Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

April 01, 2023

Preply Vs. Cambly: Which is Better Option for Teachers?

With the advent of technology, learning English online has become simpler; you can be at home and grasp the new language.

Today's online English language learning focuses more on practical applications and lessons for any level and age group.

Regarding language learning platforms, several online platforms connect English tutors and learners.

This blog will discuss two popular language learning platforms, Preply and Cambly.

Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme
Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme

What is the Cambly business model?

Cambly is an online language tutoring platform that connects English learners with native speakers worldwide.

The company's business model is based on providing an accessible and affordable language learning service that helps students improve their English skills through live conversation practice.

Cambly offers subscription-based plans, where students can pay a monthly or yearly fee to access the platform and schedule one-on-one conversation sessions with tutors.

The platform also offers a pay-as-you-go option, where students can purchase a certain number of minutes to use whenever they want.

In addition to its core tutoring service, Cambly offers specialized courses and resources for specific English language skills, such as grammar, pronunciation, and writing.

These courses are available as add-ons to the subscription plans or can be purchased separately.

How Cambly makes money?

Cambly generates revenue by paying a commission on students' fees to its tutors. The platform also earns revenue from its premium courses and resources.

Additionally, the company has partnerships with schools and universities, providing a white-label version of its platform to educational institutions to enhance their language learning programs.

Overall, Cambly business model relies on providing an accessible and personalized language learning service that meets the needs of a global audience while leveraging technology to connect learners with native speakers from around the world.

Pros and cons of Cambly:

Cambly is an online English tutoring platform that connects students with native English speakers.

Here are some pros and cons of using Cambly:


  • Flexible scheduling: Cambly offers 24/7 availability, making scheduling lessons at any time easy.
  • Native English speakers: Cambly's tutors are native English speakers from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, providing students with an authentic learning experience.
  • Conversational approach: Cambly focuses on conversational English, making it ideal for students who want to improve their speaking and listening skills.
  • Free trial: Cambly offers a free trial for new students, allowing them to try the service before committing to a paid plan.
  • No minimum commitment: Unlike other tutoring services, Cambly does not require a minimum commitment, allowing students to take as many or as few lessons as they want.


  • Expensive: Cambly is relatively expensive compared to other online tutoring platforms.
  • Limited curriculum: Cambly's focus on conversational English means that there may be better options for students who want a structured curriculum with a specific learning path.
  • Variable quality: Because Cambly's tutors are not required to have teaching certifications or experience, the quality of the tutoring can vary widely.
  • Limited feedback: Because Cambly's focuses on conversation, students may need more detailed feedback on their writing or grammar skills.
  • No offline resources: Cambly only offers offline resources or materials for students to study independently outside their sessions with a tutor.

What is Preply?

Preply is a language learning marketplace where tutors offer language services.

Students can select a language teacher and schedule lessons on a specific date.

Prices differ according to the teacher, and you can easily choose tutors that suit your needs and budget.

Pros and Cons of Preply:

Preply is an online platform that connects students with tutors for one-on-one lessons. As with any platform, there are both pros and cons to using Preply:


  • Wide range of tutors: Preply has a large pool of tutors worldwide, making it easy to find a tutor who speaks your target language and fits your schedule.
  • Flexible scheduling: Tutors on Preply are available 24/7, so you can book a lesson at a convenient time.
  • Affordable pricing: Preply's pricing is generally lower than what you would pay for in-person traditional language lessons.
  • Variety of lesson types: Preply offers a range of lesson types, including conversation practice, grammar instruction, and exam preparation.
  • Easy payment and cancellation: Payments and cancellations are processed quickly and easily through the platform.


  • Quality of tutors can vary: Because anyone can apply to be a tutor on Preply, the quality of tutors can vary widely. It's important to read reviews and choose a tutor with a strong track record.
  • Technical issues: Technical issues can sometimes arise during online lessons, such as poor internet connection or audio problems.
  • Limited interaction: Because lessons are conducted online, you may get a different level of interaction than you would in person. This can make it more difficult to pick up on nuances of the language.
  • Limited support outside of lessons: Preply's support is limited to scheduling and payment issues. You may need to look elsewhere for additional help with language learning outside of lessons.
  • Preply can be a great option for language learners seeking affordable, flexible, and convenient language instruction.
  • Still, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and choose a tutor carefully to ensure a positive learning experience.

