in a specific segment, sales features of a certain technology, and other data.

It is better to spend a little more time learning this information in the beginning than to lose weeks and possibly years of downtime because of a small thing.

Obtaining Relevant Certificates and Licenses:

This stage is a logical continuation of the previous point.

Learning about the existing requirements and standards in the industry, it is worth taking care of obtaining documents.

These can be licenses and certificates that confirm the solar startup's compliance with current regulations.


Regions will require equipment quality testing if your idea is based on manufacturing certain devices and techniques.

For this, it is necessary to examine the presented technologies. Quality and functionality testing can only be performed by qualified professionals.

Having ensured the installations' serviceability and reliability, they can be presented to the market with a clear conscience.

What Are the Challenges of Launching a Solar Startup?

Despite the high demand for solar technologies, certain difficulties in this field may have to be faced at the initial stage.

In particular, risks exist in the field of equipment cyber security.

A DNV study indicates that only 31% of energy professionals know exactly what actions to take in the case of a cyber-attack threat.

This is an important aspect to consider when creating a solar startup because it will help launch a reliable project and gain a competitive advantage.

In addition, there is a problem with skilled labor in the solar industry.

Now it is not easy to find real professionals who understand all the features of solar technology.


Solar startups can be a great solution for launching a successful business, the relevance of which will only grow over time.

Currently, the market has all the necessary conditions for this.

In particular, there is a high demand for green technologies, the availability of space for the launch of new ideas, the possibility of continuous improvement, and increased profits.

However, choosing this path, you should not forget about detailed market analysis, a study of niche requirements, and the requests of potential customers.

All this will help turn the idea into a stable and successful business.

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December 02, 2024

Andre Hakkak Net Worth! Business, Wife, House, Bio, and FAQs

Andre Hakkak’s net worth is $200 million. He is the CEO and co-founder of White Oak Global Advisors. He is well known for his excellent finance portfolio.

White Oak Global Advisors is an international investment management firm. It is handling $10 billion worth of assets. Till now, his company has financed more than 30,000 businesses in the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada.

Andre Hakkak’s growth in the financial market has inspired many to start financial services. Here is everything about Andre Hakkak’s net worth, life, business, etc.

Andre Hakkak Net Worth! Business, Wife, House, Bio, and FAQs: eAskme
Andre Hakkak Net Worth! Business, Wife, House, Bio, and FAQs: eAskme

Andre Hakkak:

Andre Hakkak born in January 5, 1973. He is the CEO of White Oak Global Advisors. He studied marketing and finance at the University of California, Berkeley.

In 2007, he founded an investment firm to help small and medium-sized businesses. With his excellent work and clients, he has managed to inspire many businesses.

Andre Hakkak discovered the investment opportunities for his clients. His financial approach has helped clients grow their asset value.

With his business, investment, and brand value, Andre Hakkak has managed to establish a billion-dollar company. His net worth rose to $200 million in 2024-2025.

Andre Hakkak’s Net Worth:

Andre Hakkak’s net worth is $200 million. His net worth is the result of his exceptional investment and business strategies.

His company, White Oak Global Advisors, is handling $20 billion worth of client portfolios. Andre is helping SMEs in financial markets. His global expansion has helped him establish businesses outside the USA.

Income sources:

Andre Hakkak is earning most of his income from his assets. He has invested in multiple businesses. His stake in other businesses helps him make financial decisions that increase his net worth.


As the CEO of White Oak Global Advisors, his estimated salary is $1 million. Glassdoor reported that the managing director at White Oak Global Advisors is making $383,841.


Andre Hakkak’s investment in real estate, securities, and stocks has grown multiple times since 2007. He is holding $10 million worth of assets. His financial background helped him make wise investments.

Andre Hakkak’s House:

Andre Hakkak owns a luxurious mansion worth $14 million in Coral Gables. It is a 17,000-square-foot luxurious mansion.

He is not the only one with a luxurious mansion in Florida. His luxurious neighborhood has increased his potential to expand business with billion-dollar clients.


Andre Hakkak’s philanthropy work has helped him gain influence in the finance sector. His donations and community services helped many. It also increases his popularity.

Andre Hakkak’s Personal Life and Wife:

In 2011, Andre Hakkak married Marissa Shipman. Marissa is a businesswoman. She owns Balm Cosmetics.

The common business interest of Andre and Marissa has helped him develop a strong personal relationship.

White Oak Global Advisors:

Andre Hakkak’s White Oak Global Advisors is expanding its business overseas.

