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June 20, 2024

Data Privacy Tools You Need to Be Using

Data privacy has never been more important than it is in the modern day. The Internet is a wonderful thing that enables you to connect with people across the globe and learn about something new every day. However, there is always a risk of data privacy breaches when you’re surfing the web.
Using the various data privacy tools that are now available can ensure that you stay safe when you’re online. You can protect your personal data and make sure it doesn’t end up in the wrong people’s hands.

Data Privacy Tools You Need to Be Using: eAskme
Data Privacy Tools You Need to Be Using: eAskme

Below, we’ve covered some of the top data privacy tools you need to be using.

Data Removal Services

When you browse the web, your personal data is collected and often sold to third parties, meaning you have no idea what personal information is out there about you and who has it. Data removal services like DeleteMe can help online users stay safe by requesting the removal of their personal information from data broker websites.
Data removal services identify which data brokers currently have your information and request that they delete your data. They will continually monitor these data brokers to ensure any additional data they gather about you is immediately deleted.
Using a data removal service ensures ongoing privacy and saves you time by outsourcing the process to a trusted, expert company.

Use a Trusted Password Manager

A password manager can be helpful for protecting your online accounts and ensuring you use strong, unique passwords that hackers will be unable to guess. They produce complex passwords for you using a variety of letters, numbers, and special characters and secure them on an encrypted system that only you can access with face identification or a master password.
Installing a password manager on your desktop computer, laptop, or smartphone enables you to autofill your passwords when logging into your accounts and sync your passwords across all your devices.

Use an Ad Blocker

You’re bound to come across multiple ads and pop-ups when you’re surfing the web and may accidentally click on a dodgy ad that downloads a virus onto your device. An ad blocker will prevent ads from loading onto web pages and block tracking scripts that normally collect information about you as you browse the Internet.
Many ad blockers are free to install but invaluable to use. They enhance your online privacy and security, allowing for quicker and more enjoyable browsing. They offer more cybersecurity so you can keep your personal information private.

Download a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A virtual private network (VPN) is a software program or application you can download onto your device for enhanced online security. It encrypts your internet browsing behavior, making it unreadable by hackers or third-party companies.

A VPN also masks your IP address, making it impossible for other people to trace your location. It routes your Internet traffic elsewhere, allowing you to access a wider variety of websites from different regions of the world.

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February 28, 2024

What Is First-Party Data and How Do You Use It?

First-party data is the most lucrative data for companies and marketers. Brands have been chasing First-party data for years.

But time is changing. With ethical laws and privacy laws, it is becoming difficult for marketers to gather First-party data.

Governments are working on laws that can ensure user data privacy. But, it is hard for marketers to work without tracking cookies.

What Is First-Party Data and How Do You Use It?: eAskme
What Is First-Party Data and How Do You Use It?: eAskme

But is this the end?

No, it is not.

There are always ethical ways you can harness First-party data legally.

Do you know how to do it?

Let’s dig deeper into how to collect First-party data and how to use it.

But before you make your move.

Let’s start with the basics of first-party data, the types, and how to gather it.

First-party data: What is it?

First-party data is the customer data a marketer collects for his company or brand. Marketers use paid-owned digital media to collect user data for research and marketing.

First-party data is more reliable and accurate than second or third-party data.

Data Types:

There are three types of user data available:

  1. First-party data
  2. Second Party Data
  3. Third-Party data

Let’s find out the differences, ways of data collection, and the ways to use it.

First-Party Data:

As the name suggests, First-party data is the data that a business collects directly from customers.

How to collect First-party data?

Here are the examples of how you can collect First-party data for your business:

App or Web analytics:

You can track user behavior on your website or app using Google Analytics. It is easy to collect important data points such as time on site, page views, locations, demographics, purchases, clicks, etc.

Email List:

Email list building is another way to collect First-party user data.


Customer relationship management tools or software can help you collect purchase data such as login information, purchase history, customer service, favorites, etc.

Social Media:

Social media profiles and pages are also helpful for collecting first-party data.


Surveys and Polls are also helpful to gather contact information, email IDs, and demographics.


Feedback forms are also helpful in collecting data about user interest or product reviews.

