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February 21, 2022

6 Ways To Keep Your Children Safe On Social Media

The benefits of social media are immense. Connectivity, interaction, serving as a payment gateway; name it.

It has helped track down criminals, ensure data quality, and filter information from misinformation.

6 Ways To Keep Your Children Safe On Social Media: eAskme
6 Ways To Keep Your Children Safe On Social Media: eAskme

But, more significantly, social media has improved access to information, making the world a genuinely globalized village.

Although social media has been incredibly beneficial, some flaws need to be addressed.

For instance, several cultures and traditions are warring, and individuals are becoming more emboldened, carefree, and clandestine.

In addition, the number of online abuse and bullying has increased, and children have been at the end of perversion and pedophilia.

While you can't altogether avoid social media, you can regulate its use by keeping children safe online.

But note that this form of regulation is not the same as physical regulation, so you should be careful how you go about everything.

If you're unsure, this post details, some ways parents and guardians can keep their children safe on social media.

Why You Need To Protect Your Child On Social Media?

Keeping children safe from anything is non-negotiable.

As a parent, you need to ensure the safety of your kids wherever they go.

Whether your child is online or offline, ensuring safety and protection measures are in place will keep them out of trouble, physically and mentally.

But considering the mental effects of social media on children and the ease of accessibility, it's more emphatic about keeping them safe.

That way, you can reduce the adverse consequences of online abuse, such as cyberbullying.

Also, creating safety measures helps you monitor their activities to avoid falling prey to pedophiles, perverts, and other fraudulent individuals.

In other words, unless you take drastic safety measures, your child is susceptible to negative influences that could lead to psychological disorders.

These disorders impair cognitive thoughts and behaviors, often leading to suicidal tendencies.

Ways To Keep Your Children Safe On Social Media:

Children are safe on social media when they consume safe content, make secure connections, and forge safe relationships.

But this safety isn't entirely their decision to make; most of the measures lie in your hands as a parent.

Some ways to keep your kids safe on social media include:

1. Utilize Products To Monitor Their Online Activities:

The first step in keeping your child safe is recognizing that social media sites are designed specifically for children.

However, it's not only about the media; it's also about the tools.

Several digital technologies can assist you in monitoring your children's internet behavior, filtering the information they consume, and alerting you when something unusual occurs.

You can get access to information, such as when your kids receive inappropriate messages from a stranger or post too much sensitive information.

This way, you're conscious of your children's activities online without invading their privacy.

As you get feedback from these tools, integrate them into your conversations with them, and call their attention.

2. Communicate With Them:

Children need to be talked to often.

Parents who keep an open dialogue with their children build stronger bonds with them and get a higher chance of educating and influencing them to do the right things.

By communicating with your children about their social media use, you can discuss your expectations and limits for their online behaviors.

Conversations such as this also allow you to learn about their needs, challenges, and desires.

Simultaneously, you can impart parental guidance, safety tips, and preventive measures that'll protect them during their social media dealings.

3. Provide Proper Social Media Education:

There are several aspects of social media that youngsters are unaware of. This is because few of them can be adequately educated on social media usage before joining.

And even when they begin socializing, they don't consider it essential to learn the needful.

This ignorance is why you should provide social media education.

Educating your children about social media will help them understand the rules they need to oblige to, why they need to, the rewards of obligation, and the consequences.

Yes, they may know the most recent trends as you do, especially if they're on adult platforms, but children are not as aware of the risks and threats on social media as you, the parent.

So, don't hesitate to educate them properly.

4. Establish Ground Rules For Social Media Use:

Children should have the right to express themselves on social media, but they should also be aware of what they cannot publish.

Please take the opportunity to talk to your children about the activities they cannot participate in.

Likewise, they should be aware of what they are not permitted to use in social media.

Join hands with them to establish ground rules so they don't feel like you're dictating what they should and shouldn't do.

While it's OK to be thoughtful and flexible to please them, don't be afraid to be tough when necessary.

5. Be Sensitive And Aware:

Children may face many things online and tell you just a little.

To catch up with what's missing, you need to be sensitive and aware of their actions and expressions.

Keep an eye out for signs that your children may be victims of online bullying or sexualization.

Observe if there are any changes in their behaviors.

For example, if your child is naturally friendly and suddenly turns withdrawn, that may be the sign you're looking for.

The more you can identify signs of bullying in your children, the easier you can rise to their aid.

6. Regularly Check Their Privacy Settings:

Social media platforms constantly update their security settings to ensure users are safe and well-protected.

Unfortunately, your children may not be aware of these updates.

So, it's essential to check their privacy settings regularly to ensure they maximize the security measures.

You can help your children become safer on social media by regularly changing the privacy settings from their devices.


There's no doubt that the world is digital, and children are becoming more tech-savvy by the day.

The positive benefits of social media are undeniable, as are their negative impacts.

When children are not properly guided, they become unsafe and vulnerable to social vices.