It has already established multiple branches in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. It will expand in Europe and Asia in the coming years.


Andre Hakkak’s net worth of $200 million is the result of his exceptional financial skills. He is expanding his business.

His company, White Oak Global Advisors, is helping SMEs to grow their investments. Till now, the company has moved $24 million worth of capital.

Other than White Oak Global Advisors, Andre has also founded Alpine Global Management and Suisse Global Investments.

Andre Hakkak FAQs:

Who is Andre Hakkak?

Andre Hakkak is the founder and CEO of White Oak Global Advisors. He founded his company in 2007.

Where is Andre Hakkak’s house?

Andre Hakkak’s house is at 8950 Arvida Drive, Coral Gables, Florida. It is a luxurious mansion worth $14 million.

What is Andre Hakkak’s net worth?

Andre Hakkak’s net worth is $200 million.

Who is Andre Hakkak’s wife?

Marissa Shipman is his wife. She is a businesswoman. Andre Hakkak married her in 2011.

How Andre Hakkak Managed His Net Worth?

Andre Hakkak’s investment company is handling millions of dollars’ worth of assets. He also invested millions of dollars in real estate and stocks.

What is Andre Hakkak's Age?

He is 51 years Old.

What is Andre Hakkak's Height?

He is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

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How to Securely Send Tax Documents?

Whether you're a business owner or work from home and are filing your self-employment tax return, you'll know how complicated taxes can be.

You must complete forms and send them to various places to pay your taxes and accurately receive your tax benefits.

How to Securely Send Tax Documents?: eAskme
How to Securely Send Tax Documents?: eAskme

Tax documentation is important, and losing a single document can cause chaos.

It may result in you missing the tax return deadline or resending all of your documents, which can require a lot of extra time, energy, and money.
To avoid any problems, you must always ensure that any tax-related documents are safe and secure when you send them.

This applies to both physical and digital tax documentation.
Here are some important things to remember when sending tax documents to ensure they arrive safely to the right destinations as a business owner or self-employed person in the US.

Send Physical Documentation in Secure Envelopes:

Some people prefer to email their tax documents or use a secure online portal to send them to the right people.

However, there may be times when you need to send physical copies of your tax documentation.

For this, you'll need to use secure envelopes that are sealable and tamper-proof or, at the very least, tamper-evident.
You should always send your tax documents via tracked and signed postage services.

Sending via this method lets you see exactly where your documents are and confirm their receipt on the other end.
Usually, double-window envelopes are preferable for tax documents, as they enable you to display the recipient's address and other identifiable information.

This way, your documentation gets sent to the correct department and is seen by the right people.

Keep Backups of Important Documents:

If you're sending original copies of your physical documents through the post, you must always create backups before you send them.

Then, you may be able to send the copies themselves and keep your original documents safe at home.

However, this isn't always the case, so keeping at least one copy of every tax document you have is good practice.
Creating at least two copies of your tax documents means you always have a copy to fall back on if your original copies get lost in the post or damaged during transit.

In addition, you'll be able to photocopy your documents and resend them via post or email to prevent delays in your tax returns or tax rebates.

Use an Encrypted Email:

An email is an instant form of communication, and it's ideal when you need to send tax documents for immediate review or if you've got an urgent issue that needs to be resolved relating to your taxes.

However, email carries a cybersecurity risk, where the wrong people can intercept your emails and access your tax information.
When sending tax documentation via email, you must always use encryption.

This is the safest and most secure way to send any documents that include sensitive information.

In addition, you can use encryption software to make this process simple and efficient.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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December 01, 2024

Boosting Efficiency and Achieving Goals with Effective Time Management!

From the beginning of time, everyone has always had the same 24 hours a day.

However, some folks have achieved so much within this time, while others cannot say the same.

One common theme we hear among folks in different sectors of our lives is the phrase, “I don’t have time.” Well, we all have the same amount of time each day.

Many studies and experts have shown that poor time management is one of the greatest enemies of success.

Boosting Efficiency and Achieving Goals with Effective Time Management: eAskme
Boosting Efficiency and Achieving Goals with Effective Time Management: eAskme

Time is a resource that is in scarce supply but also equally distributed among everyone.

This article will examine time management, its benefits and how one can improve their grasp of this skill.

At the end of this article, you should be in a better position to get more from your time.

What is Time Management?

While this may surely have a complex answer somewhere, the simple truth is that time management refers to the efficient use of available time to ensure the delivery of optimum outcomes.

This will include properly allocating time to tasks based on their importance and relevance to the desired outcome.