Differences between Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are both online language learning platforms, but there are some differences between them:

Teaching Approach:

Preply focuses on a more structured learning approach with the ability to choose your own tutor and schedule lessons.

At the same time, Cambly provides more informal conversation-based practice with the option to speak with various tutors on a more ad-hoc basis.

Tutoring Availability:

Preply offers lessons in more than 50 languages, while Cambly is focused on English language learning.


Preply offers a range of pricing options, with tutors setting their rates, while Cambly offers a subscription-based model with unlimited tutor access for a monthly fee.

Tutor Qualifications:

Preply tutors are required to have teaching certifications or relevant experience, while Cambly tutors do not necessarily need formal teaching credentials.


Preply offers features such as lesson plans, progress tracking, and homework assignments, while Cambly focuses more on live video chat with tutors.

Ultimately, the choice between Preply and Cambly will depend on your learning goals, preferences, and budget.

Similarities of Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are online platforms offering language tutoring services, connecting students with tutors worldwide.

Here are some of the similarities between the two platforms:

Language options:

Both Preply and Cambly offer tutoring services in a variety of languages. Students can find tutors who specialize in languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more.

Flexible scheduling:

Both platforms offer flexible scheduling options, allowing students to book sessions at times that are convenient for them. This makes it easy for students to fit language learning into their busy schedules.

One-on-one tutoring:

Preply and Cambly provide one-on-one tutoring sessions, giving students personalized attention from their tutors. This allows for a more focused and customized learning experience.

Variety of tutors:

Preply and Cambly have a diverse pool of tutors worldwide, allowing students to work with tutors from different cultural backgrounds and teaching styles.

Overall, Preply and Cambly share many similarities in their approach to language tutoring, offering students the flexibility and personalized attention they need to achieve their language learning goals.

Preply and Cambly, which is the best:

Both Preply and Cambly are good when it comes to learning a new language. But it all comes down to your choice.

And if you wonder which language learning platform is best, the best bet is to build an online language learning platform as you hold control of running a business.

You can use the industry’s best online tutoring software to build your Preply-like platform to host your online classes.

It comes with best-in-class features and allows you to customize the script to suit your needs.

Preply and Cambly are online platforms providing language learning services, but they have different features and target different audiences.

Here's a brief comparison between the two:


  • Offers personalized one-on-one language lessons with professional tutors.
  • Has a broader range of languages available for learning?
  • Provides more advanced tools for scheduling, payments, and lesson materials.
  • Offers a variety of language proficiency tests to help learners track their progress.
  • It tends to be more expensive than Cambly, with prices varying depending on the tutor's experience and expertise.


  • Offers conversational English practice with native English speakers.
  • Provides 24/7 access to tutors, making it more flexible for learners who want to practice anytime, anywhere.
  • Offers a free trial session and a low-cost subscription plan for unlimited tutor access.
  • It has a mobile app that allows learners to practice on the go.
  • Has limited options for learning languages other than English.

Regarding which platform is better, it ultimately depends on your goals and preferences.

If you're looking for personalized language instruction and are willing to pay a higher price, Preply may be the better choice.

However, if you're looking for more casual conversational practice with native speakers and want to save money, Cambly might be a better fit.


Selecting the language learning platform for your English learning (or any other language) doesn't have to be difficult.

You can decide your needs when you want to explore a new language. If you want a well-qualified teacher, choose Preply, and if learning on the go is your priority, try out Cambly.

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September 15, 2022

Are You A Beginning English Student? Start Here

English is a West Germanic language, highly influenced by French and Latin.

It has become the international language of business, tourism, diplomacy, and even the internet.

Acquiring English fluency will provide students with new job markets, the ability to travel internationally, and the skills to develop strong interpersonal relations with people from other cultures.

Are You A Beginning English Student? Start Here: eAskme
Are You A Beginning English Student? Start Here: eAskme

Not to mention, English fluency looks great on any resume and increases the chance of employment in domestic and international markets.