However, learning appropriate safety measures eludes them from the many havocs that can come with social media use.

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August 01, 2021

How to Prepare For Child Support Courtroom Battles

Attention, everyone!

The judge has seated, and the court is ready to be held.

There is pin-drop silence in the courtroom as the registrar reads the docket number.

However, there is more to what meets the eyes.

How to Prepare For Child Support Courtroom Battles? eAskme
How to Prepare For Child Support Courtroom Battles? eAskme


Parents who have hired a child support law firm undergo the following training to prepare for the least expected days of their life.

How to Prepare for Physical Court Hearings?

Check your Mail

It is imminent that you check your mail regularly if you face child support hearings in the future.

As per local and civil laws, the summon is communicated to the parties involved through email, snail mail, or other communication forms, as mentioned in the provision.

If you ignore the mail, you do not have to face reality, and there is no shame in admitting it.

We have all been there.

Upon receiving any mail from the public registrar, always read it thoroughly.

Read the particulars mentioned and discuss them with your lawyer.

Sometimes the lawyers may arrange a session before the court hearing to resolve conflicting matters.

The court is always reserved as the last option.

Do Not Lie!

Always be honest with your lawyer! When you are answerable to judge, remember, you are under oath.

Do not hide, conceal, or misrepresent facts related to the case.

The future of your kids is on the line here. Therefore, practice honesty.

Moreover, refrain from manipulating the system. Any malpractice or violation of the code of conduct will not reflect well on the judge.

It is essential that the lawyers and cross-questioning are answered truthfully.

Moreover, do not hide any facts from your lawyer.

They may face difficulty in defending surprising surfacing facts, which could have been avoided in the first place with two-way communication.

Practice Punctuality

Never, never be late for your child support hearing. It does not present a mature image to the judge or the court.

The situation is worse if any of the parents decide not to show up.

Judge perceives this as a non-serious attitude toward the whole situation.

If you find it challenging to get up so early, begin training your mind a few days before the hearing.

You can even pre-plan your traffic route so that you can avoid traffic jams.

Every little effort counts so you can make an excellent impression on the first day of the court.

Moreover, it is also imperative that you stay patient. It is perfectly routine if your case does not start on time.

Remain Focus

When you are present at the court, always stay aware of your surroundings.

Other than observing the jurors or behavior of your lawyer, you must also assess where the case may lead.

Keep answers precise and short.

Do not overshoot since the court hearing has been scheduled to decide the child support-related expenses and spousal support.

The judge cannot change the visiting rights or custody partnership unless the final order has been readout.

Therefore, do not attempt to mention unnecessary particulars or distracting answers to the judges. It would help if you only answered what was asked.

Realistic Expectation

Base your opinion of the case on the facts and current developments. Do not perceive unrealistic results from your case.

It will only disappoint you more when these expectations do not turn into your reality.
The court is unaware of your personality or private events.

Therefore, it will only decide on the facts and exhibits presented to the court.

How to Prepare for a Virtual Child Support Meeting?

As we have experienced, due to the coronavirus pandemic, individuals cannot gather in restricted spaces that offer poor ventilation.

This is simply because it would increase the transmission rate of airborne diseases.

Therefore, the concept of virtual court hearings was introduced to continue the judicial process.

Compatible Hardware

Like the physical court activity requiring legal documentation, you must also own the proper equipment to speed up the process.

Foremost is a fast internet connection, so the video call does not break or distort the voices.

You can also visit the lawyer's office if that is an option.

It is proposed you use a computer rather than a phone to join a virtual court hearing.

You can use Bluejeans, Zoom, or whichever software is used to practice usual business meetings.

The court will provide you with a link and a password so you can join quickly.

Communicate with the Registrar and Judge

Lawyers are required to submit their proposals and exhibits two days before the meeting. Email is an alternative to proposing the exhibits to the judges in physical form.

Moreover, you are not allowed to record any of the judicial hearings.

Any breaking of this law can have dire consequences.

Additionally speaking, if you are not communicated any of the rules, email the judge's chambers for a follow-up.

You can also browse the court's website to find the relevant email address.

Dress Appropriately

Even if the meeting is from the comfort of your home or living room, always dress appropriately.

You cannot attend the meeting while doing household chores, from the sofa or the bed.

Create a proper setup from your home office or desk, as you would from your actual workplace.

Attending court hearings from your home does not mean usual business etiquette does not apply.

You are still required to dress appropriately, polish your argumentative skills, and present your case precisely the same way you would from a courtroom.

The parties involved in the case must also efficiently communicate with their lawyers. They can make a conference call, or the lawyers can communicate the messages of opposite partners.

This all happens before the court date is communicated to them.

The parents of the child involved must come through with a game plan to win the case.

The Final Thought

There is no guarantee walking into the court that you will walk out victorious.

It is entirely based on professional maneuvering and questioning from the legal staff.

However, if you wish to learn about child support services, click here.