The ethical way to collect First-party data is to ask for user consent.

You can also use tracking pixels like Facebook pixels for your app or website. It will help you collect user data after getting consent.

After getting the customer’s consent, you can collect essential data for your marketing needs.
It is the most critical data that is influential to impact your business success.

Second-party data:

Second-party data is not the third-party data.

Second-party data is not collected like the first-party data. It is simply spreading from one company to another.

Where third-party data is purchased online, second-party data comes for free or from business relationships or cooperation.

Here are a few of the best examples of Second-party data:

  • With Second-party travel data, agencies can plan customized packages, recommendations, and discounts.
  • Health apps can collaborate with tracking apps to provide personalized recommendations and health insights.
  • Tech educational brands can collect data from schools to create future-ready educational programs.

The primary use of Second-party data is to power up the first-party data. With mutual data sharing, businesses get relevant data from trusted resources.

Third-party data:

Third-party data is the data that comes from third-party services. Businesses can hire expert data services to collect data. But in Third-party data, you do not have any connection with the customer.

Most of the time, companies purchase Third-party data from research agencies or statistics collectors.

Here are the examples of how Third-party data is being collected:

  • Social media
  • Government agencies
  • Public Records
  • Website cookies
  • Online activity trackers.

Third-party data has its pros and cons.

The benefit is that it saves you a lot of time, and you can quickly get massive amounts of data from your target customer base.

The major con of Third-party data is that you cannot mindlessly rely on it.

Third-party data examples:

  • Real estate businesses collect data from property services and public records to analyze markets, appraisals, etc.
  • eCommerce sites purchase customer data to understand what and when they can upsell or cross-sell a product.
  • Health businesses get Third-party data to understand the demand and healthcare industry.

Third-party data is not as reliable as first-party data. The best use of Third-party data is to analyze market and customer behavior.

First-party data and limitations:

Every data has its limitations. First-party data is no different in this case.

Here are a few First-party data limitations:


First-party data relies entirely on customers' wishes. It will not be effective if your research is limited to a small target audience.

Low Sampling:

Limited data can cause low sampling. This issue becomes more prominent when you need to understand the target market's demographics.


First-party data can quickly become outdated as customers can change their phone number, email ID, or address.


First-party data needs you to invest more time and effort to keep it relevant. You cannot just gather and forget it for later use. You must use tools to filter the data, find relevant information, and start working on marketing strategies.

Even though there are limitations to first-party data, it is the best data if collected correctly.

Let’s find out how you can use First-party data in the best way to get the desired results.

How to use First-party data?

Once you have access to First-party data, the next big thing is to know how to use it.

Here are a few examples of how you can use First-party data:

1. Content Optimization:

Content optimization is essential for content marketing success.

First-party data helps fix content-related issues.

You know when and where your customer engages the most. It will help you plan your ads, blog posts, social media posts, etc.

2. Ego Boost:

Boosting your customer's ego is another way to bring loyalty to the brand. With First-party data, you can send customized offers to your existing customers. For example, you can send a special discount on a customer’s birthday.

Customers feel rewarded this way and most likely stick with the brand.

3. Improve Products and Services:

First-party customer feedback data gives you essential information about your products and services. You will find what your customers love, hate, or don’t care about your products.

Use this information to fix the issues and create the right product for your customer.

4. Optimize Targeting:

First-party data is the best data to start with your marketing campaigns.

With massive first-party data, you can easily use it to target look-alike audiences in ad campaigns.
This will open the door to broader audience targeting.

You can also segment customer data to use it in existing campaigns.

5. Predictions:

First-party data helps your business make predictive decisions. You understand the flow of customer interest. It will help you to influence the customer journey.

Now you know the importance and use of “First-party data.” Do you think it is the end?

Once again, it is not.

Here comes the “Zero-Party data”.

Now, what is Zero-Party data?

Let’s find out.

Zero-Party data:

Third-party cookies are leaving the picture. Even Google will remove third-party cookies for 1% of Google Chrome users in 2024.

It will set a trend where businesses will be forced to think about Zero-Party data.

Zero-Party data do not have anything to do with the cookies. It comes directly from the customer.