Whether you're interested in touring the globe or attempting to expand your international career options, beginner English lessons from a private online tutor on can help you achieve fluency in a way that is both efficient and economical.

What Makes English So Challenging For Beginners?

The English language features an unusually large number of words. This is because English has more synonyms than other languages: achieve, attain, and accomplish.

Each word essentially means the same thing, but each comes with slightly different connotations that are hard to grasp as a beginner.

The BBC cites English as having 171,146 words in active use with an additional 47,156 obsolete words that you'll need to avoid entirely.

Furthermore, you'll only need to master around 15-20,000 of those active words to speak fluently.

Utilizing a private tutor can help you manage your time efficiently by avoiding outdated words, navigating tricky grammar, and nailing pronunciation.

While gaining English fluency can provide new professional and personal opportunities, it remains a challenging language to master.

Chief among these challenges is the pronunciation—a facet of English sporting an unusually high number of irregularities.

These irregularities extend to the English orthography, or spelling system, featuring a series of double and silent letters.

An example of this would be the double t in little or the difference in pronunciation between "rid" and "ride."

English has numerous homophones, meaning words with the same pronunciation but different spellings, such as "waste or waist" and "weather or weather."

These intricacies make English particularly tricky to pick up through solo study.

Don't Give Up—There Are Many Benefits To English Mastery:

An investment in English lessons is an investment in your future! As of 2022, statista cited English as the world's most spoken language, with 1.5 billion fluent speakers and an additional billion learning it.

Moreover, Forbes declared that while English may be tricky, it's here to stay as the world's number one most spoken language.

With more and more people trying their hand at English mastery, there has never been a better time to take on the challenge.

Even if you're not looking to move or work internationally, being fluent in English can improve your chances of landing a job domestically.

A report from the BBC in 2017 cited that English had become the language of international commerce, with many companies worldwide choosing to work solely in English, regardless of the primary language in their country of origin.

Multi-linguality will indicate your adaptability, work ethic, and ability to meet challenges head-on to employers.

Online Tutoring Is The Best of Two Worlds:

Students looking to pick up English as a second language might be tempted to enter a class environment.

While these can provide immersive atmospheres, they can also be expensive, time consuming, distracting, and taught at a pace that may not be right for you.

Another alternative is in-person tutoring sessions with a native speaker.

This is an excellent option for those with the resources, but it may not be ideal for beginning English speakers.

You could also try language-based apps and programs, but there is debate over their effectiveness as standalone teaching methods for users.

Moreover, without a real person to guide you, you won't have someone to correct your errors and work on your pronunciation.

Meanwhile, online private tutoring websites give you the tools and support to customize your learning experience.

You can select a bilingual tutor from your own country who shares the experience of learning English as a foreign language.

Alternatively, you could find a native speaker to help educate you on the nuances of a given culture and language.

If you choose online tutoring, sites like Eurekly have a range of tutors that can fit your schedule, budget, and learning needs.

Try Eurekly's Private Online Tutors…For Free!

Try Eurekly, a website that hosts tutors from all four corners of the globe. Eurekly's highly customizable search options put prospective students in the driver's seat.

Most tutors will even allow for a free trial period, so you can find the right learning environment that's perfect for you at no cost.

In choosing Eurekly, you'll access quality tutors who can teach you individually and help you achieve fluency cheaply and efficiently.

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June 22, 2022

Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?

Game have always been a popular pastime, but in recent years, they have also become a powerful tool for learning.

Multiple studies indicate that video games can be a great method of learning new skills and improving problem-solving abilities.

Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?: eAskme
Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?: eAskme

And with the popularity of online multiplayer games, gamers today use video games to practice their English language skills.

Even though some may scoff at the idea of using video games as a form of education, they can be an efficient tool for learning English.

In addition to providing a fun and engaging way to practice language skills, video games can also help players better understand grammar and vocabulary.

With so many benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are using such an unusual option to learn English.

You Dive into Context:

By providing a fun and immersive environment, video games can help people learn English in a contextualized way.

For example, learners may practice vocabulary and grammar in the context of the game's storyline.

In addition, video games can also help to develop cultural awareness and understanding.