A person’s ability to properly manage their time will affect the results they can get in their life.

The same applies to organizations, as time allocated to the wrong things can result in a less-than-desirous outcome.

Strategies for Effective Time Management:

Getting the most from your time requires a deliberate and strategic deployment of your energy, tasks and skills within the available time frame.

Certain strategies can be employed to help you achieve this, and we’ll be discussing some of these strategies in this section.

Plan and Set Time-Bound Goals:

If you don’t have a destination, you will never get there.

Even when you get to a point that would have been an ideal destination, you will not recognize or acknowledge it because you never set it as your goal.

The first thing that will help you manage your time better is goal setting.

Set goals that need to be achieved within a given time frame and then put plans in place on how to achieve said goals.

Your goal-setting and planning must have two important characteristics:

  • It must be SMART
  • It must be broken down into small but measurable milestones.

SMART Goals:

SMART is a popular acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Whatever goals you set must have these characteristics.

Small Milestones:

Many folks make a mistake by giving themselves huge tasks that become difficult to manage.

By breaking tasks down into smaller, easily accomplishable units, they become easier to accomplish, and the chances of getting overwhelmed are reduced.

Never fail to celebrate the accomplishment of each small milestone.

This sense of accomplishment is necessary to keep you going.

Create Efficient Schedules:

A Schedule is meant to guide the activities to be completed within a given period.

For a schedule to be efficient and effective, it has to be detailed and realistic.

You can achieve this with the following:

Planning Tools:

These will include digital or physical calendars and planners.

With these, you can effectively schedule tasks to specific time belts.

You can even have notifications to remind you of specific tasks at specific times.

Tools like these are a must-have as part of your time management tool kit.

Buffer and Contingency Plans:

To ensure your schedule doesn’t become a burden, you must create buffer times and contingency plans.

No matter how perfect your plans are, there will always arise a few surprises, delays and unexpected turns. 

These buffer times will help you adjust without completely disrupting your standing schedule.

Tools and Technologies for Time Management:

Technology has blessed us with many tools we can use for various things, including effective time management.

Many tools are currently available, including those we can simply install on our phones and start using.

Whatever time management software or technological tool we choose, we must ensure that it offers some important features.

We’ll quickly look at some of these features here.

Time Tracking:

You know that saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” right?

If you’re serious about time management, then you don’t want time flying, at least not without your knowledge.

Even when you appear to lose track of time, maybe because you are engrossed in an activity, a time-tracking tool can help you.

Most time-tracking tools will also have alarms and notifications that alert you to a pending change in your time allocation.

Once alerted, you can conclude what you are doing and move to the task for the next allotted time.

At least with this, regardless of how time flies when you’re having fun, you will be pulled back down to earth to attend to whatever needs to be attended to.

Calendar Integration:

We all have calendars on our various devices and systems.

The ideal tool should be easily integrated into your existing calendar tool.

This way, all your activities can sync across the board so that you can remain on track wherever you are.

Integration with Other Tools:

As with the calendar integration, you will need a solution that can easily integrate with other tools you work with.

Some tools you need to integrate with include your calendar (already mentioned above), your project management platform, communication media and email client.

These are just a few examples to give you clarity.


If you are working as part of a team, then you need a time management solution that will integrate with whatever platform you and your team use.

Since you are collaborating on the project or task, it is essential that you can stay in sync with your time management even as you work with your team.

Mobile Access:

Ability to stay in sync with work even while on the go is something that many professionals do not take lightly.

This explains why much emphasis is placed on mobile-compliant applications and platforms.

This should be a requirement when choosing a tool.

You certainly don’t want to stay on track only at your desk.

Report and Progress Analysis:

Knowing how well you are doing on a project or task is always great.

The same is applicable here.

Being able to see how well you are progressing in your ability to efficiently manage your time is crucial.

Go for a tool that offers you this feature to monitor the progress you are making and know where you are spending most of your time.

If you know the 80/20 rule, you will know that most folks spend a higher percentage of their time on things that add little to their lives.

Being able to closely monitor your time usage can help you fix this.


Undoubtedly, your output and efficiency will drastically improve if you can manage your time efficiently.

We’ve taken some time to look at ways you can achieve this.

It’s now up to you to begin to implement them. You must be determined to make progress, or else you won’t. The ball is, therefore, in your court.

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November 19, 2024

Google Shopping Launched In-Store AI-Powered Tools

Google empowered its "Google Shopping" with AI. Google Lens is the most powerful tool for helping online shoppers find products to buy using photos.