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February 19, 2021

How You Can Secure Your Child’s Future with ULIP

With the changing times, the cost of raising a child becomes an expensive affair if we consider the rising education cost, extra-co-cular activities fees, tuition fees, and other expenses.

The inflating effects on education can make even the big amount of Rs 50 lakhs seem insufficient.

According to the recent survey, it is revealed that 65% of people invest 2/3rd of their monthly income on their children's education expenses.

How You Can Secure Your Child’s Future with ULIP: eAskme
How You Can Secure Your Child’s Future with ULIP: eAskme

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Every parent wants the best for their children and when it comes to education, failure is not an option. With each passing day, education expenses are becoming more expensive.

Therefore, parents need to look out the best investment option that can secure their child’s bright future.

The availability of several options offered by the insurance companies allows you to choose the best suited investment plan as per your needs and requirements.

Usually investment plans for children come with death benefits as well as maturity benefits along with the flexible terms and conditions, and investment plans.

Some plans even offer multiple modes of premium paying for the better convenience of users.

The payouts provide total coverage of the financial reserve that is required for the education of your child.

The best possible way is to list out  all the requirements and comparing of plans before the final selection of the investment plan.

It is always better to be ready for any type of financial obligations by investing in any child insurance plan like ULIP.

Let’s understand the term ULIP

ULIP- ULIP is better known as Unit Linked Insurance Plan.

It is a combination of Insurance along with investment which means you can create wealth along with life cover.

Insurance companies take a portion of your investment for life insurance and the rest is put into an equity based fund or debt for fulfilling your long-term goals be it children’s education, retirement plan or important functions.

How does ULIP work?

When you invest in ULIP, the fund managers invest part of your investment in providing insurance cover and the rest in shares.

There are fund managers who manage all the investment therefore investors are free from all the hassle of tackling the investment.

The best part about ULIPs is that you can switch your portfolio between debt and equity considering your knowledge about the market and risk appetite.

Types of ULIPs

There are several benefits of ULIPs which contribute to the popularity of this instrument.

ULIPs are categorized into 3 types-

1.    Investing Funds - There are 3 types of funds that ULIPs invest in-

a. Equity Funds-

In this the premium paid is invested in the equity market by the fund managers and is subjected to high risk.

b. Balanced Funds-

To minimize the risk, the premium paid is balanced between the debt and the equity market.

c. Debt Funds-

It carries a lower risk and the premium is invested in debt instruments and provides lower return.

2. Use of Funds-

It is important to list out all the needs and requirements for which investment has to be made. There are basically 3 types-

a. Retirement Plan-

If you are still employed and planning for your  retirement days, then this plan is made for you.

b. Child Education-

If you want to plan out  expenses for your child’s higher education,then you can invest in this plan to achieve a long term goal.

c. Wealth Creation-

If you are willing to make heavy corpus to meet various financial goals in future.

3. Death Benefits for Policyholders

a. Type 1 ULIP:

This type pays higher of the assured amount or the fund to the nominee in case of death of the policy holder.

b. Type 2 ULIP:

This type pays the assured amount and fund value to the nominee in case of the death of the policy holder.

Features of ULIP

  • ULIP allows you to get both the insurance benefits policy as well as investment in equity shares.
  • When you make an investment in ULIP, a major part is put into the investment of equities and the rest is in debt. The premium you pay is divided into insurance cover and equity shares.
  • Policy holders have the benefit to decide the funds to be invested, based on your risk appetite.
    Policyholders can easily switch between equity and debt whenever they want to.
  • ULIP basically allows 10 to 15 years of time period as the longer the investment period is, the more you can benefit from it.

Ways ULIP Can Help you Save your Child’s Future

Financial planning is very important in everyone’s life.

It helps you in meeting your future financial goal and withdrawing money from your own account incase of any emergency.

The planning becomes more crucial if your child wants to take up any specialization course overseas.

You need to consider estimation of the foreign exchange along with the inflating education cost so that you can decide  the better long term investment plan in contributing to your child’s future goal.

Here are some ways that you can consider-

  • Through an investment made to ULIPs, you can easily accumulate the wealth required to meet your child’s future goals.
  • The investment plan includes a death benefit in which your child as a beneficiary will get a lump sum amount in case of demise of the parent. In this situation, the insurer waives off all the premiums to be paid in future.
  • Also the family will get monthly income in case of the unfortunate death of the parent.
  • This investment plan offers a sum assured when the policy gets matured.
  • The ULIP plan allows investors to withdraw the entire amount in 5 years. Besides, policyholders can opt for policy closure after 5 years without any charges.
  • There is no restriction on depositing a maximum amount in a  year therefore you can save any amount.
  • According to Section 80C of the IT Act, the Policy holders can claim tax deductions of up to Rs.1.5 lakh.

The above described features about ULIP will help you understand the term better.

So, if you are planning to invest your funds to meet your child’s future goals, a ULIP plan is one best option you can go for.

It not only helps you get insurance cover but also a good amount to secure your child’s future.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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