Here are the examples of how you can collect Zero-Party data:

  • Business interactions with customers.
  • Forms
  • Surveys
  • Comments

With Zero-Party data, you will get the following:

  • User account information
  • Feedback
  • Reviews
  • Survey reports
  • Purchase intent
  • Personalized data

But, it is not easy to collect Zero-Party data.

Yet, you can make it easy if you offer your customers some incentive. For example, you can ask customers to participate in surveys and offer them discount coupons. Coupon marketing always works in this case.

Zero-party data is also reliable data on where customers engage with your business. It is highly converting data. You can use it to increase the number of returning customers.


Whether it’s first-party, second-party, third-party, or zero-party data, you always need to ensure customer privacy when collecting the data.

Remember: Ethical data collection practices are becoming legal and essential to building trust.

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What is Quality Data? How It Improves AI, Search, and Content?

Quality data is important to produce quality content.

Latest AI technologies like Mistral 7B, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing Chat, etc., are using quality data to deliver optimized and customized results.

Data is important not only for AI but for search engines also.

Technologies like Generative AI are solely dependent on data quality.

Data is everywhere, but how you collect it and filter it to get the best quality data tells the story of your content success. It is necessary to filter authentic data to improve search, content marketing, and AI technologies.

What is Quality Data? How It Improves AI, Search, and Content?: eAskme
What is Quality Data? How It Improves AI, Search, and Content?: eAskme

IDC has predicted that by 2025, global data will exceed 175 Zettabytes.

The need for fresh and accurate data is booming. Every generative AI tool needs more and more data to make it successful in the current time.

It is important to check the resources form where data is collected, and fact check will also help in removing outdated data.

Low Quality vs. High-Quality Data:

Poor data or low-quality data can ruin your business and marketing efforts.

If you are using outdated or poor-quality data, then you will see a lack of decision-making, disruptions, and wrong insights.

According to Gartner, businesses are spending $12.9 billion extra due to poor data.

Earlier structured data was considered as quality data.

But things have changed now.

Now, businesses need massive amounts of data, which includes text, images, videos, audio, etc., to run cloud computing and data systems effectively. It is necessary to only allow quality data for better results.

57% of marketing professionals are making mistakes just because they are using poorly collected data.

You need to ensure that your resources are authentic before collecting the data.

What is the Best Quality Data?

There are 4 important factors of quality data such as;

  • Accuracy
  • Reliability
  • Completeness
  • Connectivity

The success of marketing, product, content, sales, and digital professionals depends upon the quality of the data.

The need for reliable data is increasing. It is necessary to decrease the cost of operations and improve business performance.

With quality data, you can bridge the gap between content marketing and SEO efforts.

Factors that impact the quality of data:

  • Timeliness
  • Completeness
  • Uniqueness
  • Consistency
  • Conformity
  • Validity

Your data should be regularly updated and complete with relevant resources. Be consistent and avoid duplicity.

When your data is following these factors, then you have the best quality data with trustworthy resources. Now, you are ready to put your good-quality data into use.

Quality Data, Generative AI, and Search:

With the help of the latest technologies, you can collect data that is accurate and crucial for your content marketing success.

4 things have complicated the process of quality data, such as:

  • AI tools.
  • Complex data pipelines.
  • Machine Learning Applications.
  • Real-time data streaming.

Your data and content should comply with privacy-protection laws such as CCPA and GDPR.

Quality data is also changing the SEO industry. Search engines are now introducing AI in search to improve the data quality and match the data with search intent.

It is time for everyone to re-think data quality, Generative AI, and SEO.

Quality Data and Generative AI:

Quality data is necessary to improve the quality of Generative AI tools.

Generative AI giants like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing AI have faced this issue during their early days.

Companies are working hard to fine-tune and improve prompt engineering. It will help in creating better Large language models.

Google Search Generative Experiences and ChatGPT are already working in this direction.

Generative AI tools for quality data analysis are also booming to help marketers check the quality.

With Generative AI tools, content marketers and SEO experts can quickly complete complex tasks with accuracy.

As the need for quality data is growing at the same speed, the value of data quality for generative AI is expanding.

Marketers can use quality data to understand user intent and create a conversational search experience.