Google has also launched a product search feature on Google Maps to help customers find nearby stores. The company expanded its security features to make payments more secure and reliable.

Google's new shopping features are available ahead of the shopping season 2024. And here is what you must know.

Google Shopping Launched In-store AI-Powered Tools: eAskme

Google Shopping:

Google launched AI-powered "Google Shopping" in October 2024. Now, Google is adding shopping features to Lens and Google Maps. At the same time, it is making payment processing secure for users.

Here are the notable features launched for holiday shoppers.

Google Lens and Maps:

Google Lens is not a new feature, but it is less used for shopping even though people use it to find products listed in online shops.

Google said that "Google Lens" was used for 20 billion searches, and 20% of the searches were related to shopping products. 72% of Americans use smartphones even when they are shopping in-store.

Google is now empowering "Google Lens" with shopping features.

According to Google," new feature launched because of the AI capabilities. The company has 45 billion shopping products listed in stock inventory.

Google is releasing a shopping feature on Google Maps for beauty products, electronics, and toys. Right now, the feature is available only in the United States.

How to access Google Lens Shopping Feature?

Opt for location sharing in Google Android or iOS app to access Google Lens shopping features.

Find out "Products Near me":

Google's hopping feature also displays the products near you. Check the product, and it will display the list of stores near you selling that product.

Safe Payment Processing:

Google Pay users already access features like "Buy Now, Pay Later," and Google is now introducing "After Pay."

Another feature, "Klarna," is on the way.

Customers can make payments using virtual cards such as American Express, Citi Card, and Capital One.
Google is testing fraud detection services to safeguard online payments.


The holiday and shopping season is here, and Google is ready for it.

The new AI-powered Google Shopping features help customers find nearby stores selling their desired products. Google will roll out more features in the coming weeks and months to empower online shopping.

Are you ready for this?

Let me know via comments.

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November 07, 2024

Paycor Login: Guide to Access Paycor Employee Account Securely

Paycor is an HR and Payroll solution company for businesses. It performs various tasks to make HR management easy, such as timekeeping, payroll, etc.

Every employee in the organization can access the Paycor account from its login page. If you are an employer or employee but not able to login to Paycor then here is the complete solution for you.

Paycor Login

Paycor Login:

Click here to access the Paycor login page.

It is the page where you must enter your employee registration details to access your Paycor account.

It is a user-friendly platform that not only helps employees but is also beneficial for employers.

Employers can keep track of employee data, timekeeping, leaves, overtime, payroll, etc.

Employees can check their job roster, timings, etc.

How to Login to Paycor?

  • Go to the official Paycor website.
  • Click on "Login," to visit the Paycor login page.
  • On the login page, enter your login information, such as employee ID and password. You can also reset your login password.
  • Click on "Sign In" to access your Paycor dashboard. Here, you can check employee benefits, shift timings, and payroll status.

How to Use Paycor Mobile App:

The Paycor mobile app is accessible for both employers and employees.

  • Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download the Paycor mobile app.
  • Install the app on your smart device.
  • Open the Paycor app and login with your sign-in details.
  • Verify your login.
Now, the Paycor mobile app is accessible on your device.

How to Fix the Paycor Login Issue?

Paycor users often face login issues such as "login failed."

Here is how you can fix login issues on Paycor.

Reset Password:

If you forget your Paycor password, you will not be able to log in. You must reset and set up a new password to access your account.

Locked Paycor Account:

Paycor locks an employee's account after multiple failed login attempts. To solve these issues, either reset your password or contact the HR department to reset your account.

Browser Not Compatible:

If you are using an outdated browser, this is a common issue. To access your employee account, all you need to do is update your browser or use Chrome or Firefox.

How to Secure Paycor Login?

Paycor login details are related to your employee account. Therefore, it is essential to secure your login information to prevent unauthorized access.

Here are the ways to Increase Paycor Login Security:

Two-Factor Authentication:

Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is an easy way to secure your login credentials. It involves setting up verification for every login attempt.

For example, every time you log in to your Paycor account, it asks for mobile verification.

Strong Password:

Create a strong password for your Paycor employee account login. Use password generators to help you create a strong password.

Do not Share:

Do not share your login information with others. The most common reason why Paycor accounts are compromised is because user shares their login information online.


Paycor makes HR and Payroll management easy. It is super easy to keep track of your payroll status, employee benefits, leaves, and timekeeping.

Now, you know everything about Paycor employee login and its smartphone app. Use the smartphone app to access Paycor and login quickly.

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Gaurav Kumar

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