For instance, students can learn about different customs and traditions by playing games set in different countries or regions.

One study found that students who played video games as part of their English language course outperformed those who did not.

The authors suggest that video games may be particularly effective for teaching grammar and vocabulary.

As video games continue to gain popularity, more and more language learners are likely to turn to them to improve their English skills.

Repetition of Words Is Useful:

Video games can be used for educational purposes through the repetition of words.

When words are repeated multiple times, players learn and remember them more effectively.

This is especially useful for learning English as it can be difficult to remember all the rules and exceptions.

Therefore, repeating words in video games allows players to learn English quicker and more easily.

Moreover, they can also improve literacy rates by having a fun and engaging way to learn.

Practice Reading and Listening:

Video games allow players to focus on their reading and listening skills.

While playing, users must pay attention to the text on the screen and listen carefully to what other characters are saying to make progress in the game.

This kind of practice can be extremely useful for those learning or improving their English skills.

Moreover, video games can help students connect what they learn in class and real-life applications of language use.

By interacting with virtual characters who live in fictional worlds, learners can explore different scenarios and incorporate new vocabulary into their lives.

In short, video games offer an engaging platform for practicing English while enhancing other language-related skills.

So, the next time you're tempted to dismiss video games as a waste of time, remember that there is much more to them than meets the eye!

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March 11, 2022

What is Google Word Coach? Everything You Must Know!

Do you want to learn new words or increase your vocabulary? If yes, then Google Word Coach is for you.

Google word coach is an effort from Google to help non-English speakers or writers to improve their vocabulary.

What is Google Word Coach? Everything You Must Know!: eAskme
What is Google Word Coach? Everything You Must Know!: eAskme

Google has created an interesting product that will help you expand your English vocabulary by entertaining you.

Today, I will share everything about Google Word Coach, such as:

  • What is Google Word Coach?
  • When was the Google Word Coach Game launched?
  • How to Open and Play Google Word Coach?
  • How Many levels are there in Google Word Coach?How to Download Google Word Coach Game?

Let’s start answering all the questions.

What is Google Word Coach?

Google Word Coach is a quiz game.

You will get two options and choose the one before moving to the next question.

Google Word Coach will show you red if you choose the wrong answer and green color when you choose the right answer.

In each question, Google Word Coach will show you a word, and you have to choose the right or related word.

It is a fun way to learn new words and expand your English vocabulary. You can also use the “Dictionary and Translation” box when searching for the meaning on Google. Google search for a word meaning can also display Word Coach.

Google always finds new and fun ways to keep users engaged. Google has already offered many things such as Treasury, Snippets, Dictionary, language translator, et. To help you understand different languages.

Google Word Coach is another effort to help users learn more about English.

If you want to improve your vocabulary, you should use Google Word Coach.

When was the Google Word Coach Game launched?

Google Word Coach Game launched in 2018. It is for every single person who wants to improve his vocabulary.

Google Word Coach has been adding new words to the game from day one. You cannot learn everything in one day.

Regular use of Google Word Coach Game surely helps you find new words, learn the meaning and related words every day.

Google Word Coach game saves you from downloading additional apps and helps you learn effective English words.

You can visit the Google Word Coach website by searching “Google Word Coach” on Google.

According to Google, Google Word Coach is an interesting game developed to expand English vocabulary in the most engaging and fun way. People can find it when they search “Google Word Coach” on Google or under “Dictionary and Translate boxes.”

Google Word Coach launched for non-English speaking countries like India.

If you want to learn new words every day, you should visit Google Word Coach daily. Its easy-to-use system attracts people to learn new words regularly. You can improve your English vocabulary even if you give a wrong answer.

Google Word Coach explains the right answer and why the wrong answer is marked red.

How to Open and Play Google Word Coach game?

You can open the Google Word Coach game by visiting or searching “Word Search” or “Google Word Coach” in your browser.

Click on the “Start the Quiz” button on the google word coach website to start the quiz.

You will get two options for each question, and you need to choose one that you think is the right one.

Google Word Coach game ask 3 types of questions such as:

  • Which Word is Similar to?
  • Which Word is Opposite to?
  • Which Image best Fits the Word?