Generative AI is also pushing marketers to adopt new technologies to access quality data.

As a marketer, you should focus on:

Data quality and connectivity:

Output in the Generative AI tool depends upon the input.

It is necessary to feed AI tools in real-time and complete data. Rather than gathering fractions of data from multiple resources, it is best to collect complete data from one reliable resource.

Generative AI and Enterprise Data:

You can use generative AI tools for your enterprise data needs. Align your marketing goals with your prompts to get the desired result.

Be proactive to Fix Issues:

Generative AI tools can produce biased content. It is necessary to check the data accuracy before using it for your content marketing strategies.


Test the Generative AI tool’s performance by using it on some of your marketing campaigns. Test outputs. It will help you with marketing success.

Business Impact:

Use tested and respected Generative AI tools.

Quality Data and SEO:

AI is changing SEO. But your content should be relevant for humans, not just for machines.

With AI technologies, you can automate your SEO efforts such as:

  • Data collection and structure.
  • Improve cleansing, classification, and tagging.
  • Improve intent modeling, online search, and site auditing.
  • Analyze quality insights to understand your customers better.

Even if you are not a master in content marketing yet, you can use AI tools and analytical skills to gather quality data.

If you understand the data, then you can easily understand your customers and their expectations and improve your product to match them.

High-quality data is necessary to compete with your competitors.


Bloggers, marketers, and SEO experts are still ignoring the importance of quality data. It is a complex process. Yet, it is effective in saving a lot of time, effort, and money to get desired results.

Harness the AI-technologies to optimize your content marketing campaigns. It will be easy for you to adapt to your customer’s behavior and the latest technologies.

Connectivity and quality data are a must to empower yourself with AI technologies for marketing success.

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July 16, 2023

Data Science Hits the Dating World

Anyone who has ever shopped on Amazon has seen and felt the impact of data science.

Once you shop and/or make a purchase, you are immediately provided with lots of other suggestions – data science at work.

You are categorized by Amazon’s algorithms and presented with other choices that those algorithms have decided will interest you.

The same data science is used by almost every sector of our economy – your online behaviors are tracked, and you are presented with all sorts of options – from mortgage and bank loans to cars and clothing items.

These will even appear on your Facebook feed.

As you know, this results from mathematical algorithms that gather and sort information and churn it out to interested parties who want to “sell” you something.

Enter Online Dating Services:

Data Science Hits the Dating World: eAskme
Data Science Hits the Dating World: eAskme

Online dating services are nothing new. They have been around for decades. Singles join them, complete profiles, and then their preferences are matched with similarly inclined others.

In the beginning, matches were made by people looking at profiles and presenting possibilities to their users – pretty inefficient. But then, the user base was pretty small too.

As the user bases increased, establishing databases based on user profiles/qualities allowed a more efficient matching method via a cross-matching system.

But ultimately, as data science and AI garnered attention, dating sites began to see the huge benefit of incorporating this technology into their matching process.

Now, they could take the user information from these databases and develop algorithms to pull far more accurate and precise matches from them.

How Data is Collected?

Most dating services begin the collection of data by questionnaires when users first register on their sites. Some of these are incredibly detailed – the more information collected, the more precise the matches can be. For example, users will not only be asked about their levels of education.

They will be asked about their degrees, favorite courses, what type of school(s) they attended, their living arrangements while in college, whether they were in fraternities or sororities, what clubs and organizations they belonged to, etc.

You are probably getting the idea here. The same detail will be asked about your childhood and adolescence, the size of your family, your favorite memories, and so forth.

Some of these questions can become quite personal, and users can skip questions they are uncomfortable answering.

Many dating services will also access users’ social media accounts and online searches and ask for their favorite shopping sites and purchases. This compiles data on user behaviors, likes and dislikes, etc., to make matching even more precise.

It’s pretty startling for non-techies to understand how all this Data science is entering into the dating services industry. How is Data Collected? There are two sides to the coin: upside and downside. Know everythingata can be compiled, sifted, and sorted, but that’s what data analytics and AI do with oceans of data.

And because AI continues to learn as it operates, it gets better at what it does.