How Many levels are there in Google Word Coach?

There are two levels of the Google Word coach game. You have to play some rounds before moving to the next level. In the 2nd level, you will plan an endless vocabulary game.

After giving the right answer to the first 5 questions, you will move to the next level.

For each right answer, you will earn a score. You can share your score with your friends, family and followers on Facebook, WhatsApp, email, and Twitter. Your score reset when you close the browser.

How to Download Google Word Coach Game?

There is no way to download Google Word Coach Game. You can use Google Web Browser, Chrome or Mozilla or any other browser to search “Word Coach” or “Google Word Coach”.

You can also search word meaning or use Google Translator to find Google Word Coach Game under the “meaning and Translation” box.


Google Word Coach is an amazing way to learn new words and improve vocabulary with some limitations. It cannot save your score and cannot save the words you have answered.

Yet Google Word Coach Game is the most interesting way to learn new words daily.

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February 11, 2019

Where to Find the Best English to Finnish Translation?

If you are an English business want to expand your services or product details to Finland communities; you'll need English to Finnish translation, so your audience can understand your content and connect naturally.

Where to Find the Best English to Finnish Translation?: eAskme
Where to Find the Best English to Finnish Translation?: eAskme

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You may or may not be informed that Finland is a bilingual land, and depending upon your readers, your documents may need both Swedish and Finnish translations.

Whether you need English to Finnish or Finnish to English translation services, DutchTrans can provide you with any translation for any document related to any industry.

The Highest Standards in English to Finnish Translation Service

Where to Find the Best English to Finnish Translation?: eAskme

DutchTrans offers English to Finnish translation service of the highest standard, while also keeping our rates to the inexpensive available in the industry.

With our TEP (Translation, Editing, and Proofreading) process and two-translator system - one to translate, and one to proofread - you're ensured error-free translation with fast turnaround and delivery.

DutchTrans is the leading translation and interpretation services provider in the UK providing quality Finnish Translation and Interpretation services to corporate, individuals, government offices, tour and travels, industries, and other domains.

We hold expertise to offer an extensive variety of Finnish to English and English to Finnish language translation service to our valuable clients.

Our range of services is known for their total accuracy and competitive prices.

We have native Finnish translators and interpreters who are skilled and have several years of experience in various areas such as finance, legal, technical, marketing, and others.

Why You Choose Our Services?

  • Each Finnish translation goes through three stages: translation, editing and proof-reading.
  • Finnish translators work with translation programs Trados Translator’s Workbench and Trados MultiTerm which ensure consistent terminology.
  • Data safety, storage, and confidentiality are our responsibilities. Server storage for finished Finnish translations. If you lose your Finnish translation, we will find it in our electronic archives.
  • Educated, skilled and service-oriented Finnish project managers who continuously improve their experiences in Finnish project management.
  • We work globally and have international work experience since we have our customers and translators in all continents.
  • Additional services: layout design for Finnish translations, preprint preparation. When handing in the copy for Finnish translation, you may choose to receive the layout ready to print. Layout design service (DTP — Desktop Publishing).

Our Finnish translation specialists have provided hundreds of English to Finnish translated medical, legal, and technical texts, as well as any business document you can think of.

They have the knowledge and the experiences necessary to make sure your texts are just as professional in Finnish as they were in English.

We work online and can contact the client in any parts of the world and answer to any of your minor or major and urgent need in Finnish translation services.

To get a free quote, feel free to visit our official website and choose your source and target language and upload your file or fill in your text.

You can also take advantage of our live chat for consultations, questions or concerns.

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February 06, 2019

How to Translate from Dutch to English Fast and Affordable?

The global economy has increased your possible market in a way that was not imaginable even ten years ago, smoothing the playing range for small and big businesses. Though, it does come with some problems.

One of them is the language barrier. If people don’t understand the text of your website, you cannot expect to make a deal. You need to provide your visitors the choice of a localized, and for that, you need translation.

How to Translate from Dutch to English Fast and Affordable?: eAskme
How to Translate from Dutch to English Fast and Affordable?: eAskme

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The difficulty is translating text from one language to another is not a natural process.

Word-for-word translation does not work because there are differences in language that get failed in translation. Such mistakes can significantly change the meaning of the message.

Following are the fast and affordable ways to translate Dutch to English:

Machine translation

Machine translation software automates the method of translating text from the Dutch language to English.

The primary machine translation software relies rigidly on word-for-word translation.

Some technologies add a rule-based or statistically-modeled translation for more precise translations. Machine translation tools interpret the text without human editing.

Machine translation is the best fit when companies need fast, affordable translations and accuracy is not of concern.

This software is used by translation service providers and is usually included in translation management software.

Google Translate

You don’t have to view very far from a fast translation tool.

Google provides a free tool named Google Translate to translate your business text or website content to over 100 languages quickly.

Just write or copy-paste your text into the box on the right, pick the language, and then select the target language. Hit “Translate” and copy the created translation.

If it seems too good to be genuine for a free tool, you would be mistaken.

According to The Washington Post, the precision of Google Translate is relative to human translators, thanks to its recently modernized Google Neural Machine Translation system.

Human Translation

When ordering professional Dutch English translation services, keep in thought that translation agencies offer various service stages.

The highest service stage is a professional human translation process, where the whole workflow is managed by a professional.

An excellent expert human translator has a unique understanding of both the Dutch and English language.

Good human translators are also qualified in a specific industry and have proper academic training for the job at hand. They can translate Dutch to English in an accurate and professional manner.

Translation is not only matching terms between languages: it needs a good knowledge of the subject matter so that the translation can be composed in a natural language which is at the appropriate reading level for the target audience.

DutchTrans provides professional human translation services for businesses and individuals around the world.

We are dedicated to always providing professional human translation, as machine translation is not yet sufficiently advanced to translate documents with the knowledge and difference that human translators provide.

We also offer a second service level: a combined software and human translation process. The initial translation is executed by software, and the result is post-edited by professional translators.

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June 12, 2017

How to Teach English to Children Using Helen Doron English Method?

The Helen Doron English method has been used for over three decades for teaching children English.

In this period, the methodology has been used to teach English to more than 2 million children globally.

The reason for the popularity of the Helen Doron English method is attributed to its ease of implementation.

The coursework is designed to teach children English the same way they learn their mother tongue.

The model uses the same way children learn to understand and speak their native language before reading and writing to teach them English.

How to Teach English to Children Using Helen Doron English Method : eAskme
How to Teach English to Children Using Helen Doron English Method : eAskme
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The Helen Doron method for EFL was developed to make learning English much more interesting, engaging, and fun for children.

This ultimately makes it easier to learn the language as it ignites a child’s innate curiosity toward learning.

The Benefits of using the Helen Doron English Method:

This technique is founded on the fundamental doctrines of repeated hearing and positive reinforcement.

For the overall skill development of children, the impact of learning a foreign language cannot be ignored.

Using the Helen Doron English method can be beneficial in the following ways;

  • The small structured classes of 4 to 8 students help the students to gain access to one on one learning environments. The teachers are also able to give each student the required attention and also inspire a confident interactive environment.
  • The Helen Doron English Method strives to meet each child’s unique learning needs.  It takes into consideration the use of fun learning platforms like games, videos, movement and most importantly music to enhance the whole learning experience. This kind of an environment acts as a motivation for the children to pronounce the new words with ease.
  • The Helen Doron English method offers a comprehensive learning curriculum that is based solely on quality. The course also includes age appropriate provisions for children of all ages and enables them to have a grasp of the language as early as possible. The young children who go through the course are able to adequately benefit from it.
  • The teachers for each Helen Doron course and methodology are highly trained and competent to handle each child in the program. They have been equipped with all the modern learning techniques and materials in order to successfully teach the children. The teachers are always up to date with the structured pedagogic techniques that are highly essential to the Helen Doron English method. You are assured that your child will get nothing but the best and make significant progress in their pursuit of learning the English language.


The Helen Doron English method is a tried and tested approach to teaching language to children of all ages.

It is very effective because it gives children practical exposure to the English language.

It is important to note that for children, getting exposed to new foreign languages early will increase their competence level.

Aside from improving their skills in English, it also contributes to their overall development.

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