Two Sides to This Coin:

The Downside:

Using data science and AI on dating apps aims to find the most accurate matches for those seeking love and romance.

The idea is that somewhere, in this large pool of possibilities, your perfect match can be found, and you will “ride out into the sunset” for a beautiful life together.

But it isn't easy to reduce humans to products.

First, users can misrepresent themselves to seem more attractive or to attract what they believe will be their perfect match. This is one of the reasons why these sites attempt to gather data on user behaviors from various other sources.

There is also the belief that the more precise matches become, the more users may become disenchanted with those matches.

They may not be looking for “clones” of themselves – they want differences to balance their personality.

The Upside:

Facts are facts, and they don’t lie. And the more facts can be gathered about an individual; the better matches can be presented.

It’s much like Netflix and Amazon make suggestions and recommendations based on previous selections and purchases.

And when customers turn down recommendations and suggestions, that, too, becomes a part of the customer profile.

A scientific approach to dating and romance makes looking for dating partners far more efficient.

Matches are presented, and the user can swipe left or right, choosing those for further consideration and those not desirable.

And as matches are declined, those, too, become a part of the user behavior that is tracked.

The Future of Data Analytics and AI in Dating Apps:

Just like us, data science and AI continue to evolve.

Especially as AI continues to learn from the successes and failures of matches, and the swipes of each user, the process will continue to be refined and improved.

While humans will never become products, the science of dating matches narrows the field of potential to those most compatible.

Then, the human factor may come into play. Users can then establish communication channels on the dating app, get to know one another humanly, and make good decisions about whom to move forward with.

And this is the best outcome of all – a scientific approach to finding the matches and a human approach to exploring the depth of each match.

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June 07, 2023

Data Enrichment: Sources, Use Cases, and More!

Gathering and storing data is the right idea for any growing business.

No one could argue with that these days. And yet, it is possible to say that storing data wastes resources.

That is the case when your data is decaying faster than you can put it to good use.

Companies employ data enrichment to avoid one of their greatest assets turning into waste.

Data Enrichment, Sources, Use Cases, and More!: eAskme
Data Enrichment, Sources, Use Cases, and More!: eAskme

This procedure can boost all data-driven positions you would encounter in business.

Thus, if you are looking for ways to enhance data stored in your firm’s databases, here is what you need to know.

Explaining Data Enrichment:

When dealing with data daily, one gets to see a lot of words referring to procedures attached to it.

So, what sort of procedure is enrichment when it comes to data?

Simply put, data enrichment is supplementing your data sets with additional data points from other internal or external sources.

Thus, this process enhances your information's quality and quantity.

Of course, not every time you add more data; you can enrich your data set.

You cannot enrich your customer database if you add book prices in 1920s Georgia to your customer database.

The data has to be relevant and appropriate for particular purposes to add value to particular data sets.

Thus, to enrich customer data, you need to look for data sets about the firms and people that form your client base.

Where does the data come from?

Getting more data is excellent, and there is hardly any disagreement here.

But where does it come from? To answer this, we should first distinguish between internal and external data.

Internal data is the information a firm has in its data sets or can quickly gather from the usual sources. The idea of enriching data sets with internal data might sound strange.

After all, if a company already has access to this data, how is it enriching?

The main reason why even an organization’s internal data can enrich a particular data set is the data silo.

Data or organizational silo refers to a situation where helpful information is divided among different databases within the same organization and cannot be easily accessed by everyone who could use it.

In this sense, using internal data for data enrichment is a way to break data silos.

It takes increasing cooperation between various departments within a firm to audit what information is, in fact, available.

External data refers to all the sources that come from outside the organization.

This means third-party data providers or partners sharing the necessary data points for enrichment.

Data suppliers are often professional firms specializing in data gathering, structuring, and making available for other businesses.

The most beneficial data enhancements are often done by using such services.

Who does that?

One might wonder what organizations can get the most out of data enrichment. The truth is that everyone uses it.

This includes governmental organizations and, especially, scientific agencies and researchers.

Enriching data is also crucial for AI development, as algorithms must constantly be fed fresh data points.

The breakthroughs achieved here are also quick to be implemented in business.

For example, improved intent detection of users filling out slots in query forms might increase user experience and the rates of finished online surveys.

Even leaving AI technology.

However, there are enough ways to leverage data enrichment for business benefits that we should look into.

Businesses of all sizes and industries make use of it. And, as we shall see, they do it for diverse purposes.

Business use cases:

As doing business today is all about data, every necessary procedure can benefit from enriching databases.

Here are some of the most important examples.

1) Lead enrichment:

One of the most procedures for any business is lead generation.

Enriching leads data helps to qualify the leads faster, increasing the efficiency of the entire sales funnel.

The data that comes with enrichment can also generate new leads that would have gone under the radar otherwise.

2) Better customer retention:

Customers today want personalization and deep relationships.

Enriching your CRM data enables you to provide better service.

Naturally, that increases the probability of them staying with you.

3) Improved HR management:

Data enrichment boosts hiring procedures and workplace practices that build a favorable employer brand.

4) Attracting funds:

Looking for seed funding or additional investments for the growth of your startup?

You need to know the right people, then.

Data about angel investors can also be brought in through enrichment.

Understanding your target investor better will allow you to present them with a more convincing business case.

5) Product intelligence:

Enriching your intelligence on similar products with data points from a third-party source enables you to make the necessary improvements.

Additionally, it provides you with a better idea of what competing products you are up against and what your target audience wants in such products.


These use cases are crucial to building and growing a successful business.

However, a far cry from being all that data enrichment can do.

Thus, it is never too early to start looking into the options for enriching your databases.

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December 17, 2022

How to Create a Data Recovery Startup – Step-by-Step Guide?

Data recovery startups are a new breed of startups that focus on data recovery. The main focus is on providing solutions for data recovery. This is because the market for data recovery is growing rapidly, and the demand for this service keeps increasing.

How to Create a Data Recovery Startup – Step-by-Step Guide?: eAskme
How to Create a Data Recovery Startup – Step-by-Step Guide?: eAskme

You can take a step to start your disaster recovery today.

Data recovery is a process that takes data from a destroyed hard drive and recovers it.

Businesses need to have a data recovery startup to recover their valuable information from the destroyed hard drive and restore it to their systems.

This process usually involves using specialized software, hardware, and other equipment.

There are a few important considerations to keep in mind when recovering data. Most importantly, the data that is recovered must be completely intact.

The information must not have been erased or modified during the recovery process, and it should not just be a copy of what was on the original hard drive.

Any other changes made by someone else (or something else) will render any recovery efforts useless and may even result in personal injury or death if there is no insurance coverage for such acts.

How To Build Your First Data Recovery Startup From Scratch?

This is a basic introduction to building your first data recovery startup from scratch.

Data recovery is one of the most important areas in the world.

It has been around for a long time, but the technology has improved over-time, and now it can recover data from almost any kind of media.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a data recovery startup that is fast and efficient.

You can scale this app to add more storage capacity and improve performance.

This tutorial also provides a quick start guide for the data recovery startup of your choice, but feel free to follow the same steps I did here if you want to build your data recovery startup instead.

How It's Done Technologies Required: Ios 10 Or Higher (Recommended).

Once your iPhone/iPad is jailbroken, find out how to jailbreak your device manually here or install a custom recovery tools.

  • Download Recovery HD and extract it to your desktop.
  • (Optional) If you have an Advanced Recovery Mode, you prefer it over simple recovery mode.
  • Advanced Recovery mode provides an easier way to install apps and unbrick your device.
  • (Optional) Install a free version of iFunBox that will bypass the App Store firewall and provide access to alternative download sites. Once installed, go back into iFunBox's settings by going into the "Settings" menu and tapping "Networking," then return to your home screen.
  • If you want to install an app that requires root, execute the following command within iFunBox: hear a timer sound indicating that the device has completed all its operations.
Open a command prompt window: Type "ADB reboot bootloader" followed by pressing Enter key or Ctrl+Alt+Power to boot into recovery mode. (Optional)

To Start, After A Failed Jailbreak Attempt, Perform These:

Power off your device long press till you hear a timer sound indicating that the device has completed all its operations. (This may take several minutes).

Once the device has fully shut down, plug in your device to a power source, hold it down for one second, then release and turn it on.

If you do not receive an error message or no response after the initial boot-up process, you are now back to a factory default status and will need to run through the Jailbreak Troubleshooting checklist again above.

Data Recovery Bulk Storage Vs. Small Storage For Your Backup And Restoration Needs.

In data recovery, is bulk storage better, or is smaller storage enough?

Use larger cartridges with your software, then use your i7 laptop simply because they have more memory for storing large amounts of files and logs on the fly.

It makes them useful long-term instead of using fewer (smaller) cartridges to save some cost while still delivering top-notch results that are compatible with the overall functionality of their laptop's RAM.

Design & Development Process:

The development process is a crucial part of any design project. It involves the creation, modification, and improvement of the product.

The following are some of the most common stages in the development cycle:
Open-source development tools are often used to aid the process of design.

Some software is freely available to non-commercial users and may help refine designs or improve as developers make changes.

Designers who are responsible for building software can also benefit from open-source software.

Companies that use open-source projects tend to be more agile and responsive by improving their code base.

In contrast, those that use proprietary software tend to be more rigid in quality control but allow free experimentation with the software.

In the last few years, however, the open-source community has been in a transition that has not been without controversy.

It is commonly thought that open-source is about giving control to developers and users to change what software does on its terms.

Still, there are many platforms where users have no control over what they do with software due to proprietary licenses.

Why are AI Writers Needed for Data Restoration Projects?

AI writers are used to generating content for data restoration projects, and they help generate the necessary data models that the clients require for their projects.

The AI writing assistance software, is usually good at writing articles on certain topics in a specific language, such as English or Chinese.

The software writes articles based on pre-defined templates and helps content writers write relevant, engaging, and memorable copy that will help them get higher conversion rates from their clients.

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July 09, 2022

Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?

Data analytics has undoubtedly been a good thing for the world.

The number of advantages and ease-of-life improvements that data analysis has brought is truly unfathomable, and without it, the world we live in would look entirely different.

Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?: eAskme
Has Data Analytics made the NFL Worse?: eAskme

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Some people out there believe data analytics has made certain aspects of life worse, and the NFL is chief among them.

However, that's not to say it's all good. In this article, we will be looking at whether or not data analytics has made the NFL worse, as well as talking about a few reasons why data analytics may be able to hurt sports.

The "Magic" Has Diminished:

The NFL is a different game compared to what it used to be.

No longer are unfathomably talented players seen as inexplicable gifts from god or praised as a miracle.

Said players are now seen in a much more logical sense, with their years of rigorous practice factored into their skill.

That's not to say talented players are any less respected.

On the contrary, we now know that practice and dedication play a much larger role than innate skill, make us respect great players, and are still just as cherished as ever.

However, the magic is gone.

Data analytics has made the general population much more data-oriented, and almost everything needs some semblance of proof for it to be true.

Online bets are no longer calculated through mere predictions and theories alone.


Hard data now takes precedence over fiction, and this same point applies to every facet of the NFL.

This is, of course, a good thing.

Not only does this mean that we as a species are no longer blind when it comes to matters that can easily be shown through data/science, but it also gives new players hope that they can be successful in the NFL no matter what their skill level may be.

More Exciting Games & Unbelievably Talented Players:

Data has changed the NFL in various ways, but perhaps the most notable would be increased performance and better training methods.

Through data analysis, coaches can see what works and what doesn't by using the scientific method, allowing them to teach their players only the most effective techniques and strategies.

This has led to a literal explosion in player skill, and if you look at the NFL games of today and compare them to games that occurred much farther into the past, the differences are self-explanatory.

This point isn't only relegated to the NFL.

Every sport in the world has seen an unfathomable increase in player talent, and as we understand data more, this will only continue to be the case in the future to an even greater extent.

So, what do you think about the effect data analytics has had on the NFL?

Do you think data analytics have been a net positive for the NFL, or do you think its introduction has brought along a plethora of overwhelming downsides?

Whatever your opinion may be, data analytics is here to stay.

Progress cannot simply be reversed, and even though it might take a little bit of the magic away from the NFL, the league has drastically benefited as a direct result.

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